First step


Cedric didn't sleep after Edward left. He wanted to get drunk senselessly. He wondered if he turned into a monster or what? 

If not, the woman whom he loved didn't even say a word about her pregnancy to him. Was he that cruel? He wondered if he overdid the things. Feeling guilty, he went to his bar and took an alcohol bottle to drink. He finished one by a fourth of the bottle. As seconds passed he was turning angry at himself. 

And he realized that… without Eleanor… he was nothing but an empty vessel. He has to tell her the truth no matter what. He couldn't go on like this anymore. Cedric would face everything from now on. No matter who came, he will fight head-on. Throwing the bottle onto the ground, he was about to go ahead and grab his jacket. 

"CEDRIC!! LOVE!!" a voice could be heard from the hall.