One Punch


[You have killed a D+ rank One eyed frost ape with the bloodline of an Ancient Frost Ape and gained 10,000xp and 5000 system points]

The One Eyed Frost Ape fell to the ground with a thud and immediately after, the cold air also disappeared.

"It's dead, it's finally dead" A E rank Esper said with disbelief after being drenched in cold sweat because just a moment ago, he felt like he could see death smiling at him and it wasn't just him, the others were also feeling the same.

"Who shot that arrow" The D+ rank Esper said as he walked towards the Espers with pain.

"I did" Felix said with a smile as he appeared next to the D+ rank Esper and took out his arrow and dagger from the One Eyed Frost Ape's heart while also secretly cutting off a huge part of its heart and flesh which he immediately placed in his dimension ring.

"Hmm, your stealth ability is so powerful that I couldn't sense it, who are you" The D+ rank Esper said with shock because even with his strength as the D+ rank, he couldn't sense Felix which made him wonder the rank of his ability but he didn't ask him about.

"I am Felix" Felix said with a smile because he knew what he was thinking, after all his abilities had all been upgraded to the next rank, his "camoflague" skill had been upgraded to the D rank and he had also used his system points to upgrade it to the C rank so he could not be sensed by anyone below the C+ rank, this skill was now more powerful than ever and if upgraded to the next rank, he won't be sensed by anyone below the B rank.

"Felix, that name sounds familiar, you are the one who stalled the beast horde by yourself, hahaha, boy you are a legend, you stalled a beast horde by yourself and killed a D+ rank One Eyed Frost Ape" The D+ rank Esper laughed as he remembered Felix's name.

"Do you know what could have caused this One Eyed Frost Ape to suddenly appear here in a F rank beast forest" Felix also smiled then asked in a serious tone.

"Actually we never expected to meet a D+ rank beast here because at first, we thought it was a treasure that supplied a large amount of mana to the monsters but now I think it will most likely be a magic weapon that connects our continent to another and if that's the case then we will be in more trouble if we stay here for much longer because an even stronger monster could appear" The D+ rank Esper said with urgency as he waved his hand and all the bodies disappeared then he took out a brown stone that gave off a spatial undulation and crushed it then suddenly they all disappeared.

Moments after they left, a group of One Eyed Frost Ape's appeared and stared at the bodies on the ground then roared into the sky as they rushed in the direction of the slums.

After the D+ rank Esper had crushed the stone and they all disappeared, they appeared in the front of the F rank beast forest.

"Brother, Third prince what are you doing here?"The D+ rank asked with surprise as he saw a middle-aged man standing in front of the beast forest with a young man wearing green robes who had snake eyes and a calm expression on his face.

Immediately they saw the middle-aged man, all the Espers except Connor and his friends bowed to him because he was the most powerful man in the city, he was the city lord and also a C rank Esper.

"I got a message from an old friend, what happened to you, you look like you just had a great battle" The City lord said with surprise and concern.

"It seems like the problem is more serious than we thought, I just had an encounter with a One Eyed Frost Ape with a faint bloodline of the Ancient Frost Ape, we were almost killed but luckily we were saved by this young man right here" The D+ rank Esper said as he pointed at Felix who was standing near him and only then did the city lord and the man standing near him glance at Felix who stood straight like an arrow even when facing the city lord.

"An E rank Esper saved you, is this a joke?" The city lord asked with furrowed brows.

"No it isn't, he is also the one who stalled the one who stalled the beast horde by himself" The D+ rank Esper said and stressed the "by himself".

"Wow, what is your name young man?" The city lord asked Felix.

"My name is Felix" Felix answered calmly as he stared the city lord straight in the eye and when he mentioned his name, the green robed man next to the city lord eyes lit up and he stepped forward as he examined Felix.

"So you are Felix, my brother has said so much about you, my grandfather also wants to meet you" The green robed man said with a familiar smile as he examined Felix.

"Your brother?, who are you?" Felix asked with surprise as he tried to remember where he had seen that smile before.

"My name is Drake and my brother is C..." The green robed man was about to say his brothers name but was interrupted by a voice which made Felix freeze in shock.

"What are you doing here brother?" Connor asked with displeasure as he appeared behind Felix.

"I just came to see how my junior brother is?" Drake replied with a smile.

"You can't lie to me, I know that's not the real reason you are here, father sent you didn't he?" Connor asked with furrowed brows.

"Hahaha, same old Connor, yes father sent me but not for the reason you think" Drake replied as he glanced at Felix with his snake eyes.

"Father sent me to test him, you know to see if he is who you say he is but I don't need to do that, after hearing all his feats, I am totally convinced" Drake said with a smile then he suddenly glanced at the beast forest as he furrowed his brows.

"It seems like we have some visitors" The city lord said with a grin as he also glanced at the forest where a group of One Eyed Frost Apes stood with menancing expressions.

"Shall I take care of them?" Drake asked with a ruthless smile.

"No need, the array has already been set up, no need to waste our time but when the others arrive, we will go in together and see this treasure for ourselves" The city lord said as he glanced at the transparent barrier which prevented the One Eyed Frost Apes from leaving the forest.

"Right now, we need to reward this young man for his bravery and courage, hmm your aura is strange for a E rank Esper" The city lord said as he glared at Felix for sometime as if trying to find out something which made Felix's heart skip.

"Let's go, the rest of you should go home, rest and come back tomorrow to receive your rewards" The city lord said with a smile as he crushed a brown stone and the five of them disappeared.

"So my brother said you have some problems with Shadow, just so you know the Alexander family has been at loggerheads with Shadow for decades so it isn't a simple fued, are you ready to get involved because when you do, there is no going back" Drake said in a tone that annoyed Felix as they appeared in a huge mansion which Felix guessed belonged to the city lord.

"I am already involved" Felix said directly with a smile, since the first time he had seen Drake, he had sensed a dangerous feeling from him and when he explained his mission, he had instantly gotten a bad impression of him.

"Is the White Jade tournament still going to be performed after all what has happened" Felix asked the city lord.

"This is a minor complication, the white jade tournament will not be done this year but the White Jade Seal tournament however will be rather interesting this year, your actions have been exceptional so you will be granted a accommodation and food and also a free pass to the White Jade Seal Tournament, you will be led to your accommodation tomorrow so get ready, report here tomorrow for your rewards" The city lord said as he waved his hand and a White Jade appeared.

After receiving the white jade he examined it and found it to be made of an unknown but beautiful white material glittered.

"All it needs is a drop of blood for your identification to be imprinted on it" Drake said with a grin as he turned to leave with the city lord.

"Oh and pray you don't meet me in the tournament or else it won't end well for you and make sure you attend the martial gathering this evening so you can meet your opponents" Drake said with a menacing smile as he turned back to Felix then left.

"What rank is he?" Felix asked after Drake had left.

"He is a D+ rank, you can stay at my place tonight, don't worry about my brother, he won't dare to pick a fight with you until the White Jade Seal Tournament" Connor said with a frown as he took out a brown stone.

"Where do you get these transportation stones?, it would be really convenient to have some" Felix asked as he glanced at the brown stones in his hand, transportation stones were a very convenient type of transportation which could be used by only crushing them, all transportation stones had an imprint which could be placed at any location that can be teleported to at any time but unfortunately it was very expensive and was a one use item so only a small amount of people could afford to use it, they were separated into several rankings depending on the distance.

"It can only be gotten at auction houses but I have some here" Connor said as he waved his hand and 5 transportation stones appeared which he handed to Felix who received it with a smile.

"These are all D rank" Felix said in shock as he stared wide mouthed at the transportation stones which he was holding.

"Yeah they are the lowest rank and the only unused one I have" Connor said as he crushed it and they both disappeared and appeared in a huge mansion similar to the city lord's.

"This is your house?" Felix asked in surprise after seeing how big the mansion was.

"Yes it is, my father forced me to live in it" Connor said with slight anger as he led Felix to a huge room where there was abundance of mana.

"Wow, the mana here is 5 times that of outside" Felix said with excitement as he felt the abundant mana in the room.

"There is an array that supplies mana automatically, freshen up and meet me downstairs in 2 hours then I will explain to you how the martial gathering works while we leave" Connor said with a smile as he walked towards the door.

"You are really lucky to have encountered a treasure" Connor said as he paused at the door.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked as his heart starting beating.

"I mean the treasure that raised you from the F rank to the E rank, I know that you have a lot of secrets so I won't question you about it since we all have our secrets" Connor said as he left the room.

"He is really observant but I was also careless" Felix said as he sat down and thought it through, he hadn't thought of how to explain his strength spurt and now that he thought it through, he realized that it would be really dangerous if someone found out about his system.

"If I stay here for a month, I am sure that I will advance to the E+ rank for sure" Felix said excitedly as he got up and freshened himself which took an hour so he sat down to examine his abilities for the remaining hour.

He browsed through his abilities and when his eyes met the light hand ability, he stared at it for some time as he thought then he decided to upgrade it but almost fainted when he saw the price.

"What the hell system, 50,000 system points to upgrade one ability, this is daylight theft" Felix screamed in his mind at the system when he saw the cost, this was half of his total system points.

[I think you forgot the most important part]

"Oh really, and what might that be?" Felix asked with annoyance.

[It's a ability above the SSS rank so you should understand that this is the price given to you due to the system's pity]

"Oh okay sorry for that, upgrade it" Felix said as he thought it through.

Felix watched excitedly as the skill was upgraded because he wanted to see how powerful it would become after this upgrade.

"Okay let's test it, why does it say level 2" Felix said as he stood up and pointed his hand at a table in the room and activated his skill.

[Due to it being an ability above the SSS rank, it can only be upgraded through a level system, every 10 levels equal an increase of 1 rank]

"So you mean, 1 just spent 50,000 system points to upgrade 1 level, what the hell system?, how could you be this heartless" Felix said with confusion as his heart bled due to the realization that he had been duped by the system.

[Don't underestimate the increase of a level, especially a bloodline skill like yours]

"What did you just say?, a bloodline skill?" Felix asked in confusion.

[Yes, the "light hand" skill is a bloodline skill unique to you, as you increase in strength, you will unlock more skills which ate stronger than this one, this is what I can tell you because telling you more will only endanger you ]

"Hmmp, you keep speaking in circles" Felix said angrily as he activated the skill.

Immediately he activated his skill, a bright light shone on the table and disappeared.

"Wait what was that?, was that it?, what a waste of system poin..." Felix shouted in anger but swallowed his words because the next moment, the table shone with a bright light and the next moment Felix run out of the room as the whole room exploded.

"Oh my God" Felix said with shock as he stared at the room which was reconstructing itself but he wasn't surprised because of that but because of the damage caused by the skill, that explosion was enough to level a whole house to the ground.

He looked around and was relieved to discover that no one had noticed anything which he guessed must be because of the array.

"This skill is too dangerous, it needs to be kept secret" Felix said to himself because he himself was scared of the power of the skill.

"This is the might of a skill above the SSS rank, just who are my parents" Felix asked himself in wonder then went back into the room which had finished reconstructing itself and sat on the bad as he used his remaining time to try and level up because he didn't know who he was going to meet at the gathering so he needed to be at his peak condition.

One hour later, he stood up and stretched his body as he walked downstairs towards Connor who was wearing golden robes which looked really expensive and Felix also met him talking a servant about something.

"Are you ready?" Connor asked Felix as he sent the servant away with a smile.

"Yes" Felix replied as he glanced around the house.

"You can't go looking like that" Connor laughed as he stared at the black cloak that Felix was wearing.

"Oh, I haven't had time to go shopping yet" Felix said as he also stared at the cloak which had several holes in it, he had been so occupied with the things happening around him that he hadn't had time to consider his appearance.

"That's alright, I have several clothes which would fit you perfectly but before that.." Connor said as he stared at Felix up and down then led him to a room and called a servant.

After whispering somethings to the servant, he left the room to get the clothes, the servant first observed Felix then took out a sharp blade and started shaving his hair and beard.

Some minutes later, Connor came into the room with a dark blue robe which he handed to Felix.

"Wow you should take a look at yourself, you look like a prince" Connor said with shock after seeing Felix's new appearance.

Felix collected the robes and entered another room and changed, after changing he looked at himself in a mirror, almost fell to the ground in shock.

His hair had been trimmed nicely and his beard had also been trimmed carefully, the robes also fit perfectly, he almost didn't recognize himself and he now understood the meaning of Connor's words.

"Wow, are you sure that you are not a prince?" Connor asked jokingly when Connor came out.

"Let's go since you are ready, the Martial Gathering is a kind of gathering where all the geniuses who will participate in the White Jade Seal Tournament will meet to get to know each other before the tournament, the tournament starts with a meal then after that, the geniuses will challenge each other and only those of higher rank can only challenge themselves but you can also challenge someone of a higher rank and after each gathering, the real tournament starts 2 months after" Connor explained as he crushed a transportation stone and they appeared in front of a large building which had several guards in front of it.

"Oh forth prince please enter, is he with you?" The chief guard said respectfully then asked after seeing Felix near him.

"Yes he is, has my brother arrived already?" Connor asked as he took out a token with an engraving that Felix didn't recognize.

"No forth prince, he hasn't arrived" The chief guard said.

"Okay, let's go Felix" Connor said with a smile as he led Felix into the hall.

"Did he just say Felix, I have heard of that name before" The chief guard said as he tried to remember where he had heard it before and when he did, his face paled.

"Felix was the name of that guy who stalled the beast horde by himself and killed a D+ rank One Eyed Frost Ape with a faint bloodline of the Ancient Frost Ape while only being at the E rank" The chief guard said with fear as he recounted what he had heard about Felix and every time he mentioned a feat, the faces of his subordinates paled even more.

When Felix entered the hall, his nose was bombarded with all types of appetizing aromas, he looked around at all the delicious delicases on the table which could not be compared to even the most delicious meal on earth.

"Let's sit down, it's about to start" Connor said as he led Felix to one of the tables and as they walked together, Felix could sense people's gaze on him.

"Who is that handsome man near Connor, I haven't seen him before and his clothes show that he is from a rich family but I don't recognize him" A young man said with curiosity as he saw the two of them walking together.

"Me neither, look that's Dominic from the Hugh family, I heard that he has recently reached the E+ rank but he can already last ten moves against an old E+ rank" Another man said then turned to the door of the hall where a huge man came into the hall with several people behind him.

He walked into the hall and looked around and when his gaze settled on Felix, he walked towards him and when he reached him and saw that he was only a E rank Esper his expression changed.

"Hey get and go find another seat" Dominic said straightforwardly to Felix who was observing all the delicases before him.

"I am sorry but I didn't see your name on this chair when I came in so I think you must be mistaken" Felix said without even sparing a glance at him, he hated people who bullied others because of their strength.

"Hmmp, do you know who you are talking to" Dominic said with anger as he released his aura to pressure Felix who also stood up and released his own aura to block Dominic's.

"Hahaha, a measly E rank dares to challenge me, I will show you your place" Dominic said as he laughed but as he was about to attack Felix, a calm voice sounded as Connor stood up.

"You challenging my friend is the same as you challenging me, if you want to challenge someone, you should wait till when the challenges start" Connor said coldly as he got up and walked towards Dominic.

"Oh Connor, forgive me for my mistake, I didn't know that he was your friend, I will be leaving now" Dominic said as he swallowed his rage after seeing Connor stand up for him, he knew of Connor's background and even the patriarch of his family would need to respect Connor so he left after apologising.

"Thanks for standing up for me" Felix said to Connor with a smile.

"You are my friend so if I don't stand up for you, where will my face be but you need to be careful because Dominic won't let this matter rest, he will most likely challenge you" Connor smiled then his face changed to a serious one.

"Hmm, things are more exciting than I thought" A voice sounded as a tall man walked into the hall.

"Oh my God it's Vane, it is said that his wind blade is able to cut through E rank weapons with ease and even D+ rank Espers need to guard against them" A man whispered to his friends, every one in this room was a genius but this man was a one in a hundred genius.

"I heard that he was the number 5 on the White Jade Seal Tournament ranking last year" Another man whispered as the tall man found a seat at Felix's table and took a seat.

"What is the White Jade Seal Tournament ranking?" Felix asked curiously because this was the first time he was hearing it.

"It is a compiled ranking of the results of the White Jade Seal Tournament, it is updated yearly after each tournament" Connor explained calmly to Felix who digested all the information.

"Hmm, this place seems lively this year" A handsome man said calmly as he walked into the hall and observed the people and occasionally his eyes would pause on some people and he would smile then after he finished, he found a seat on Felix's table and sat down.

"That is Xander from the Blaze family, he has a very high affinity for the fire element and his flames are able to melt E rank weapons easily" Connor said after the handsome man had taken a seat.

"Sorry I am late everybody, I got caught up in some business" Drake said as he walked into the hall.

"Is that drake, I heard that he is ranked number 2 on the White Jade Seal Tournament ranking, his Shapeshifter bloodline is among the most powerful among his family" Another man whispered in the hall.

Minutes after Drake had taken a seat at Felix's table, the hall became filled up and one man from Felix's table stood up and immediately the whole hall quieted down because this man was the most powerful genius in the city, he was Damien.

"I welcome all of you to this martial gathering, this year I see new faces which shows that our city doesn't lack talents, I am as you all know Damien of the Dark family and I am here as your friend as well as the organizer of this gathering, let the challenges begin" Damien said as he raised his cup into the air and made a toast.

The challenges started and people challenged each other but the fight wasn't exciting because the real geniuses didn't participate in any of the fights.

"This fights are all boring, I want something good, time for me to join in, I challenge you, do you dare to accept?" Dominic said with a grin as he stood up and challenged Felix.

"I thought you would never ask" Felix also grinned as he stood up and walked onto the stage while stretching his body which made cracking sounds.

"Are you all ready?, okay then start" The referee asked then shouted as he stepped off the stage.

"Are you sure you want to do this?, I may just mistakenly break some of your bones" Dominic smiled as he tried to intimidate Felix with his aura.

"Actually I should be asking you that question, I only need one punch to finish you off" Felix said asked he also released his aura to clash against Dominic's.

"Hmmp, arrogant fool, I will teach you to mess with me" Dominic said as he rushed towards Felix with a punch.

"I warned you" Felix said calmly as he also rushed towards Dominic with a punch.

When the two punches clashed, the whole stage cracked as dust flew everywhere and immediately a figure flew off the stage and crashed into a wall, nobody knew if he was alive or not.

When the dust cleared and everybody saw who was standing on the stage, they were immediately filled with shock.

"That's impossible, how is this possible?" Vane asked in shock as he stood up and stared at the figure on the stage.

"Like I said, one punch" Felix smiled triumphantly as he wiped his clothes and walked towards his seat.

As Felix was moving to his seat under the astonished and shocked gazes of the others, a black arrow suddenly appeared and flew towards him with lightening speed then struck him in the chest.