What is home?

Home, a place where you lay your head to rest with loved ones. Home, a place where you are safe and secure from the outside world. Home, a place where no one is jugded and everyone is trusted, happy and peaceful. Well shoot, I wish I had that.

My name is Ariadne Gonzalez, I've been living with my father for the past two years and I won't lie it's been the toughest shit I've been through. I rarerly get to see my mom because father won't let me. So I get to stay with my father and step mother and their kids. My mom is Spanish but my dad is an American from illinois. But I chose to keep my mother's maiden name, and he's not happy about it because alot of questions get asked and he hates that, he's the sheriff of Broadview in North Seattle. Everything I do is scrutinized by the public, my every move is watched like a hawk watches it's pretty.

Staring at myself through the mirror i solemnly sigh as my heart aches for my mom. Tonight is night for the greatest ball party in town. My father hosts this party twice a year, during summer and winter. Today is a winter themed party. I was giving a lace purple how to wear with lavender sequins, it was beautiful but nothing compared to what my step sisters got, theirs is an epitome of chic. I wouldn't deny it but I looked rather plain compared to them so I never bothered to try hard.

My step mom had told me earlier to straighten my rather curly hair as it wouldn't "look very lady like" as I quote. I made my make up as light as possible not wanting to gather up much attention as I covered my freckles and painted my lips dark red. Dad was rather happy today, though having warned me to be on my best behavior, meanwhile he should have spoken to his spoiled brats.

The music had started playing downstairs and I knew the party had started, coming down the stairs I looked in the room as everyone of high importance had arrived. My father was at the entrance with my stepmom with their hands interlaced together as they welcomed their guests. I however was going to try and blend in the crowd to stay out sight, I stepped into the garden for fresh air before I would head back to the house, I gazed at the moonlit sky, as the pool had a silvery look to it, it was all eccentric. I drawed in a deep breath and headed to the room.

I walked in just as my dad was about to give a speech thanking everyone for making it, and he announced his upcoming plans for opening a new company. He then call his family to the stage, my step mom Alisa, His daughters Brianna and Bianca with Bryan and of course he excludes me never mentioning anything me. As he came down from the stage he was congratulated here and fhere, Alisa and Brianna sent me a glare for God knows what, Bianca waved me though she has always been the meekest amoung them all and I responded with a small smile.

Along the line, my father had proposed the betrothing of Brianna and Eros. Eros's father was quite the most successful CEO and owner of the Russo's mill and petroleum industry. The betrothal had been put into consideration but tonight had sealed the deal, so Brianna and eros would get married when they come of age. Slowly the amount of people were dissipating from the house as Father told his good byes to his guests. I went to my room to take off the uncomfortable gown, and I threw on my sweatpants and sweater on. I walked to the kitchen to grab an apple, then I heard a snort and a snarky laugh, I rolled my eyes and turned around only to be see Brianna.

" So looks like my future is bright" she smirks at me. I sighed knowing she was talking about the marriage.

"Yes Brianna and I'm happy for you, I see he has a lot of money"

"That's what daddy said, he told me when we get married Eros will take care of all my needs" Brianna replied.

As I munched away on my Apple, she looked at me like she was scrutinizing me then said

"You know you shouldn't eat alot you know, you'll only get fatter and obese, and trust me guys like their girls slender, like me"

I grunted internally and just walked past her , true I wasn't thin but I was thick, though honestly I would love to be thinner but I got the thickness from my mom, I guess it's my Spanish heritage.

Getting on my bed, and shut my eyes and I made a silent prayer to god to keep my abuela and my mama safe. My alarm rang in the morning and I quickly got up to shower as I used my lavender scented shampoo, then I conditioned my hair. And rinsed off my body and hair. As soon as I stepped out of the shower, I start my hair care routine because my hair is curly and hard to maintain, once I was done, I applied leave in conditioner to my hair and then blow dried it.

Alright I admit it I'm a nerd, and yes I do have glasses but I have a sense of style in fashion. I wore a chic wrap crop top and paired it with my blue ripped high waist jean, and wore my boots, I applied lip gloss and then decided not to style my hair so I just let it down.

" Ariadne, come down this instant you are going to make your siblings late!!" My step mom yelled.

" I'm coming Mrs Smith, just give me a minute"

I rushed down the stairs and met my siblings already in the car, I looked at Brianna's dressing and sighed of course she'll wear that. She wore a short low cut red lace body con gown, she paired that with strapped heels, like she didn't look slutty enough her face ass caked in make up. It was only Bianca, Brianna and I in the car. Bryan never followed us, seeing as he was a senior and had his own car, besides he went to school with his girlfriend.

Reaching school I remember the rules

One, never talk to any of my step siblings except it is an absolute emergency.

Two, stay the hell out of their way.

I never actually did mind the rules at least in school I was free from Brianna, but Bianca approaches to talk to me in school sometimes. Heading to my locker to pick up the books I had for classes today, I heard whispers,

"Oh my gosh, he's so dreamy, I'm sure it wouldn't take time before I get laid by him" a girl said

"I know right he's an absolute description of a Greek god" another girl gushed.

Listening to them as they walked away, I chuckled, girls, I'll never truly get them. I had AP calculus during my first period, upon entering the class, a nice Jasmine, musky scent infiltrated my nose. I looked up and saw Eros Russo. I locked gaze with him and turned away and went to my sit. I knew he was coming to school to be closer to Brianna since they are now betrothed and all that. I turned around to have a better look at him, and as I turned I found him already looking at me, the intesitin of his stare made me break away from his gaze, heat rushed to my cheeks and I used my hair to cover my face throughout the period. I recalled how he looked he had dark brown hair almost black, he had two different colours in his eyes, one was hazel and the other blue. He had a strong jaw that was set at 5 o'clock, and lush kissable lips, I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. He was handsome, no not handsome he was beautiful.

Too bad he belongs to Brianna.