My name is Jesica. Meeting ghosts is not something strange to me, because I've met them several times.

Immediately, it was around 21:00 that night, I called my girlfriend. But not long after, maybe 15 minutes later, I heard the sound of the front fence of my house being opened. I, who was still in the living room, opened the curtains and looked outside, but no one was there. I didn't care about it either, and then headed to the kitchen to get snacks.


After having been busy chatting on the phone with my girlfriend for almost 1 hour, I heard again the fence at my house seemed to have opened. Out of curiosity, I peeked at him through the front window curtains. But still the same, no one outside. The gate of the house is still in its original position, tightly closed. I sat back on the chair and continued my snacking.

Not after a while, suddenly my doorbell rang. While being a little annoyed, I rushed to the front door and opened it. However strangely, there was no one outside the house. I even had time to search the front and side of my house, maybe there are pranksters who try to make fun and then hide. But nothing, I found nothing. Finally I went back into the house and locked the front door.

Half asleep, I walked to the kitchen to drink, as well as throwing out the trash from my snacks. When I got to the kitchen, I looked for the trash, but there was none. Then I opened the back door of my house, because sometimes my mother put the trash can on the back porch of the house. Sure enough, the trash can was in the corner of the back porch. I went over to him, but the corner of my eye saw a glimpse of a white shadow near the banana garden behind my house. Then when I looked, there was a woman wearing a white shirt with her long hair hanging down and standing facing the banana tree.

"Sorry mba, what are you doing there?", I asked in surprise. Just standing still while keeping your back to me. Looks like he didn't hear my words.

"Mba, what are you doing there at night?", I asked again. This time with a slightly harsh voice.

He still doesn't budge. With a little annoyance, I tried to approach him. However, when we were only about five more paces away, he suddenly turned around. And my gosh ... My heart almost fell out in that instant. Now I can clearly see the woman. The woman's face was pale white and she had no eyes. His mouth seemed to be torn and looked very wide, with fresh blood coming out of his lips. He then walked closer to me.

Suddenly I got goosebumps all over my body. Without thinking I went straight into my house and locked the door. I then ran to my room and wrapped my whole body in a blanket, while continuing to pray for protection from God. And without realizing it, I fell fast asleep. Fortunately, that night he didn't come to bother me anymore.


The next day my village was in an uproar, because it was discovered the body of a woman lying in the banana garden behind my house. According to police investigating at the scene, it is suspected that the woman was a victim of mistreatment. He was persecuted first before being killed, it can be seen from his dire condition. His mouth was torn with his eyes gouged out, and parts of his body were bruised and blue, like the marks of a blunt blow. And what gave me goosebumps was that the woman's traits were exactly the same as the creature I met last night. The condition of the woman's corpse has started to rot. It is thought that she died about 3 days ago.