XXIX. To The King

Hello, my lovely readers! Sorry for my absence but I've had my attention on other projects. This will be the last chapter of 'The Hobbit', or the main plot at least. I may add in others before LOTR but that will be some time, not too much, however.

I hope you all enjoy and sorry for the writing of the fight scenes in advance

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It was Dain and he had brought his army, standing proud atop the hill before the two groups, though not very tall. It had worry and fear surging through the green wizard, this would surely end in more bloodshed than anyone knew. Lucien wanted his staff, yet he did not have it. Why did Gandalf tell him he did not need it?

Peering down over the wall, Lucien met the gaze of his mentor, his aging face showing his concern. And then the raven-haired wizard saw it, his staff clutched in the hand of Gandalf, he had it and sent some comfort to his mind.

That was when the Lord spoke up, his voice bellowing over the land and reaching every ear, "Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider..." Lucien had often found the dwarf rather amusing with his sarcastic nature but this was definitely not the time to be taking the situation so lightly, "Just sodding off?! All of you! Right now!"

Lucien couldn't help the fatigued sigh that past his lips, "Really Thorin?" He asked rhetorically, not even sure if he had heard it.

"Stand fast!" Bard commanded his army.

The dwarf army and elf/human army continued to argue, one trying to keep the peace and the other considering running into battle right then because of frustration. The tension built with every passing moment and word, dwarves were immensely stubborn, everyone knew, so this was transpiring to be a struggle.

Lucien wanted to shout, he wanted to plead but he knew it would do no good. He wasn't weak, Lucien would fight, he just didn't want to see anyone else he cared about hurt. Like he had said before, seemingly a long time ago, he was the way he was for a reason and the wizard hated to voice that reason.

Before anyone else could shoot any more arrows the ground shook under their feet, some toppling, others holding onto each other for dear life. Lucien gripped onto the wall beside him, grabbing onto Kili's coat to keep him upright. It only meant one thing and as that deafening, familiar roar of noise was heard it was even more clear.

"Were-worms!" Some warned as a massive creature tore through the ground of one of the mountains. Soon, others appeared at light speed, moving over the earth like crawling death. This wasn't good at all.

Then there was another army (as if they needed one more) and it was led by the one and only, Azog. His hideous features causing fury to erupt in the pit of Lucien's stomach. That scar, his skin, those eyes, Lucien wanted to obliterate him on the spot.

"Come forth my Armies!" Azog spoke in his language, most having no comprehension of his words while few sneered at them just fine.

Tearing himself away from the sight, the raven-haired wizard spun around to face Thorin, "We need to stop this, Thorin. This has gone on long enough." The anger in his voice shocking anyone if they weren't so focused on the carnage before them. "Stop with this petty rivalry between dwarves and elves because right now we need all the people we have!"

"No!" The dwarf commanded, "It is not up to you to decide! We stay here. You! Are to stay here. No one is leaving." It only aggravated the wizard further as the dwarf walked away from him.

"Is this the morals you are setting for your kin?! For you nephews?!" His call echoed, rushing behind him into the mountain while the others followed after, "You are a coward, Thorin Oakenshield and I am sick of sitting behind these walls for your own benefit!" Lucien couldn't stop now, he had been keeping this locked away for so long that the floodgates had finally opened and he was spewing out everything he had been feeling and thinking. "Why am I here?! I should be out there with my mentor and my hobbit!"

This stopped the dwarf in his steps, turning on his heel and glaring at the wizard with malice in his eyes. "Your hobbit was a traitor!" He bellowed, "He took from me my rightful possession-!"

"Because he was doing what he thought was best!" Lucien interrupted, his tone only rising, "Don't you comprehend what he was trying to do? Bilbo was afraid of you, your kin is afraid of you. I'm afraid of you sometimes!" Tears rushed to his eyes though he tried his best to hold them back. His emotions were getting the best of him, he knew that. "You're supposed to be the hero, Thorin...and somehow you've turned into the villain."

The dwarf king stared, his mouth slightly agape. No one had ever spoken to him in such a way and it had him reeling, confused about what to say and how to feel. It was obvious how terrible he had been treating the ones he cared for and still his sight was clouded. And as the dwarf took in the state of his wizard he finally saw the grief he gave.

Not wanting this, Thorin turned and stomped out of the room, leaving Lucien and the dwarves standing rather bewildered and upset.

Lucien breathed out heavily, slouching in his stance slightly out of defeat. A hand on his arm quickly caught his attention, "You did your best, laddie," Balin gave a small smile, though it showed the sadness in his expression. The wizard nodded, taking a seat amongst the rocks and listen to the destruction the would ensue.

"This is not fair to anyone," Kili huffed, swinging his sword around, "Lucien is right, we should be out there not locked away in here."

"Aye," Bofur spoke, hat in hand, "but we must follow Thorin's orders."

Below, Fili paced the ground, "Not everything Thorin says is absolute."

He was right but no one wanted to argue anymore, they hadn't the heart. Balin assured them Thorin would change his mind and Lucien wanted to agree, he just didn't know if he could trust. Battle was an act of empowerment and ownership most of the time, they needed all the energy they could get.

That was when Thorin made his appearance, sword in hand. It had the group hopeful for a change.

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone, while others fight our battles for us! It is not in my blood, Thorin." Kili told his uncle strongly, getting silent praises from many.

"No, it is not." The dwarf king began, "We are sons of Durin and a wizard of great power, we do not flee from a fight." There was the dwarf they all adored, it seemed after all this time he was finally free, "I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me, one last time?" The dwarves and one wizard grinned proudly, happy to see their leader back on the right track. It took some time but there he was in front of them.

"Let's go to war," Lucien smirked as he felt his energy come back to him in full force, that adrenaline he loved coursing through his veins like pure power, there was never anything like it.

Next thing they knew, the bell was rigged and everyone was in position. All they needed to do was wait for Bombur to make his signal.

Thorin stood next to the wizard, mentally readying himself for the battle to come. "I apologize, Lucien...for everything." He said sincerely, his eyes showing ice-cold orbs.

Lucien smiled, "I know, Thorin."

That was when the horn was blown, the sound loud enough to rumble the land and shake their bones. Hearts raced and breathing increased but they were ready, they had to be.

The wizard unsheathed his sword, firmly held in his hand like another limb and that was when the bell forced through the wall in front of the doorway, breaking through easily. The rocks all tumbled with the weight of each other, falling to the ground and creating a bridge. This was their chance.

Lucien ran beside Thorin, both of their swords raised and a battle cry leaving their lips. Charging through the army of dwarves, passing with a purpose for war and death of the enemy.

"To the king! To the king!" Dain's army chanted as they followed behind.

This was it. This was their moment to get their revenge on the vile creatures and no one dared pass up the chance for vengeance. Lucien sure didn't, raising his blade and slicing through the first orc he laid his eyes on. There was no time to waste, he struck the next one, his sword going right through the chest of the next enemy.

Blood was shed and bodies were dropped left, right and centre.

The wizard went for the head of another, cutting it clean off and barely hearing it fall to the ground with a thud as well as its body. Picking up another blade, Lucien sliced, cut, stabbed and slashed with all his might but what he really wanted was something more, something that was his. He just had to find Gandalf.

Tearing his way through, Lucien steered away from the company and towards the town. He knew Gandalf would have taken Bilbo there for some sort of safety.

Sweat dripped and so did the blood coating the wizard's face, sticking like a second skin but he ignored it as he continued his way. Skewering two orcs with one sword, Lucien ducked under another's blade before using his other sword to slash its stomach, the orcs guts spewing out slightly. It was a vulgar sight but nothing the wizard hadn't seen before.

He made it into the town, seeing the men beginning to take up arms. Lucien ran passed a group of fighting humans with orcs, noticing some humans hiding in corners out of fear or others on the ground close to death. War was a terrible thing to behold.

The wizard didn't where to go from there, which way?

"Lucien!" His name was soon heard being called and it definitely wasn't Gandalf, "Lucien! You stubborn wizard!" He knew that voice. Bard, of course, it was.

"Bard? What are you doing? Where are your children?" The wizard peered around the crumbling buildings and violent battling. He was glad they weren't around but then where were they? And were they safe?

"Here," The man thrust something into Lucien's hand, "Gandalf told me to give it to you."

Eyeing the weapon, Lucien had a revelation. This was his weapon. Something that held his power and strength, there was nothing else like it and it was finally back in his possession. Lucien could feel the relief, it heightened his senses and expanded his field of knowledge of most things others would never comprehend. It was everything he was.

Sure the wizard could use his powers without his staff but he never had a need to so he never learned. Now was probably the time when he should.

"Thank you, Bard," Lucien breathed.

The man nodded, that look of uncertainty in his eyes, "You will be alright?" He questioned, knowing he could take care of himself yet he couldn't help but worry.

Lucien smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I will now. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself and your children. And I will see you soon...I hope." It wasn't much of goodbye but they couldn't stick around for much longer, people needed their help and Lucien had to find his company.

Energy turned into power, and when that happened, magic ensued. Beams of what seemed to be a pure green light tore through the bodies of orcs, ripping them to shreds and pulverising their entire beings. This was what his power looked like and you'd be sure not to be on the receiving end of it.

"Repulsive. Vile. Disgusting. Demonic. Trash." Lucien took his anger out on each and every one of the creatures before him, all running at the wizard likes charging bulls and falling like measly flies. It honestly felt good to get out and he was having a great time. That was until he heard that call of someone he completely resented the existence of, no doubt sitting atop his mountain surrounded by guards. "Azog," He growled through his teeth, "I'm coming for you."

With all his might, Lucien the green pushed his way through to get to that dreaded mountain. Wielding his staff, he knocked away any remaining orcs and sprinted to the finish line where he ran up the incline, dodging attacks and tumbling bodies. Thorin and some of the others could use his help, his perception was clear of that.

Then, an arrow went flying and hit its mark as it embedded into the back of the wizard's thigh. Red hot piercing pain wasn't enough to stop him, however. The culprit was one of the bigger orcs, a smirk hanging from his face like limp skin and it just begged to be carved from his face.

With a grunt, Lucien snapped off the end of the arrow, "Nice try, ugly. My turn." Lucien gripped his sword and sent it barreling through the air like his own arrow, distracting the creature and making it raise its arm in a quick motion, causing the blade to lodge itself into his bicep. And for a split second, that smirk came back before it lowered its arm to see Lucien coming at him with full speed.

Using his staff, the wizard rammed him with all his might and the orc dropped like a stone, flailing his arms around in an effort to break his fall or get Lucien off of him. As soon as the creature was on his back, Lucien crushed the orc's head with the butt of his staff. "Ha. Bet you didn't see that coming." He huffed, taking back his sword and returning to his task at hand. And although his leg was killing him, the wizard pressed on.

Kili, Fili and Dwalin were not far ahead, fighting off their own problems.

"Boys! I'm glad you're safe!" The tall one exclaimed, giving the younger brother a hand with the orcs around him, "Where's Thorin?!" He grabbed ahold of a creature that was on top of the boy, cutting through its neck.

"Ran off ahead!" Fili answered with a grunt.

Dwalin sent a body flying, "To find Azog."

"Alone?!" The dwarf was going to get himself killed and now that actually might be a possibility.

"It was his choice." Dwalin shrugged before returning to his massacre.

The wizard groaned to himself, "Fine. Are you three alright here?" He questioned.

"Yes. Go! Go on!" They encouraged breathlessly, obviously having enough time for anything else but what was right in front of them. Lucien took that as the opportunity to chase after Thorin or where he presumably went, he just hoped he wasn't too late.

And of course, something else had to catch his attention, like Legolas hanging from a bird-like creature that is. A show-off, really, but at least he was getting the job done. Obliterating another couple of orcs, the green wizard made his way up the ridge and coincidently found his way to a certain red-headed elf that seemed to be in trouble.

"Need some help there, little elf?" Lucien needlessly asked as he pulled the girl away from an oncoming battle-axe, "What a way to treat a lady." He told the creature, ducking underneath its attack and knocking it from its feet before the tower on the other side of the cliff was brought down by the elf prince himself.

Legolas quickly took over, giving the babysitting job to the wizard who didn't exactly know what to do. He lightly slapped the girl's cheek, "Come on, little elf. You have to wake up. There are people that need us now, love. You got to shake it off and get on your feet," He ordered, seeing her slipping in and out of consciousness, "Kili, you remember him?" It seemed to perk her up a little, "He needs you right now. Kili needs you and you are just laying around!" Lucien tried another approach as he raised his voice, "Get up right now! On your feet warrior! This is war! Get up!"

The redhead's eyes burst open, taking in her surroundings in a rush and especially the wizard screaming at her. He was right, this wasn't how she was trained, she wasn't weak. The elf was pulled to her feet forcefully and her head was lightly shaken, hearing, "You've got this, little elf. Go get your prince." And she did, quickly getting on her way down the ridge while Lucien when the opposite direction.

Making sure Legolas was still on his feet and fighting for his life, he was relieved to see it was true but he also saw something higher over the distance and sitting on top of the frozen river. A body that he knew all too well. That hair, those clothes. Lucien raced to the end.

"No! Thorin." The wizard found the dwarf lying there close to the edge and clutching onto his chest for dear life. His hands, they were covered in blood that could only be his own. Pain erupted like a wave, for Lucien knew what this meant, he had seen it but he didn't want to believe it. His mind was on other matters and now this was all he could focus on, his love was going to die right before his very eyes.

Lucien crouched beside him, setting down his staff and his sword, the metal clattering against the frozen water. Those tears he tried to push back hours ago were back and now they were for a whole different feeling, situation and pain.

Thorin gave him a small, agonising smile, "Do not be sad, my friend, it is my time." His hand raised and rested upon the wizard's cheek, neither caring for the blood.

He shook his head, a tear falling, "It doesn't have to be." Lucien muttered.

"I'm sorry." Thorin croaked, his own tears beginning to form. Nothing had ever been brighter than the blue in his eyes at that moment, more pristine the clearest waters, more true than the purest magic and more sparkling than the brightest star in the sky. There was nothing Lucien adored more.

"Don't be." The wizard stroked the side of the dwarf's face gently, the ache in his chest growing each time.

"But I must," Thorin spoke firmly, "I have wronged you. I used your emotions against you and made you something that would follow me without thought." He had noticed at the very end and he was sorry, he just wished he had more time with the wizard, and his nephews, and his sister.

Lucien let out a noise that sounded like a huff and a chuckle, though it was anything but full of happiness and amusement, "I have done the same, Thorin. And I would have followed you without the manipulating."

There that smile was again, majestic and that of a true king who was now on the brink of death, "Tell Bilbo...he was a great--he was a great friend and that I would forgive him until eternity if I could." The dwarf stuttered with difficulty, "And Lucien, your loyalty is beyond measure, my friend, my wizard, my warrior." His head rested back onto the ice.

"And your kindness is not of this earth, my friend, my king, my love." Lucien sobbed at the sight of the light fading from his eyes, "Goodbye."