
"What the hell kind of shitty luck is this?" Felix shouted in anger as he ran away at full speed with the Earth Groundworm in pursuit.

"I can't lose it, even at top speed I can't even lose it, it's truly worthy of being the king, I can't keep up like this otherwise I will get eaten, wait shit, I ran in the opposite direction from James?" Felix asked with anger.

"Damn it, I can't turn back now, if I can take it deep into the forest then maybe I can use light hand, that is the only option now" Felix said as he raced away.

"Hmm, there are people up ahead" Felix said to himself with surprise, it wasn't normal to see people this deep in the forest.


"Hahaha, Brother Mark is so strong, he killed this E+ rank Steelback Scorpion with a few minutes" A E rank esper said with praise to a muscular E+ rank esper who beamed with pride as he occasionally stole glances at the beautiful E+ rank female seated near him quietly.

"Jane, is something the matter, I noticed that you seem worried about something" The muscular man called Brother Mark asked with worry.

"Can't you feel that?" The beautiful female referred to as Jane asked with furrowed brows which caused the muscular man's expression to turn serious.

"It seems like you are right" Mark said as he placed his palm on the ground, he could sense the ground trembling and as time passed, it seemed to grow stronger.

"We need to be on guard, we don't know what is causing the trembling so we need to be ready for anything." Mark said with seriousness as he stood up and drew out his weapon which happened to be a saber and glanced at the supposed source of the trembling.

"What do you think could be ca..." The E rank esper was saying when he was interrupted by a figure which rushed out of the trees, the figure was in a sorry state, his clothes were torn in several parts, his hair was ragged, he had several injuries all over his body and he seemed to be out of breath but still ran due to some reason.

"Run!, run now!" Felix shouted as he ran towards the people he saw.

"What is he saying?" Jane asked.

"Run!, run away, why are you still standing there?" Felix asked with annoyance, he was telling them to run away but they just stood there staring at him like fools.

"I think he is telling us to run away" The E rank esper said.

"Why should we run away?" Mark asked but his answer appreared as the trees behind Felix suddenly broke apart revealing the humongous Earth Groundworm which continuously pursued Felix.

"What the..." The E rank esper said with shock as he stared at the huge figure of the Earth Groundworm approaching them.

"Run you idiot" The voice of Mark sounded as he dragged the E rank esper and ran away together with Jane.

"I am sorry for leading it towards your location, I didn't expect to meet people this deep in the forest" Felix apologized as he caught up to them.

"It's nothing, I can see that you are in a bad shape, what happened, how did you manage to piss off such a powerful foe?" Mark asked as they ran for their lives.

"Well I was resting after a whole day of training when suddenly I felt the ground trembling, suddenly this beast appeared out of nowhere and started chasing me, I have been running for miles trying to outrun it but it's still on my tail" Felix explained as he glanced at the beast behind them.

"Have you noticed anything about it?" Jane asked curiously.

"Yes I noticed that no matter how fast I run, it still manages to keep the same distance which means that it has quite a large reserve of energy, at this rate if we keep running we will be the ones at a disadvantage" Felix said.

"So what are you suggesting?" The E rank esper asked.

"I am saying we should fight it now, while we have the advantage" Felix said.

"Okay I don't know you at all, I just met you but since the lives of my brother and sister here are on the line, I am willing to trust you now but if you try anything, I won't hesitate to kill you even at the expense of my life" Mark said as he released slight killing intent at Felix.

'Even when faced with such a threat, he still thinks about his friends first, good friends like this are rare' Felix thought to himself.

"I understand and I assure you that I will be totally honest with you, In my current condition, I think we have only a 50% chance of winning" Felix said honestly.

"Huh, you underestimate us too much" The E rank esper said with a smirk.

"Even if it's a 10% chance of winning, it's still a chance and I will be damned if this work thinks I will go down without a fight" Mark said with a grin as he brandished his saber with battle intent.

"What do you think?" Felix asked the female.

"What do I think?, I think you shouldn't be trusted but in this current situation, we are faced with no other choice so all we can do is fight" Jane said with a look of determination as he waved her hand causing a sword to appear.

"What about you?" Felix asked the E rank esper.

"As long as Brother Mark says he will fight, I will also fight alongside him" The E rank esper said with a grin as he took out a mace that gleamed with a savage light.

'Such devotion, I admit that it makes me jealous' Felix thought sadness.

"Okay then let's show this stupid worm what we've got" Felix said as he also took out two daggers.

"Haaa, take this you stupid worm" The E rank esper shouted s war cry as he swing his mace at the head of the worm with all his might as he pushed his speed to the limit but he underestimated the worm which only swung its tail to block the attack which didn't even cause any damage to it's thick skin which looked like it was made of steel.

"So tough, I couldn't even cause a dent on its skin even with my full strength" The E rank esper said with shock as he was thrown back by the force.

"Take my sword strike" Jane said as the surface of the sword became covered in a blue light which she swung towards the worm, just like before, the worm only waved it's tail towards her to block it but after connecting, she immediately used the force to retreat as she glanced at the worm in shock, this was one of her strongest moves but all it managed to do was leave a slight cut on the worm's thick skin.

"That's some thick skin you've got, you stupid worm, allow me to scratch it for you" Mark said as his muscles bulged with strength, he then charged towards the work as he swung his saber.

Seeing mark approaching it, the worm sensed danger as it swung it massive tail at him, after seeing its tail approaching, Mark immediately changed the direction as his saber crashed against the tail of the worm.

"Arrg, finally injured you, you stupid worm" Mark said with pain as he was sent flying backwards by the force which caused him to crash against a tree but when he stood up, a victorious smile could be seen on his face as he glanced at the tail of the worm where a small hole could be seen.

"He actually injured it, I really underestimated him" Felix thought with shock as he glanced at Mark.

"Your turn little brother, show us what you've got" Mark said to Felix as he stood up to catch his breath, he had managed to injure the worm but he his arms also felt numb.

"Take this" Felix shouted as he then paused before jumping into the air and throwing the daggers at the eyes of the worm.

"Trying to blind it in plain sight, is this guy an idiot?" The E rank esper asked himself as he stopped and stared at the worm, hoping to see an opening to attack.

"Is he an idiot?, the worm will most certainly dodge it, he just stupidly threw away his daggers, I just put my hands in the hands of an idiot" Jane shook her head as she saw Felix's actions.

"I sensed a strong sense of danger from him so I am certain that he isn't an idiot, but why?" Mark asked himself as he tried to see through Felix actions.

"These guys will probably be thinking I am an idiot but just wait and see" Felix said with a grin as the daggers approached the worm's eyes but just as it was about to connect, the worm suddenly raised it's mouth and directly swallowed the daggers.

"Was that it?" Mark asked himself because as he observed the dagger, he slightly noticed a trace of energy within the daggers but he wasn't sure of it.

"Ha, the stupid worm actually swallowed it, big mistake" Felix said as he clenched his fist which caused a sudden explosion within the worm which caused it to pause and scream in pain as a large gaping hole could be seen on its back.


'Its just as I thought, even though it's exterior is as hard as steel, it's interior is as soft as jelly' Felix thought with a grin.

"That's the last of my mana guys, I leave the rest to you, what?" Felix said but suddenly stopped in fear as he saw the worm rushing towards him, who knew that it actually attack him now.

'It probably saw him as the most dangerous out of all of us so it decided to attack him' Mark thought with furrowed brows.

"Little brother, run away why are you still standing there?" Mark shouted as he saw Felix standing at one point.

'Could it be that it saw me as the most dangerous and wanted to attack me, no, it seems like it's specifically targeting me because since it appeared, it has been chasing me relentlessly but it never attacked me which means that it is probably being controlled by someone, if that's the case then in order to save Mark and the rest, I will allow myself to be taken to save them, James should be on his way by now' Felix thought as he stood at one location as the worm arrived before him and opened it's wide mouth to swallow him.

"Don't worry it's after me, it won't hurt you so leave, I have a plan" Felix shouted before he was swallowed, just before he was swallowed, he caught sight of Mark and the rest rushing towards him.

'Even after I told them that, they still risk their life to try and save me, this sight makes my heart warm up..' This was the last thing going through his mind before he lost consciousness.

"Little brother!" Mark and the others shouted as the worm drove into the ground after swallowing Felix.

"He sacrificed himself to save us, even after knowing us for just this little amount of time" The E rank esper said as his eyes started to tear up.


"What is taking that kid so long.." James asked himself as he suddenly paused and opened his eyes in shock.



"Why do I feel his life force fading away" James said in shock as he glanced towards the location that Felix had taken.


The whole forest suddenly started trembling as James suddenly clenched his fist in anger.

"Someone actually dared to lay a finger on him" James said in anger but after some seconds released his clenched fist and closed his eyes.

"Whoever you are, I will find you and you will pay, Felix I promise that I will save you, you must participate in the tournament" James said as he opened his eyes and disappeared.

Somewhere deep within the beast forest, the Earth Groundworm suddenly appeared and spat Felix out in front of a figure that seemed to be made of darkness.

"I accept your challenge, but don't expect it to be easy, see you later" The figure said in an eerie voice as it picked Felix up and disappeared.