Contracts ( III )

"You can drop me off at the Opraris manor."

"Not your own?"

"Would you like to make a fuss?" Lumielle asked. She was against his chest and he was stronger than she would like to admit. Yet, Jenoix was thinking that Lumielle was much lighter than she looked. As a tall young woman, he had expected this to be a hassle. She was quite light.

"Then, I shall drop you off at the Opraris manor."

She didn't respond. The light of the moon bathing them both but she still smelled like blood. The scent was thick. It coated them and completely engulfed the scent of his cologne. She was used to it. The thick metallic twang of blood seemed to sink into her pores. No matter how hard she scrubbed, she would never be able to let it go. She was surprised at how quickly he got rid of the evidence.