Hideout and Danger

Woo!Woo! Woo!

The sirens went off and Elsa followed Jaxson down the halls to the elevator .

"Where are we going" ,asked Elsa?

"To the hideout, "said Jaxson.

The elevator went down. It zoomed past the first floor. Went down to an underground area.

Elsa and Jaxson all of a sudden felt a shake from the ground. They both where shaking and moving like crazy. Elsa then bumped into Jaxson causing them to fall. Elsa then landed on top of Jaxson.

"Ow ,that was really insane ",said Elsa.

"Yes, it was", said Jaxson in a flirty voice.

Then both of them paused and looked into each others eyes. Jaxson's hands where on Elsa's sides perfectly. Elsa felt very uncomfortable causing her to get off of him.Then the elevator finally stopped with a pause.

"We are here",said Jaxson.

The doors fled open. Elsa saw the most amazing room she ever saw. Elsa then walked into the amazing room.There was gadgets everywhere . The walls where blue. There was even a picture of another hero on the wall. There where vehicles and even a lounge. With an indoor swimming pool.

"Alpha come look it's the GTe",said a voice.

That voice was one of the team members named the Hawk.

" Why is that doing that ."

" Idont know",said the Hawk.

" That dot is really blinking",said Alpha.

"I wonder if this will lead us to the moon clan Jewel."

"What's that",asked Elsa?

" I will explain it later",said Alpha.

"Okay, guys suit up lets follow the Gte and check this thing out", exclaimed Alpha!

Captain Crystal walked up to Elsa.

"Black wolf you ready"?

"Ready for what",said Elsa.

"That last suit you will ever wear."

Then Crystal took Elsa to another room where it held supersuits in a big display case.

"Wow",said Elsa!

Elsa suit looked amazing . It was all black with a howling wolf symbol that was golden . With a Short black Cape. Even a mask . For some reason there was even ears on it. With also a belt with amazing gadgets with it. The belt had a golden belt buckle on it..

Elsa put the suit on and walked out of the room. Everyone staired at her. Especially Jaxson.

Wow you look good . Amazing ,beautiful. Well at least that's what Jaxson wanted to say to a beautiful girl like her.

Then the team fled into action. All speeding through the city to find what danger they have to fix. And to see if it led to the Jewel . Then they finally made it to the sight. It was the remains of a football feild. With a ship in the middle .

Then Elsa goes through a flashback .

" Finally I have the power to rule the universe",said a monstrous voice.

"Well not exactly",said his evil slave.



The baby crys and man hears her and walks to her.

"What are you doing all alone",said the man in a calm voice?

Pitch sees him with the child.

" Hey ,bring me that baby", commanded Pitch!

Then man runs off with the little baby.

Then Elsa comes back to reality.

"That was crazy", said Elsa in her head.

"Whose ship is that ,"asked Alpha?

"Its Pitch", shouted Elsa in a startled voice.