Caught in act!


Eleanor directly rushed inside the bathroom, to hide her bleeding nose. Damn god!

Can she bury herself in a hole? Where in the world would a girl get a nosebleed when she saw her boyfriend half-naked? But it's not like this was even the first time she had seen it! She wondered why she was having such sinful thoughts about him. 

Eleanor had yet to realize the change of the situation and circumstances between them. At that time, he was her benefactor but not someone whom she cared about. But now things are different. He was her future. And she failed to realize that there was a little hidden pervert inside of her. 


The perverted version of Eleanor with an eggplant body felt that someone was tickling it to wake up. The perverted Eleanor version woke up and saw that both the devil, angel, brain and heart surrounded her with their respective weapons. 

"What happened?" The perverted version asked.