Intense Training

"Then how strong are you?" Felix asked curiously.

"Well let's just say, out of my brothers I am the strongest" James answered with a mysterious grin.

"I do not know what that means but okay, so what are we doing" Felix said.

"First of all, put these on" James said as he took out 4 body weights for arms and legs.

"The training we are about to do is called intensive training, it will allow you to be able to use your potential to the fullest so at times you would feel like you are close to death but don't worry, I will heal you" James explained as he stretched his body before throwing a punch at Felix whose mind was somewhere.

"Damn it, each of these weigh 0.5kg which comes to a total of 2kg, wait were you talk.." Felix was talking when he was suddenly hit by a huge force which caused him to fly backwards and crash onto several trees before stopping.

"Oh you were supposed to dodge it, although I think I might have used too much strength" James said as he teleported over to Felix's location.

"Owww..oww...arrg..shit" Felix said in pain, he could feel like several of his bones had broken.

"Okay sorry for that, let's get you treated" James said as he placed his palm on Felix's chest, causing energy to flow into his body which fixed all his bones and healed his injuries.

"Wow, I feel good, what did you.." Felix said but was suddenly interrupted by another punch which knocked him to the ground.

"What the duck is wrong with you?" Felix asked in rage as he spat out some blood.

"Lesson 1, always be prepared for anything" James said as he helped him up.

"Well at least a warning fir..." Felix said them immediately ducked as a punch passed by his face.

"Good, your enemy won't give you a heads up before attacking you so why should I" James said to Felix.

"Damn it, how am I supposed to dodge with these weights on me" Felix complained as he narrowly dodged the punches being thrown at him while still being hit by most.

"That's why it's called intensive training, this first exercise is to enable you to be able to dodge attacks under all sorts of situations" James said as he slowly increased the speed of his punches, which increased the pressure on Felix.

"Damn, this is too hard" Felix said as he collapsed onto the ground with exhaustion.

"Wow, you are lazy" James said to Felix with a relaxed expression.

"Do you know how hard it is to dodge the punches of someone above the C rank whilst wearing these weights" Felix said.

"Oh it is huh, but I suppressed my strength to the E rank, lower than yours" James said with a mocking grin.

'This guy's grin is so annoying that I wanna punch him' Felix thought with annoyance as he stared at James's grin.

"Wait, let me read your mind, my grin annoys you so you want to punch me" James said with a smile as he closed his eyes and pretended to read his mind.

"Wait did you actually just read my mind, whoa" Felix said with shock.

"Uhh yeah, of course I did, oh wait it's just common sense" James said with a fake thoughtful expression.

'This guy is asking for it' Felix said with annoyance.

"You know, I actually didn't think that you deserved the system but noo my brother just didn't want to listen and here you are, a worthless piece of shit who can't even stand up, you really are a disappointment" James said ruthlessly as he insulted Felix again and again.

"You will regret this" Felix said in rage as his whole body trembled in anger.

"Yes, anger is a good trigger if you use it well, it is a form of strength, if you are angry then get up and hit me if you can or just go back to whatever hole you came from" James said with disdain.

"ARRRG" Felix roared in anger as his figure disappeared from the ground and appeared in front of James and threw a punch.

"You call this fast, I can clearly see all your weaknesses, control your anger and direct the rage towards your strength" James said as he easily dodged the punch and delivered several lightning quick punches to some parts of Felix.

"Arrg" Felix said in pain as he vomited some blood.

"Pain is just a feeling, it purpose is to show how weak you are, if you can disregard it then you will obtain limitless strength" James said to Felix as he rushed over and threw a punch.

'Pain is just a feeling, if you can disregard it then you will gain limitless strength' Felix thought over the words as he narrowely dodged the punch and delivered his own.

'Anger is a form of strength' Felix thought as James dodged the punch and delivered a punch to his face which knocked him off his feet.

"Do you wish to remain weak?, if you don't then push your potential to the limit" James said as he suddenly appeared before Felix who had just gotten up and delivered a quick punch to his ribs which produced a cracking sound.

"Urrg, pain is just a feeling" Felix said as he vomited blood again but stood up and rushed towards James who showed a surprised expression then a grin.

"Yes, turn off your pain and attack with all you have" James said with a grin as he also rushed forward to attack.

'His attacks are too strong, so I can't meet them headon but if I can push my speed to the limit, I may just be able to land a punch, speed counters strength' Felix analyzed as he was sent flying by another punch.

"You never learn do you" James said as he saw Felix coming to block his punch headon but as the two punches were about to connect, he suddenly saw Felix twist his body in a tricky angle as he delivered a lightening quick kick to his chest which forced him to halt his punch and instead block the kick but he was a tad too slow, because before he could block it, the speed of the kick suddenly increased which surprised him as he was hit in the chest.

"Yes, this is your true potential, even In your condition you can still release such quick attacks, I admit that I underestimated you" James said with a cough as he was pushed back by the force of the kick.

"That's not all" Felix said with a grin as he disappeared from his location and immediately appeared in front of James which throwing punch after punch at incredible speeds.

'Shit, this guy is really fast' James said as he raised his hand to block the punches, at the moment he couldn't even attack and was instead suppressed.

'Even after sustaining such severe injuries and with those weights on, he is still able to suppress me, this guy is simply incredible' James thought to himself in amazement as he tried his best to block the punches while analyzing for any flaws.

'He managed to repair all the flaws to his attack in such a short amount of time, maybe I was a little bit ruthless in my provoking, but it was for the best since i managed to push him this far' James said with a smile as he finally spotted a flaw then immediately delivered a merciless punch towards the flaw but it was halfway when when suddenly discovered a smile on Felix's face.

'Shit, it was a trick, he intentionally revealed a flaw to me so that I would try to attack him and drop my defences for him to attack, this kid is smart and strategic' James said as he was hit in the face by a kick.

"Hey, that's cheating" Felix complained as his kick hit thin air.

"All's fair in training and fighting, that actually sounds lame if you say it out loud" James said as he landed a punch on Felix's back which caused him to flew forward and land on the ground.

"Arrg, ow shit, I can't turn off the pain" Felix screamed in pain, his bones were broken in several parts of his body and his internal organs were injured.

"Oh shit, you are in bad shape, should I leave you to heal know what, let me just..." James said with pity as he placed his hands on Felix's chest and injected some energy into him.

"You arrg...I don't even know what word to describe you with" Felix said with anger after his serious injuries had healed.

"You can't just suddenly increase your rank when we are training" Felix said with a glare.

"Quit your whining and get up, you should really work on your laziness but well done, I have to say I am very impressed but don't overthink it" James said with a grin.

"Ha, I would have beaten your ass up if you hadn't cheated" Felix laughed.

"Hey what did I say about overthinking it, um I would like to apologize for saying some things which may have hurt you, I was only trying to push you to unlock your fullest potential and it seemed that worked out just fine" James said to Felix.

"It's okay, at least I managed to beat you up a little and these weights don't feel so heavy again" Felix said with a grin as he furrowed his brows.

"It seems we have unexpected guests, why don't you go find some food for us to eat, I will attend to our guest" James said as he stared at the distance.

"What no way, I want to see you fight, you are always boasting about how strong you are, well I want to see you fight" Felix said with a mocking expression.

"You want me to 'accidentally' break your bones?, the shockwaves from fighting a C rank could easily kill you" James said with a menancing grin.

"You know what, I just remembered that I am hungry, see you in a short while, remember not to die before I reach here" Felix said with a smile as he turned and left to find their food for today, it was already dark.

"Hey fool, where are you going, I am your opponent" James said to a figure which was heading towards Felix's location.

"Hmm, these days children don't respect their elders" A voice sounded as a white cloaked figure appeared before James.

"If it will make you feel any better, I never had any respect for you before" James with a grin.

"Hmm, what an arrogant fool" The white cloaked figure said.

"Although I would like to know how you found us" James said with a curious expression.

"No need to waste my words on a dead man" The white cloaked figure said as he rushed towards James who rolled his eyes in disappointment.

A few miles away, Felix had just finished hunting a E+ rank Fanged Panda and was heading back when he saw a bright light coming from James location.

"He will be fine" Felix said as he walked towards that location with a smile.