Oh no! Tiffany was in a trouble! She should escape!


"So, it's all along him! Yet you hid it, dad!" Mason yelled at his father. 

Maynard Boris stood silent at his son's words. 

"Why, dad? Didn't he ruin enough? Why did you hide this thing? How can you do this? What if she gets hurt?" Mason asked feeling irritated. 

He was trying to make it up for the mistakes he did in the past with Cedric. Yet whenever he thought life gave him another chance to redeem himself, someone must ruin it. And he never thought his father would do this to him. 

"Dad, do you want him back?" Mason asked in a low voice. For which Maynard Boris said nothing. He looked at him for a second before lowering his head. 

"I got the answer!" Mason said through his gritting teeth.