The Last Victim

Loki and his five friends, Nadia, Axel, Dika, Raras and Runa often gather together at Runa's big house or walk out together. Today they are gathering in Runa's luxurious room. Only Loki hasn't come. Usually the reason for Loki to come late is to pray Asr, recite the Koran, and other reasons such as going to the library and sleeping in the mosque. Indeed, only Loki is Muslim. The others are Catholic Christians.

"Sorry ... I'm late." Loki came with a book that was not too thick. It turned out to be a diary. The owner is unknown because there is no owner's name. His friends just nodded because they were used to it. They also discussed the diary which was like a story book. Finally, an hour later they broke up and Nadia took the book home.

Arriving at the boarding house, Nadia immediately took a shower and slept without having dinner. When she wanted to sleep, Nadia suddenly felt goosebumps on her back. And just then, she heard a voice calling out to her from the makeup mirror. The hair on his back was getting goosebumps too. When he faced the back, he saw a creepy figure. "Y ... You?" he asked scared.

"Do you still remember me?" he asked creepy.

"In the count of three, the light above you will fall on your head and immediately it will explode and you die. One, two, three. "

The creepy figure disappeared and the lamp above fell on his head and the light exploded causing the vanity mirror, window glass and nearby ceiling to float towards him and stabbed his head through. And a Nadia died right away. On Friday Kliwon night.

One month later on Friday Kliwon night ...

There are no jokes, jokes, and Nadia's responsible attitude. None of Nadia's cheerfulness adorned their daily lives. After arriving at the apartment, Axel and Dika did not immediately take a shower. They are lost in their own work. Axel opens the diary that Loki found a month ago. Meanwhile Dika turned on the television and watched his favorite movie. Even Axel had goosebumps when he opened the diary he was carrying. The cold chills Dika's bones when it seems like someone is calling their name in front of the television. And one second later the creepy figure appeared. Instantly their eyes widened.

"Y ... You?" they asked scared.

"You still remember me, huh?" The figure said. "I already killed Nadia with hypnosis, and now you will die with my hypnosis without a hitch." The scary figure continued.

"In the count of three, the electricity in your room will be turned off, except for the television which only shows a creepy figure. And after that your television only shows a lot of ant-like pictures. And five seconds later your television will explode. "

The electricity in their room was turned off except for their television only showing creepy figures and turning like lots of ants.






One month later… Kliwon Friday night…

There is no cheerfulness of Nadia, no comments from Dika to Raras's story, and none of Axel's charismatic character. At Runa's house, they are remembering memories with Nadia, Dika and Alex. There are also those who feel awkward about their death.

"Now ... I'm the only one."

"I feel awkward about their death, they died on Friday Kliwon night. And… Their deaths are related to wood, glass and electricity. " Raras also cried remembering that.

"Yes, I have. Let's just go home. It's getting dark. "

" Whose book is it carrying? " Runa asked suddenly.

"I'll do it." Raras took the book and immediately went out of Runa's room.



Apparently that was the last time Runa met Raras.

Arriving at the dormitory near the school, Raras and Loki separated because of the female dormitory and dormitory men separated.

"See you tomorrow." Said Raras

"Bye." Loki said ending the meeting.

And apparently that was also the last time Loki met Raras.

After taking a shower and dinner, Raras slept. Without realizing it, creepy creatures approached him and gave hypnotic suggestions. "On the count of three you will wake up but you can't scream. One, two, three. "

Raras woke up and was surprised to see the creature next to him.

" Y ... you? "

" Do you still remember me ... Raras? " Said the creepy creature. "In the count of three, you will walk to the front of the bookshelf to pick up the book that is on the top shelf. When you are picking up a book, you will fall down on the shelf where the book is placed, and you are hit by a broken flower vase that is on the bookshelf which falls and you experience minor injuries on your feet and hands. Everything will be fine, but there will be a thunderstorm and lightning that is strong and leads to your room and drops the lights in your room when the lights are on, and the lights hit your stomach so that your stomach explodes. One, two, three. "

Instantly the creepy figure disappeared. Raras also walked towards the bookshelf to get the book at the very top. Suddenly ...

BUKKK !!! Raras fell and was hit by wood, his books, and his hands were hit by broken glass on the hands and feet. He suffered minor injuries.

"Arghhh!" Raras could only complain. Can't scream.

There is a storm outside. But there is no lightning like the creature's hypnotic suggestion. Just when he thought that someone would save him, the lightning was so strong that he could just scream.

"AAAAAAA !!!" The light above fell on! And the lamp hit his stomach! There was a small explosion from Raras's room that made a beautiful Raras die badly.

The next day ...


"Yes, just a moment." Loki replied hoarsely. He opened the door. Runa's confused face appeared.

"Have you read the newspaper today? Are you confused by the yellow line in the corner room over there? "

" Confused. Very confused. Isn't there Raras's room? "

" Yes. Raras was found dead last night. And unfortunately the lamp above Raras fell and his stomach exploded. "

Runa who heard that too her tears immediately flowed profusely.

" We'll talk tomorrow. I have something to talk about. "

For some reason, at that time his expression looked serious.

One month later after Raras's death ... Kliwon Friday night ...


" I thought this was murder because it was related to wood, glass, electricity and… "

" The book. On his last night, Raras brought the book, right. Axel, Dika and Nadia also brought the book, right. "

" Yes, I have. Maybe my friend Doni is finished near here. " Loki said while taking the book.

"Wait, I've never read that book. Later when I finish reading the book, I'll throw it away. "

Loki looked at Runa doubtfully. "Alright. This is the book. I'll go first. "

" See you tomorrow. "

Loki immediately found Doni in the park near Runa's house. And immediately went to the mosque for evening prayers.


At Runa's house ...

Runa fell asleep in front of her running computer. He was very tired after returning from high school earlier. Without realizing it, a creepy figure approached him.

"In the count of three, you will wake up and can't scream at my appearance. One, two, three. "

Runa woke up and was surprised to see the creature next to her. He wanted to scream. But can not. He could only say ...

"Y ... You?" Runa asked scared.

"You still remember me, huh. And you want to feel how your friend who died felt. If you don't want to, don't take the book and read it! GET THAT BOOK OUT OR YOU WILL DIE !!! "

But Runa is still curious about the book. He just froze.

"Then, in the count of three, you will fall on the wood on your feet and three seconds later, the computer in front of you explodes. One two Three." The creature's smile floated and instantly the creature disappeared. Suddenly, wood fell on Runa's feet.

One, two, three. DUARRR !!!

The computer in front of him exploded and caused the death of a beauty named Runa.

Loki and Doni after praying evening did not go straight to the dorm. But to Runa's house because she heard the news that Runa died. There, Loki cried loudly and Doni just calmed him down. Loki stopped crying when he found solid evidence. He immediately took the diary without anyone knowing. Loki went straight to the dorm with Doni.

Arriving at the dormitory, Loki and Doni went into their room. Doni also said goodbye to buy dinner for them.

When Doni went to buy dinner, Loki fell asleep and a creepy figure approached him. The creepy figure is Aqela, whom they (five friends because Loki hasn't joined) killed deliberately with hypnosis which made the wood above Aqela fall and hit her stomach, the glass that flew up to stab Aqela's hands and feet and the light above Aqela fell towards her head. so that his head exploded. Aqela didn't mean to kill Loki. But it made him an accident and five years and amnesia after waking up from his coma.

"In the count of three, you will dream of seeing Kuchisakeonna who wants to cut your neck and you immediately run into the lobby wearing a lantern barefoot and suddenly wood, glass, and lamps. flying towards you. And you run towards the road and you get hit by an SUV that is speeding towards you. You're in a coma for five years and amnesia after waking up and only remembering the five friends who died, your family, and Doni. One, two, three. "

" And on the count of three again, you wake up and can't see me and what was in your dream happened. One, two, three. "

Loki woke up and saw Kuchisakeonna about to pounce on him and Loki took a lantern and ran towards the dormitory lobby and he saw glass, wood, and lights flying towards Loki. He ran barefoot toward the highway which was already deserted. Instantly he was hit by an SUV that was speeding at him. The incident… What made Aqela's suggestion. Murderer ... Which no one will be able to find out.
