Part 7

I felt like I should have killed the child but she was just a baby she needed to grow up and be the next serial killer. I went and put her back in bed. I then went and made me food and washed my clothes….again. I then decided to live here for a little while 

        1 week later. This is the 2 year anniversary of my first kill. I slammed my fist against the wall, "Damn it!" I walked out of the house with my axe and left. I had just found out the baby died apparently it had a type of tumor in its stomach. I went to Colorado and stole some of the weed they were growing….well I stole it all after killing the people. It was fun I love killing people I want to go and visit my grandparents they live in Utah. But then again I shouldn't because I might end up blacking out and killing them. I decided to go to my home town and check out my burnt down house. I grew up with foreign parents they were from England. So I grew up learning a british accent.

    "Excuse me but my car broke down about a mile back,"

    "Where were you headed?"

    "My grandparents,"

    "My parents are out of town on a job vacation so it's just me. So do you wanna come in?"

    "That'd be great," I walked in and started taking a shower.

    "I left some of my brothers clothes on the toilet seat when you're finished im making some food if you want some,"

    "Thanks…..I guess," I've never had someone be so nice to me. It felt nice but the moment I met her I felt like we'd be together for a little while.