VI. Wait For It

The company was lead down further into the dungeons by Bilbo causing a bit of confusion as they were looking to get out of there not trap themselves more. Lucien had faith but the others certainly didn't.

"What are you doing? We're supposed to be escaping." Nori whisper-yelled.

Coming across a sleeping guard, Lucien, Kili and Fili laughed. Kili was a little too loud, however, and received two quick punches from his brother and friend. Kili hit them back which when on for a while until they were standing in front of a mountain of barrels.

"What's . . . going on?" The wizard questioned skeptically.

Bilbo seemed to ignore him, "All of you, get in."

The dwarves frowned but soon listened with a little persuasion, although Lucien would never be able to fit in one of them with his tall stature. This wasn't too good on his end.

"Lucien," Thorin called, "Get in a barrel." He ordered hastily, his blue eyes wide and staring right at the one he was talking to. Lucien, however, was feeling rather pressured.

"I won't fit," The wizard grumbled to the dwarf and there was a bark of laughter he already knew who belonged. He rolled his eyes and turned to the hobbit, "Pull the lever, Bilbo."

"Wait what?!"

Before anyone could make their complaint they were all dropped through the floor and into the river below. The two left were not looking forward to following them.

Bilbo grabbed another barrel quickly as they heard the shouting beginning to grow closer and louder. The hobbit stared at him expectantly, peeking out from inside his wooden make-shift boat. "Come on, Lucien, we have to go."

Lucien looked at him then to the stairs, then back at him. What was he doing?

Putting a hand on the lever, Lucien gave him an apologetic smile, "Bye Bilbo."


The hobbit fell into the water instantly, choking on it as he continued to try and yell out for his friend that he had left behind. He couldn't believe what had happened, why did he not come with him? And what was he trying to achieve? He would surely be caught and imprisoned again.

"Bilbo!" The dwarves exclaimed in glee, seeing the familiar face but not seeing the other.

Thorin and his nephews noticed first, "Where's Lucien?" Fili frowned in concern.

Bilbo shook his head, "I don't know what he's doing but he chose not to come with me." Something wasn't adding up, he wouldn't go against the company, would he?

The water crept into their clothing as they tried to keep their hold on the boulders and each other. They wouldn't be able to stay there forever.

"What do you mean? Why not?!" Kili's voice raised though they didn't know if it was out of worry or betrayal. Either way, the boy was upset.

The expression on Thorin's face seemed to harden as he listened to his youngest nephew's questions, "We must leave. With or without the wizard."

He was right, it was just no one wanted to believe it.

"What if he is in trouble?" Balin spoke up, turning to Thorin.

Dwalin grumbled, "What if he is selling us out?!"

Some glared while others nodded but it was time to go, they couldn't stick around. The dwarves and one hobbit let go and they instantly drifted into the rapids of the river.

Inside the palace, Lucien was being escorted by three guards with two holding tightly onto his arms. He appeared quite irritated, as if he had been caught accidentally on his part but that wasn't the case. On the inside, Lucien was smiling ear to ear, he was feeling quite smug with himself.

A group of armoured guards ran past the four, ready to go after the escapees and there were two at the end that the wizard easily recognized.

"Hey Leggy!"

The elf jumped slightly and whipped around to face the one who called his name. The black-haired wizard stared back at him quite dreamily and Legolas didn't know if it was an act or not. From what he knew of Lucien's character he was certainly putting on an act.

"Why are you not with your friends?" The blonde spoke condescendingly, "And where did they go?" Something told him the dwarves would not leave Lucien willingly and it was clear he was intelligent enough to not get caught. So that meant he wanted to be found. But why?

The wizard shrugged while eyeing the hall around him, he gave the impression he was without a care, although it seemed that was just a personality trait of his. "I don't know. Must've taken a wrong turn somewhere. These fine gentlemen found me wandering a corridor."

Legolas narrowed his eyes, "I find that hard to believe."

"What? That your guards found me?" The wizard faked shock, gasping for effect, "Have you no faith?" Everyone around Lucien rolled their eyes, including the redheaded elf at the Mirkwood prince's side.

"Leave him," The she-elf spoke, "We must find the prisoners before they flee too far from the grounds." She was right but there was silence from the one she was trying to usher along, his blue eyes locked with black ones. They were much like Thorin's eyes but never would be the same, never as broken or strong. Legolas' ones had a different kind of strength, he was beyond intelligent and elegant, it showed in his eyes. One look was all Lucien needed to figure an entire person out.

Legolas looked away first.

"We must go." The redhead continued, wondering what kind of power the wizard had over her friend.

He nodded, "You're right. We have already wasted enough time. Take him back to the dungeons."

The guards tugged on Lucien's arms, pushing him to walk forward but he wouldn't budge. They pushed again, gripping onto him painfully but again, he wasn't moving. For a tall, skinny person he was quite strong.

"Wizard! You are to go back to your cell!" One guard ordered loudly directly into his ear, it only aggravated him more.

Lucien huffed, "Just wait a minute." He told them, receiving glares and odd stares from those around him. It seemed Legolas was not leaving any time soon as he had said and the she-elf was growing angry and irritated.

"Wait for what?"

"Orcs!" A yell was heard and everything and everyone went into a panic.

The wizard grinned smugly, "That."