Prologue Part 2

Unbeknownst to Sachi, a few of her family members had already been secretly plotting something against her. Some out of jealousy of her alpha status and some ignoring the mating rule. One or more had taken a fancy to some of the unmated males coming in from the Crimson Lunar Tribe. Sachi did not know any of this for she spent most of her days in training and learning the laws set forth by Selena the Lunar Queen. One or more had already been secretly trying to figure out a way to kill Sachi as she was the strongest alpha female the pack had, despite being the youngest of the pack leaders' children. It was all how a matter of how Selena the Lunar Queen set things. No one could change this widely known fact, no one. Taking yet another leisurely walk again near the river after finding this out; the news of their estimated arrival, she took a walk down one of the riverbanks near a steep edge. All she wanted was to look at the sun going down as she did most days. It was an evening ritual she had engrained herself with. Due to feeling so safe in her own home tribe, her guard was not as high as it probably should have been regardless of where she was at. What a costly mistake that can be.

Before she had even realized it, she was then pushed from behind and fell into the water's rapids. Never getting a good enough look at who it was, though she did hear them laughing at her. She struggled hard against the current to get to the shore, she was bounced off of several rock formations in the water before coming to rest on a side bank from where she went in. She even had the not so fun pleasure of falling over the falls, the sounds of her family member screaming that she had fallen in the river had echoed loudly. Her only inner thought, "that damn sister of mine, how dare she fucking push me in! And they laughed as well, what the hell!" Many village members heard her cry and came running searching all over frantically before finally seeing her laying on the sandy bank roughly two to three hundred meters down from where she fell in. They gathered her up and brought her back to the family's home and laid her in her bed. Her mother trying her best to tend to her wounds while waiting for the doctor to show up. Her mother began to cry as she had seen her daughters' condition and could not hold back the tears. The original Sachi had apparently died fully while waiting for the doctor to arrive at the House of Bennion. She had closed her eyes just as they entered their family home. It was sometime at that point; or perhaps just a little bit before at the falls, that had been when I had entered her body. That was the only explanation she could give herself for this odd turn of events. As that was the case, a particularly strong heartfelt and pained plea seemed to come from inside her struggling heart, still burning with absolute rage at such betrayal, was heard by me; and me alone. So, I answered the inner voice without saying any words out loud to find out what the voice wanted of me.

Original Sachi Bennion: "PLEASE, please, I beg of you, to avenge me."

Sachi Bennion: "Who? Who are you? Are you speaking to… me?"

Original Sachi Bennion: "Yes, yes I am. Please, please avenge me. I was supposed to be paired to one of the men from the Crimson Tribe with any luck. As you have seen from some of my memories, I will not see that particular possibility unfold."

Sachi Bennion: "What would you like me to do? In my original world, I was nothing more than a clothing designer. Basically, a tailor that designed the outfits. I have no skills in fighting or how to be a leader. How will I manage such a feat? Hell, my only other possible skill is the fact that I studied herbology as a hobby."

Original Sachi Bennion: "Do not worry so much on that front, I will leave with you all my skills and fighting knowledge of this world. That way, you will not be so lost. Be sure to make use of those skills and train hard as you will surely need them to help you for the task to come. When my mate is found, you will be among the strongest female alphas in the whole tribe. Finding him will unlock us both completely, then we will be able to transform. That is part of why I was killed by them. Jealously!! Fucking jealousy! I cannot let things stand. It is to be my duty to help rule whatever tribe I am mated to. I refuse to let them get away with taking my role that I was groomed for my whole life. It is UNFORGIVABLE!! I beg of you; make them all pay for what they have done."

Sachi Bennion: "I understand, I shall do my best to avenge you. I promise to help figure out which one actually pushed you in and I will make them pay. I always keep my vows to people. This I will do since you have died unnecessarily with such grievance. Those who cannot respect family and traditions have no rights to speak of in my opinion."

Original Sachi Bennion: "I thank you. Truly I do. Then I shall leave you with all my knowledge in all its forms as training and laws as it pertains to this world. I give you my body with my blessing on your promise to unveil the murderer and make them pay. Please take care of my family in my stead. Do not let the one who killed me make our family fall because of their misguided jealousy. Selene the Lunar Queen has allowed you this chance to be what I cannot, please use her chance well. Farewell."

Sachi Bennion: "I fully understand. Go in peace. I will make them all pay in your stead. They will know your wrath through me, for I feel your anger and take it with me as well. Your family will be looked after well, I come from a family who cherished each other, be at ease."

Original Sachi Bennion: (Voice fading as the last words diminished…) "Thank you for helping me."

Her voice fading away as she said her farewell, the only sound she could hear, the soft sounds of the body owner's mother could be heard as she cried while cleaning her wounds. Clearly glad that her daughter was still alive. But not fully knowing how her daughter's original personality was, it was clear that it would be slightly challenging to blend in. But thanks to her past memories, she had a good idea of how to speak when it was necessary to. She lay there, searching her many memories as her mother cleaned her up. There was not much she could do for herself at this point with all the damage she had taken. She was unsure of how long it would take for her to heal up from such injuries. Unless there were people back from battle that got injuries to ask, there was no way to tell how long such deep bruises would take to heal up. Her injuries mirrored the pain she was feeling quite well. It showed on her face each time the sponge was drug over the injuries. Light whimpers could be heard under her breath as her mother tended to her wounds.

In her memories given to her by the original Sachi, the lands of this world are vast, lush, and green. This is a harsh world, full of beasts and other perils, large enough to kill even the heartiest man. There is no such thing as a motorized vehicle in this world, only horses and simple carriages designed to move things. One of those beasts, thought to be descended from part of the old gods that were worshiped in this world. Selene the Lunar Queen governs our people, we are known as skin-changers or werewolves. As such, we worship her above all other gods in this world. She alone allows each of us to sense our mates through the instinctual attraction. When a wolf turns eighteen, they can then start looking for their mate. In this world, werewolves ranked supreme, those who were not werewolves did not get as fair a treatment. They were ranked in two main categories, those who were born as pure blooded and those who were turned. But there were few that could actually be made into their kind. Only certain criteria could make a normal person into one of theirs. During most of the struggles in the past, many pure-blooded wolves could find these people through an inner sense alone. That made them easy to find.

When they found them, they turned them during a past war to help boost numbers between the warring tribes. Thanks to this, there numbers had surpassed those of normal humans in this world. A pure blood could take on two different forms of the wolf. One that resembled an actual wolf, no different from the beasts of the wild, and one form that looked like most lore in her original world. Pure bloods could also be derived from former humans turned werewolf, though they had to go through a lot to be properly accepted into any tribe. But the children born after a human was turned could not be denied no matter how much pure blood lines tried to deny them. They were able to take on both forms, which helped to keep the denials at bay. The humans that were turned could only really master one of the two forms, and it varied from each person. Thanks to that, the pure lines looked down upon them, though the treatment of a standard human was far worse than any treatment of a human turned werewolf.