The hidden page of Cedric's life (1)


Cedric was so disappointed that he started taking drugs. He used to visit a bar in Arrowglen near his apartment and started taking drugs. Soon, he became the biggest drug buyer in that bar just for himself. 

He would turn mad if he doesn't take drugs even for a single day. He even fought with someone when he didn't supply the drugs he takes. That led him to be jailed. And that's when the police realized he was a drug addict too. 

That was then… Nathaira entered his life. Nathaira went to the jail for Cedric to get bail for him. When the police refused she stayed a complete night there. Even then they didn't give bail to Cedric no matter what she did. Then she did one of the stupidest things in her life that was… messing with the police station. She turned the police station upside down and made it a mess.