The Legendary VIP Miser

"This is your room young master, if you need anything just inject your mana into this orb and you will be immediately attended to" The guard said respectfully.

"Actually I would like to place some items up for sale" Felix said to the guard.

"Okay then let me lead you to the manager" The guard said with a smile as he led him through a series of doors to a room which was occupied by a very beautiful woman.

"Manager Xing, this VIP guest would like to place some items for the auction" The guard said respectfully to the beautiful woman called Manager Xing.

"Oh so what would you like to put up Young master?" Manager Xing said with a beautiful smile.

"You will learn my name later, I would like to put up a few elixirs and some beast cores and bodies" Felix said to the Manager.

"Okay we will purchase the beast cores and bodies ourselves at a good price and auction the elixirs, how is that" Manager Xing said.

"That's fine by me, these are the elixirs" Felix said as he waved his hands and two elixirs appeared which he handed over to Manager Xing who received them with a shocked expression.

"If I may ask, were these elixirs prepared by you?" Manager Xing asked with shock because she could feel the pure energy radiating from the elixirs.

"No they were prepared by a friend" Felix lied with an indifferent voice.

"Wow, I guess we are going to have two more items as the main event today, you can come for the money later" Manager Xing said as she received a storage ring containing the beast bodies and cores.

"Will my identity be kept secret?" Felix asked with seriousness.

"Yes your identity will be kept secret, you can be rest assured" Manager Xing answered as Felix was led back to his VIP room.

"This is what it feels like to be rich, feels good" Felix said with a smirk as he got to his VIP room, he closed his eyes and sat cross legged to absorb the man's in the room, as a VIP room it's mana gathering array was top notch, if he stayed here for 2 weeks, he was sure that he could become a E+ rank esper for sure.

"Dear honorable guests, I welcome you all to the Black Hawk Auction house, I am sure that most of you don't know me, my name is Master Feng and I am conducting this auction because we have some rare treasures for you and the level of this treasure requires someone of my authority to specially auction" A old man with a white beard clothed in white Robes said as he appeared on stage a few minutes later which instantly caused the crowd to explode with shock.

"Why is Master Feng personally preceding over this auction, I heard he is the assistant manager of Black Hawk Auction House" someone said from within the crowd.

"If he is personally conducting this auction

then it means that it is a rare treasure, quick send a message to the patriarch, so that is why many young masters and patriarchs of third rate families specially came today" Another person said with a grin.

"The first item on auction is a sword made from the bones of a F rank Blue furred panther, it's durable and sharp, the starting bid is at 50 F rank beast cores" Master Feng said with a smile as the bidding started.

"As expected of an auction house at this level, the starting bid is at 50 F rank beast cores" Felix said as he went back to meditating, he didn't use a sword so he didn't bother with this.

The auction continued for some time and when the items reached E+ rank, Felix finally got serious.

"The next item up for auction is a set of arrows made from the bones of a E+ rank Yellow scaled One eyed Alligator, a set consists of 10 arrows, there are 3 sets in total, the bidding starts at 70 E rank beast cores" Master Feng said with a loud voice as he displayed the arrows which were yellow in colour.

"80 E rank beast cores" A voice said from one of the VIP rooms.

"That voice sounds familiar, isn't that Cloudcrusher, I heard that he recently mastered the "Steel body" skill and fortunately he advanced to the next rank" An esper said with respect.

"Hmm, I don't think anyone would dare bid again out of respect or fea.." Another esper hadn't even talking when he was interrupted by a voice.

"90 E rank beast cores" Another voice said from another VIP room.

"81 E rank beast cores, will anyone bid higher" Master Feng said as he glanced at the VIP room deeply.

"Who dares to go against Cloudcrusher" An esper asked with curiosity.

"I can't recognize the voice but since that person is also a VIP guest then I think it should be someone on his level or higher" Another esper said after analyzing.

Within the VIP room, Felix had an indifferent look on his face, he had come to purchase items so he wouldn't back out just because of someone he didn't even know.

"90 E rank beast cores" Cloudcrusher said from within his VIP room with furrowed brows, he never thought that someone would auction against him.

"91 E rank beast cores" Felix said indifferently.

"What!" Cloudcrusher was shocked because he thought that the person was intentionally toying with him after increasing the bid by only one every time.

"Since you want to play, I will teach you a lesson" Cloudcrusher said as he thought of a plan to get back at the person.

"99 E rank beast cores" Cloudcrusher said with a wicked smile, he had decided to intentionally increase the price so that that person would increase it by 1 and end up paying 1 D rank beast cores.

"99 E rank beast cores, will anyone bid higher" Master Feng said with a shocked expression, 99 E rank beast cores for just one set, the amount was just too much but he was happy because he would benefit from this.

"Wow 99 E rank beast cores, this amount is just too much for 1 set, let's see if the other person will bid higher" An esper said with shock.

"Will anybody bid higher?" Master Feng asked intentionally turning towards Felix's VIP room.

"Why is he looking towards my direction, does he expect me to bid higher, the old fool, how gullible do you think I am" Felix smirked as he saw Master Feng staring at his direction.

"Why isn't he bidding higher, did he just trick me" Cloudcrusher thought to himself.

"Going once, going twice, congratulations to the esteemed VIP guest for obtaining the first set of arrows for 99 E rank beast cores" Master Feng said with a smile as Cloudcrusher was forced to pay for the arrows through gritted teeth.

"The next set of arrows will be auctioned next, the bid starts at 70 E rank beast cores" Master Feng said as another battle commenced between the audience.

"71 E rank beast cores" Felix's voice sounded from the VIP room which startled the audience.

"An increase of 1 core again, how did that person get into a VIP room" An esper said with disbelief.

"This is being too stingy" Another esper said with annoyance.

"80 E rank beast cores" Cloudcrusher said with ill intent.

"Hmm since he wants it so much then he can have it" Felix said to himself as he sat back.

"80 E rank beast cores, going once going twice, gone, congratulations to the VIP guest for once again obtaining this set of arrows" Master Feng said with a smile, he had already sensed the intention of Cloudcrusher and now that he had been tricked again he couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

"This is the last set of One Eyed Alligator arrow, the bid starts at 70 E rank beast cores" Master Feng announced.

"72 E rank beast cores" Felix said while meditating.

"Still increasing it by 2" An esper said with disbelief.

"Hmm, do you expect me to increase the bid, how foolish do you think I am" Cloudcrusher said to himself.

"72 E rank beast cores, going once, going twice, gone, congratulations to the VIP guest for obtaining the last set of One Eyed Alligator arrow set for 72 E rank beast cores" Master Feng said with a grin as he stressed on the latter part of the sentence.

"Did I just get tricked again?" Cloudcrusher asked himself with disbelief.

"The next item up for bid is a protective vest made from the fur of a E+ rank Blood Hound, it is impenetrable and highly resistant to fire and ice, normal attacks of beasts of the same rank have almost no effect on it, the starting bid is 80 E rank beast cores" Master Feng said as everyone's attention became centered on the blood red vest which was placed in a small chest.

"90 E rank beast cores" Felix's voice sounded from the VIP room which shocked all of them because he had directly increased the bid by 10 instead of the normal 1.

"95 E rank beast cores" A voice sounded from another VIP room.

"That voice sounds familiar" An esper said in deep thought.

"99 E rank beast cores" Another voice sounded from another VIP room almost immediately.

"1 D rank beast core" An enchanting voice sounded from a VIP room which made everyone turn their eyes towards the source.

"That's Yu Yan's voice" an esper said with admiration.

"1 D rank beast core and 30 E rank beast cores" Felix's voice rang out once again shocking everyone, the VIP miser had actually added 30 E rank beast cores at once.

"1 D rank beast core and 30 E rank beast cores, will anyone bid higher?, going once, going twice, gone, congratulations once again to the VIP guest for obtaining the E+ rank Blood Hound vest" Master Feng said as he stared at the VIP room with a deep look, he had estimated that the highest price for the best should have been 1 D rank beast core but Felix had directly increased it by 30 E rank beast cores which made him suspicious but it didn't matter, he actually benefited from it.

"Yes, I actually got it, nobody else noticed" Felix said excitedly.

[How could they, they don't have a great and mighty system like me to sense that this blood hound had a slight bloodline of the SSS rank Hell Hound you idiot]

"Hmm, I guess you are as good as you say" Felix said with a grin.

[Ha, at last you finally realize how lucky you are to have me]

"Wait were you saying something" Felix asked the system with a curious expression.

[What!, what do you mean what was I saying, of course I was talking, weren't you listening]

"Oh sorry, I was talking to myself" Felix replied with an awkward laugh.


"So what were you saying" Felix asked as he took his attention back to the auction where a spear was being auctioned.

[Never mind]

"Okay but could you please not waste my time next time, I would appreciate it if you would use the time for concentrating not chatting" Felix said with an indifferent expression.


"When a good item pops up, notify me, I need to use every possible second to get stronger for the tournament" Felix said as he closed his eyes in meditation, the mana in the room was 10 times better than the outside so it would be highly beneficial for him to train here.

Time passed quickly, several items were auctioned but none of them suited Felix so he didn't pay any attention to it until an item came up that caught his attention.

"Now we have reached the climax of the auction, from here onward all the items that will be auctioned are top treasures under C rank, the first item is a piece of the map to Thunder Mountain, the bid starts at 50 D rank beast cores" Master Feng announced which immediately caused everyone to tense up, this was just the first item and the bid started at 50 D rank beast cores.

"60 D rank beast cores" Felix said in a domineering voice, he had to obtain this piece In order to add it to his collection, little by little his collection was growing and if he managed to get all the pieces, with the system's help he was sure to be able to follow it to Thunder Mountain.

"100 D rank beast cores" A cold voice said indifferently from one of the VIP rooms.

"Who is that?" Someone asked from the group of espers.

"I don't know" Another esper near him answered.

"Hmm, this is going to be troublesome" Felix said to himself with furrowed brows, for the person to have directly increased the bid by 40, it shows how much he was prepared to get it, this was clearly a challenge to him.

"But I never back down from a challenge" Felix said with a grin.

"150 D rank beast cores" Felix said confidently as everyone felt like they had been struck by lightning.

"200 D rank beast cores" The voice once again sounded.

"Wow, this is what it means to be a VIP, directly increasing by 50 D rank beast cores, this is clearly a competition between the rich, my whole wealth isn't even up to this amount" An esper said with envy as he watched the battle between the two VIP guests.

"I would very much like to see the winner of this battle" Another esper said with curiosity.

"250 D rank beast cores" Felix said but he was starting to feel worried, it didn't seem like the other person was willing to give up the piece of the map, could he have some other parts of the map.

"If this continues, I may be the one to give up" Felix said with slight worry, he didn't have infinite money, if the other person bids again then he would give up because this was as high as he could go.

"250 D rank beast cores, will anyone bid higher, going once, going twice,g..." Master Feng said with a huge smile, this was just too good to be true.

"350 D rank beast cores" The voice said as he interrupted Master Feng.

"Damn it, well it seems like I have to give up this piece" Felix said.

[Continue bidding]

"What?, what do you mean continue bidding, if I could do you think I wouldn't, how do you expect me to pay?" Felix said with slight anger.

"350 D rank beast cores, wow what an astronomical price, would anyone like to bid higher" Master Feng said as he intentionally glanced at Felix's VIP room.

[I am sure that he is at his limit, if you bid any higher, I assure you that this piece will surely be yours]

"What do you expect me to use to pay?" Felix said with agitation, the system was starting to annoy him.

"Going once" Master Feng said as he intentionally paused.

[Difficult situations call for difficult solutions, if you know what I mean, hehehehe..]

"What are you t.., wait oh hehehehe, I like your thinking" Felix said as he laughed evilly.

"Going twice" Master Feng said.

"350 D rank beast core and 1 E rank beast core" Felix's clear voice sounded which immediately silenced everyone.

"I think I have an ear problem" An esper said with disbelief and shock.

"The legendary VIP miser returns" Someone said from among the espers that made everyone nod their heads.