Ch 16 Part 2

Adie Bennion: "Alright then. Now that I have all relevant people in my home, we must discuss what the next move will be concerning Kaylan and her mate."

Ceilic Bennion: "Well dear, I would just like to say first off, I have spent many days figuring out how to make our second daughter's loss more bearable. I saw that look on her face when she first met him and was about to say something about harming Sachi. As much as it pains my heart, I must let her go as I did Arlynn."

  Adie Bennion: "I know my love. I saw the look on her face as well when she was about to try and spew some plan to harm her. We must protect Sachi. As she is the special Alpha sent by Selene herself. Which brings me to my first point. We must get word to Sachi to have her either come here, or have the other druid come here to dispense justice upon those two. What feral we have captured; we shall interrogate them and find out what that man's initial plans were for our tribe."