
After leaving the shop, Felix headed straight to an inn where he booked the most expensive room and ordered food and medical help.

In the slums, crime was their motto so if someone came into an inn with blood stained clothes and a dead body, as long as enough money was paid, you were never there.

"The reinforcements should have arrived but since I didn't leave any tracks, as long as no-one sold me out, it would take long before they track me so that gives me enough time to get my things together and get stronger, system how do I become a F+ rank Esper?" Felix asked the system after tending to his wounds and eating the food provided to him.

[Every 10 levels promotes you to the next rank so when you reach level 10, you will be promoted to a F+ rank Esper, you have 7 more levels to be promoted to the next rank]

"That's a long way to go, I will think about it in the morning" Felix said as he lay in bed to sleep because he was exhausted and he needed to rest for his injuries to heal.

In the morning Felix got up early and started exercising, he did 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, he practiced his dagger skills and his hand to hand combat skills and when he was finished, he was so exhausted that he had to rest for 2 hours before he could move.

"Looks like this body is weaker than I thought, it a wonder how I could survive yesterday" Felix said to himself then got up and went to take a bath afterwards he went down to the bar after wearing his black cloak.

"I would like a shot of F rank beast blood the stronger the better" Felix said as he slammed 30 F rank beast cores on the counter, when the people in the bar saw this, they started to have I'll intentions towards him and the women were also throwing flirting glances at him.

"Hey give us 50 F rank beast cores or die" A group of 5 men gathered and and the their leader said to Felix with unconcealed killing intent.

"Oh no it's the black scorpion gang, that man has no way of escaping now unless he pays up" One man in the bar said with pity.

"I heard that they once fought against a F+ rank Esper and managed to get away, I feel pity for the man" Another man said with pity as he stared at Felix who say there drinking the beast blood.

"I don't feel any pity for him, it's his fault that he decided to spend such a large sum of money in front of us, I support the black scorpion gang" Another man joined in the conversation as he mocked Felix for his foolishness.

"Hey didn't you hear me or are you deaf" The leader said to Felix with anger as he clamped his hand on Felix shoulder and pressed it with the intention of breaking it when he saw that Felix had completely ignored him.

"Take your hand off my shoulder before you lose it" Felix said coldly as he felt the man's hand crushing his shoulder.

"You are courting death, who do.. arrg" The man shouted at Felix as he tightened his grip but then suddenly he let out a scream and he held out a bloodied hand only now did his lackeys see that his hand had been cut off and it lay on the ground.

"What the, how did, who did this?" His lackeys let out screams of shock as they asked for the culprit.

"Get him, he did this, kill him" The leader said with pain as he pointed at Felix who say there drinking his beast blood.

When they heard this, they stared at Felix in fear because they hadn't even seen him move so how could he have cut off his hand unless he was a F+ rank estper or worse a E rank Esper.

"Boss what if he is a E rank esper, we shouldn't offend someone like him" One of his lackeys said to him with fear.

"I don't care, kill him" The leader shouted in fear which made his lackeys move towards Felix.

"Take one more step and it will be your last" Felix said coldly as his killing intent erupted like a volcano and made the men's legs go weak.

"Please senior, we didn't realize that senior was so strong, how about we compensate senior to make up for our previous behavior" The leader said with fear after he felt Felix killing intent.

"Okay, 50 F rank beast cores" Felix said calmly as his killing intent and coldness vanished like the wind.

"What, 50 F rank beast cores, senior please we don't have enough cores" The leader said with a grim expression as his face grew pale after hearing Felix request.

"What did you just say?" Felix said as he stopped drinking the beast blood.

"I said I would get right in it" The leader said with fright as he tried to imagine what would befall him if he annoyed Felix.

"Good, now get out and I never want to see your face again" Felix said calmly as he collected the beast cores and continued drinking the blood.

"Yes thank you senior I will never walk in front of you again" The leader said as he picked up his hand and left with his gang.

Immediately they left, the inn became as silent as a graveyard, everyone in the inn tried to conceal their breathing especially the man who had previously supported the black scorpion gang, his legs were shaking under the table and he had wet his pants but there was an exception, a young man who sat at the end of the inn, he had been observing Felix as soon as the black scorpion gang tried to find trouble with him and he has been surprised when the leaders hand had been cut off not because he didn't see it but because of he had seen it.

Felix had drawn his blade, with fluid movement cut off the hand and sheated it immediately, this were the actions of a professional killer and the killing intent also proved this fact so he stood up and walked towards Felix.

"Who is that?, is he crazy or does he just want to die" A man in the inn said with shock after seeing the actions of the man.

"Hello, my name is Connor, what's yours" The man said to Felix with a smile but he didn't receive any reply from Felix who just kept drinking the beast blood.

"Oh you don't need to tell, this senior must be here for the "White Jade tournament" right?" Connor asked Felix with a smile and this time he noticed that Felix paused slightly when he heard the "White Jade tournament".

Felix paused because he knew of the tournament from the memories of the previous Felix, the tournament was a preliminary contest that is held ever year in the slums to gather talents to compete in the real tournament "White Jade seal tournament" which was held in the city.

The preliminary tournament consists of 3 stages, the first is the martial arts tournament, the second is the weapons tournament and the last is the hunting tournament which was held in the F rank beast forest.

"So this senior is indeed here for the tournament, I am also here and I hope we can help each other when the time reaches" Connor said with a smile as he stood up and left the inn.

"I must definitely compete in the tournament, this is the only chance that I have to go to the city but first I have to make some preparations" Felix said to himself after Connor left the inn and after he finished drinking the blood, he went back to his room.

"Whew, he left, I wonder who he was" A woman said to her friend in the inn.

"What is that smell?" Another man said with disgust as he glanced at the man who had piss himself in fear.

"Let's try this" Felix said as he sat on his bed with a F rank beast core in his hand.

As he held the core, he tried to sense the energy inside of it and when he did, he tried to absorbed it and he felt a cool stream of energy flow through his hands and then spread through his body.


[You have gained 50xp]

10 minutes later the stream of energy stopped, he glanced at the core which had become an empty shell with no energy.

"So F rank beast cores give 50xp and I need 140xp more to level up so I need to absorb 3 more F rank beast cores to level up" Felix said to himself as he took out more cores to absorb.

As James absorbed more cores, the speed at which he could absorb the energy from the cores increased and 20 minutes later, he leveled up.


[You have leveled up to level 4 and all stats increased by 1 and you have also gained an additional stat point]

"That was easy but the cost is too much, to advance to a F+ rank Esper, I need 3,400xp and I can't afford that, it's no wonder that most Espers take a long amount of time to advance, it seems that killing monsters and other Espers is the best way to level up but I won't be allowed into the Rank F beast forest, I guess I have to disregard that for now at least until I find a solution, now I need weapons" Felix said as he got down from the bed, placed the empty cores in the ring and left the inn.

"Now to find the weapons store" Felix said as he walked through the streets but suddenly he stopped and glanced at an alley behind him then shook his head and continued searching for the weapons shop.

Moments after he left, a man appeared with cold sweat on his face.

"Did he sense me?, no he couldn't have, it must have been a hunch" The man said with confusion as he moved in and he location that Felix went but as Felix entered an alley way and he followed, he lost sight of Felix like he had disappeared.

"Where did he go?, did I make a mistake, I have to report back" The man said with shock as he searched for Felix but when he didn't find him, he turned to leave but came face to face with Felix.

"Looking for me?, when I first sensed you, I thought it was a mistake but as you followed me, I knew that you were using a skill" Felix said with a smile as he fiddled with his dagger and approached the man.

Seeing Felix approaching him, the man quickly turned to run away but he hadn't even taken 2 steps before a dagger flew from behind him and struck the ground in front of him, making him stop in his tracks then he heard a cold voice from behind him and before he knew, he was slammed into the wall.

"I never told you to leave, now if you answer my question, I wont hurt you but if you try anything funny, don't blame me for being ruthless" Felix said coldly as he pressed his dagger which he had picked up on the man's throat.

"Okay, okay, I will answer all your questions correctly" The man said with fear as he felt the cold blade of the dagger on his neck, from the information he received, he knew that the man before him was ruthless and would not hesitate to kill him if he disobeyed so he decided to just do as he said.

"Good boy, now who asked you to tail me" Felix said as he released his grip on the man but his dagger still lay on his throat ready to slit it if he tried anything.

"My third young master sent me to tail you, he said that he thought you were interesting" The man answered with fear.

"He sent you to tail me because he thought I was interesting.., who is your master" Felix said with rage when he heard the man saying that his third young master thought he was interesting.

"His name is master Conner" The man trembled in fear after seeing that Felix was angry.

"Connor, wasn't that the guy at the inn" Felix said to himself as he lowered his dagger.

"How strong is he and what family is he from?" Felix asked the man who had calmed down after he had lowered his dagger.

"He is a F+ rank Esper and he is from the Alexander Family" The man said with slight pride as he mentioned the name.

"Alexander Family, wait, isn't their patriarch a S rank Esper?" Felix found information about the Alexander Family from the memories of the previous Felix.

The Alexander Family was said to be one of the strongest families in the continent, they even had branches in the cities and slums, it is said that they were descendants of the shapeshifter race and the pure blooded descendants could unlock the shapeshifter ability.

"Why is the third young master of the Alexander Family in Tarus" Felix asked the man with suspicion.

"I am sorry but even I don't know, please don't kill me" The man pleaded with tears in his eyes.

"I already told you, if you answer all my questions, I won't kill you so why are you afraid, I want you to give Connor a message, tell him that i don't care how powerful he is, I hate being tailed and monitored so if he finds me interesting, he can tell me himself but if I find anyone tailing me again, I will kill the person and send his head to him, this is my warning to him and trust me I never warn twice" Felix said coldly as he stared straight in the eye of the man who cowered in front of his gaze.

"Ookayy, I will give him youur message" The man stammered in fear as he saw Felix raise his dagger.

"Go I have some business to take care of" Felix said with a smile as he turned and looked in a certain direction.

"Have you heard enough?, did you really think you could escape my senses?" Felix smiled ruthlessly as he threw his dagger in that direction and the next moment, a humanoid body appeared with a dagger impaled in its head.

[You have killed a F+ rank Kreed and gained 200xp and 400 system points]