I Just Hate Evil

Somewhere in the forest, three people, two men and one woman were fighting a large snake whose body frequently glowed as electricity could be seen racing around it, it had several injuries all over its body, but the people fighting it were also tired and out of breath.

"Jeffrey look out" The first man with a muscular body who wielded a large saber called out as the large snake tried to swat the second man who had a slim body away, but after hearing the warning, he was able to dodge on time.

"Let's kill it with all our strength, it's at it's last breath, if we can bombard it with strong attacks, we can finally kill it" The muscular man said with exhaustion as his muscles bulged.

He immediately rushed towards the snake as the edge of his saber was covered in a warm glow as he swung it towards the snake's head immediately causing it a severe injury as blood sprayed out but it also swung its huge tail and swatted him away as he crashed into a tree and vomited some blood while panting.

"Mark, are you okay" Jeffrey asked as he saw his friend being swatted away easily.

"I am okay, it's just some light injuries, I managed to land it a fatal blow so you should be able to kill it" Mark replied with a cough which suggested that he had obtained a serious injury, during that hit, the snake had sent a large amount of lightening into him, so currently he couldn't do anything, his whole body felt numb, if it was another person of the same rank with him, they would probably be unable to move but he had a strong body so he was barely okay.

After obtaining confirmation from Mark, Jeffrey immediately released a warcry as he swung his mace towards the place that the snake had been injured before retreating swiftly, in its current situation, the snake couldn't match his speed so he was able to further weaken it more and safely retreat.

After retreating, he turned towards the woman and nodded as she also rushed forward and struck the same position, after sustaining heavy injuries to the same position that part was weak so she was able to slice it off cleanly, killing it instantly.

"Whew, finally done, this was one tough lightening snake king" Jeffrey said with exhaustion as he collapsed onto the ground, the snake they just fought was insanely strong so they had to use everything they had to kill it and now they were vulnerable to both humans and beasts.

"Hahaha, nice job guys, you really put your back into it, but unfortunately this beast has caught my eye so I will be taking it away, sorry that's just how it is" Am arrogant voice sounded as a figure walked out from the trees followed by several others.

"Cloudcrusher" Mark said with anger as he gritted his teeth.

"Oh I am sorry, do you have something to say" Cloudcrusher arrogantly said as he grinned at Mark.

"Take this" The woman said as he suddenly arrived before Cloudcrusher and swung her sword but it suddenly hit an invisible barrier causing her attack to fail.

"Oh, you want to say something" Cloudcrusher said as he lack his lip and grabbed his hand.

"Spit" The woman spat on his face in disdain.

"You bitch" Cloudcrusher said in anger as he slapped her causing her to fall to the ground and grab her face in pain.

"You dare spit on me, hmmp, I don't mind having fun with you first" Cloudcrusher said with lust as he walked towards her but suddenly someone appeared before him causing him to stop.

"Don't go too far, take the beast corpse and leave" Mark said with rage as he glared at Cloudcrusher, who seeing his bulging muscles felt intimidated.

"Hmmp, count yourself lucky that I am in a good mood, next time won't be the same" Cloudcrusher said as he walked forward and took the beast corpse before leaving with the others.

"Are you okay Jane?, sorry for that, I was too slow" Mark said as he helped her up.

"It doesn't matter, you stood up for me, thank you" Jane replied with a pained look as she stood up.

"Damn it, after all our hard work, he just took it" Jeffrey said with anger as he stomped the ground.

After stealing from the group, Cloudcrusher moved through the forest looking for another prey to rob when he spotted an E+ rank esper wearing a cloak and a mask talking while laughing to himself.

"Huh, an idiot let's rob him next" Cloudcrusher said with a menancing grin as he approached the E+ rank esper.

"Hey fool, give all the beasts you have hunted so far and I will let you live" Cloudcrusher said to the E+ rank esper who glanced at him with an annoyed expression like he was an idiot for disturbing him.


As Felix was making plans with the system, he suddenly heard an arrogant voice behind him that interrupted him.

""Hey fool, give all the beasts you have hunted so far and I will let you live" The owner of the voice said to the Felix with arrogance as Felix stared at him in disdain but then he suddenly recognized the person as Cloudcrusher who had tried to rob him before at the auction house.

'How dare this fool interrupt me while I am making plans, I spared him the last time and he is back again, hmm, I guess fools never learn, maybe I should just kill him once and for all' Felix thought and he glanced at the espers behind him.

"Hey didn't you hear me, give me all your beast corpses" Cloudcrusher said with anger as he threw a punch with all his strength towards Felix who only lazily raised his hand to block it easily.

"Is this all you've got" Felix said as he slightly pressed him hand down, crushing Cloudcrusher's fist which caused him to wince in pain.

"How dare you hurt me, you will pay, get him" Cloudcrusher shouted with anger and pain as he shouted at his lackeys who all rushed at Felix and attacked but somehow he managed to dodge all of it narrowly and if someone was observing it carefully, they would see that Felix seemed to be dancing because he was still holding Cloudcrusher's hand and moving him around with him.

"Why can't you even touch him, are you so useless" Cloudcrusher shouted angrily.

"If that's all you've got then" Felix said as he stopped and stared at Cloudcrusher's lackeys before staring at Cloudcrusher himself as he suddenly gave him a leg sweep, before he even touched the ground, Felix grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground which caused it to break from the force.

"You need to be taught a lesson, never interrupt someone when he is making plans" Felix said coldly as he grabbed his head and threw him towards some trees causing him to fly like a kite and land some distance away, nobody knew if he was dead or not.

"As for you scram, I don't have time to deal with lackeys like you" Felix said indifferently to the lackeys who ran away like a bunch of scared sheep.

"Shouldn't I kill him?, hmm maybe I should just destroy his meridians, yes that sounds better" Felix said to himself with a menacing grin as he walked over to Cloudcrusher.

"Huh, it's you" Felix said with surprise as he arrived at Cloudcrusher's location and saw some familiar faces, these were the people who had helped him fight the Ground Earthworm, they seemed to have just finished a tough battle against a beast, he thought but then he suddenly spotted a red handprint on the woman's face.

"Who did that to you" Felix asked as he tried to sound indifferent.

"H..hhim" The woman stammered as he pointed at Cloudcrusher.


After Cloudcrusher had stolen the beast they just killed, they were resting while thinking of what to do when suddenly they heard a boom and saw a figure flying miserably towards them before falling down some distance away from them, they went on guard but as they saw the figure, they were stunned.

"Isn't that Cloudcrusher, what happened?, is it a beast" Mark muttered in shock before another figure wearing a cloak and a mask walking towards them causing him to immediately go on guard, someone who could beat him up miserably like this shouldn't be someone weak.

"It's you" The figure blurted out in surprise as he stared at them then his vision stopped on Jane who also stared at the figure with alarm.

'Why is he staring at her like that, does he want to do something, if it comes to that, then I just have to sacrifice myself to save them' Mark thought with caution but the figure's next words shocked him because he wasn't expecting it.

"Who did that to you?" The figure asked indifferently.

"H..hhim" Jane stammered as she pointed at Cloudcrusher, from her expression he could see that she was also stunned by the question.

"Hmmp, so you actually dare to hit a woman, I previously thought you were a dog but it seemed that you are worse than a dog, I was originally intending to destroy all your meridians but now I think I will just kill you" The figure said coldly as grabbed Cloudcrusher by the neck and lifted him up from the ground with one hand.

"Wait, don't kill him" Jane said hurriedly.

"Huh, why shouldn't I kill this idiot" The figure asked as he glanced at her.

"Well..if you do then the people backing him wont let you go" Jane said shyly which caused Mark and Jeffrey to open their mouths with shock, they had never seen her like this before.

"Hmm, I honestly don't give a shit about the people backing him but I guess it would be a waste to end his life so quickly, that would be too merciful so instead" The figure said with a thoughtful expression before he grabbed his right hand and tore it off mercilessly causing Cloudcrusher to scream out in pain.

'He tore off his right arm without flinching, what sort of person is this' Jeffrey thought in fear.

"Consider this a lesson, next time I won't hesitate to kill you and the people backing you" The figure said coldly as he threw him away.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you" The figure said as he threw a dimension ring each at them.

"What?" They all exclaimed in shock as they caught the rings and examined them, they contained several spiritual fruits and beast corpses.

"Thank you but why are you helping us?" Mark asked suspiciously as The figure turned to leave.

"Well what can I say, they say that one good turn deserves another, so you can say that I am just returning a favor" The figure said with a grin behind the mask.

"Or I just hate evil" The figure said with a laugh as he turned to leave again.

"Wait" Jane said abruptly.

"What?" The figure asked with a impatient tone.

"Sorry for wasting your time but could I know your name" Jane asked with a slightly red face.

'Why is she acting shy?' The figure thought to himself.

"Just call me Shadow Walker" The figure said as he suddenly disappeared.