Part 12

"Nope actually I never have why do you ask Clem?"

    "I'm just getting tired of this it'll just get boring,"

    1 year Later. 

    "Listen I think we should break up,"

    "Fine whatever just know I'll be out of your life for a while," She lied the truth was she was going to follow us and not tell anyone what she see's.

    "Okay," I said walking away I think I should have stayed with her but 

    "Dude she was clingy,"

    "Tell me about it,"

    "Yeah I'm glad she's gone, what a bitch,"

    "Yeah fuck her," We started walking and we found ourselves in Vegas. We started to walk and I then saw a girl fall, I ran up to her and helped her up, "Are you okay?"

          "Do I look okay to you?"

          "No that's why I came over to help you up,"

          "Dude she's fine let's go," Jack said grabbing my arm.

          "Yeah you better get on your way no need in helping a complete stranger,"

          "Stop," I said to Jack, "I'm Felix and this is Jack look not strangers now,"

           "Okay can we go now?"

           "No I'm talking to her, what's your name?"

           "Ren and this is Kysler, why would you care about a stranger?"

           "Because when I get hurt I normally have no one there for me, but I finally got my best friend back,"

           "For the cute bad guy look you're not all that your cut out to be,"

 "Oh he's bad that's why we should leave,"

 "Shut up Jack,"


 "Oh a real bad boy,"

 "You don't want to get involved Serennity," Kysler said as I stopped arguing and listened

 "Shut up my name is Ren,"

"Oh so I'm not the only bad one here," I said walking up to her, "So why are you in Las Vegas and don't lie to me,"

 "If you're the cops then I'll talk, but since you're not I'm not talking,"

 "Dude she won't tell you so let's go," Jack said as he whispered in my ear, "I'm getting the urge to kill,"