Dragon Sage

"What are these bats made of?" Felix asked himself with disbelief as he hurled everything he had at them but it only seemed to be able to stop them slightly but it didn't seem to cause any damage to them.






Felix released the seal on his meridians as he unleashed his strongest skills on the bats, he was going all-out because he now knew how dangerous these bats were.

"Ha, let's see if you can survive that" Felix mocked as he caught his breath and stared at the sea of flames before him.

'These attacks consumed almost all my mana, I can't use them again, if it doesn't work them I will have to use that skill' Felix thought to himself.

"This ..is impossible.." Felix said with shock as he widened his eyes, the bats still hadn't died still, they didn't even have injuries on them which shocked him because he knew the extent of his abilities.

"What have I gotten myself into, how stupid of me to think that I was invincible, I didn't even consider the fact that there are people more stronger than me, having the system made me be blinded by power, I let my guard down, now I can see my mistakes" Felix said to himself with a mocking smile, as he shook his head.

"It is very likely that I will die here today, hahaha, maybe in my next life I will be more careful" Felix said with a grin as he stared at the enraged bats that were putting out his flames with gusts of wind from their winds.

[Stupid kid, aren't you forgetting something?]

"I know what you mean but if I do use that skill, I will definitely be caught up in the attack, and there is also the possibility of the cave collapsing on me" Felix said as he shook his head.

[So you want to go out without a fight, this isn't like you at all, all that time you spent in my origin dimension facing all those enemies, you never once lost faith in yourself and you came out victorious, but now after facing defeat once you accept it with open hands, your father would be disappointed in you, after making a promise to your father, you want to die here, I gave to say, I overestimated you, I told you that you need to face the impossible to get stronger so that is what you are going to do]

"Haaaa" Felix shouted as he slammed his head into the cave walls.

"Huh, that cleared my head, thanks for that system, lost myself for a moment there but now I am ready to go all-out, what is life without risks, am I right?" Felix said with a grin as he cracked his neck and stretched his body.

[You are one crazy human being, but that is what makes you who you are, now let's kill some bats]

"I thought you would never ask" Felix grinned as he stretched his hands forward towards the bats, as he did, his palm became covered in a warm glow that increased steadily until it enveloped the entire cave.

"Bang, bang, if I am going down, I am taking you with me" Felix smirked as a destructive energy suddenly shot out from his hands.




"It seems like all of you are here, you should already know of the situation so there is no need for me to say much, the strongest amongst us will first visit the forest beast king to try and see if there is anything we can do but if there isn't then it an all-out war between us, I won't lie to you, we are great outnumbered and outmatched, unless a miracle happens, the possibility of winning this battle is 30%, and the possibility of getting out alive is less than 20%" Damien announced with a gloomy expression as he stared at the huge crowd of espers gathered before him.

"If we may not win then why are we still rushing to our deaths, shouldn't we just surrender?" An esper said with fear.

"Cowards like you deserve to be killed right now, if you don't fight you die, if you fight you die so tell me, do you suppose that we just die without a fight, that we should just hide like the cowards you are, you disgust me" An angry voice sounded as vane steeped out, as he finished talking, he spat on the ground with a look of disgust.

"Vane, you shouldn't force anyone to do anything" Damien said with an annoyed expression.

"So I should just let them walk away, and let us fight for them, hell no, anyone who wishes to back off will be killed on the spot by me, you should know that I am not someone to joke with matters like this" Vane said with a look of disdain as he glared at the crowd.

"Vane you shouldn't take this too far" Xander said as he also stepped out of the crowd.

"Oh so you intend to back out?" Vane asked with unconcealed killing intent as he walked to Xander whose heart started beating faster.

"N..no..I am just saying that threatening them won't solve anything" Xander said as he took a step back, he knew better than to challenge this lunatic, he was the 6th rank only one rank below Vane but he knew how terrifying vane was.

"Hmmp, I don't care, I'd like to see who will back out now" Vane said arrogantly.

'Even though his methods are a little unorthodox, he gets the job done' Damien thought to himself.

"Okay that's enough vane, time is of essence here, we need to move fast" A silver haired man with purple hair said to Vane as he appeared behind him.

"Hmmp, same old Justin" Vane smirked as he walked towards the group of espers behind him, which consisted of the top 6.


"We declare an audience with the forest beast king" Damien said coldly to the beast army before him.

"Humans, you have some guts coming over here but I can't say I didn't expect you" A loud and arrogant voice sounded as a powerful aura appeared, the beast army immediately parted ways as soon as they sensed the aura, a large wolf suddenly walked out from the crowd.

'So big' Xander thought with furrowed brows as he stared at the large wolf that was as big as a house.

"We came here to ask for the reason why you have declared war on us" Justin the silver haired man stated bluntly.

'Why does he look like he isn't affected by my aura, hmm, he should be bluffing' The Giant wolf thought.

"One of you killed my subordinates, I just want revenge" The Giant wolf said with a wicked grin that showed it's sharp teeth.

"On behalf of that person, I sincerely apologize and I hope you can forgive that person" Damien said.

"Hahaha, I don't care about your forgiveness human, If you want me to forgive you then bring me the perpetrator" The Giant wolf said wickedly.

"I am sorry but we can't do that and even if we did, we don't know who it was" Justin said calmly.

"Oh but I do, according to a survivor, that person wore a cloak and a mask, I give you 1 hour to bring him to me or you all die" The Giant wolf said then turned around and left without even looking back.

"Let's go" Damien said as they also turned and left.


"Arrg, is this the end, am I going to die here" Felix said with pain as he lay on the ground, his whole body was soaked in blood, all his bones were broken, he had lost too much blood and he knew that he wouldn't last for up to 5 minutes.

"No I won't give up, I can't give up, I have so much to do" Felix said with determination as he struggled to stay conscious.

"Even in the face of death you still have this much resolve to live, you have proven yourself to me human" A deep and ancient voice suddenly sounded from the depths of the cave.

"Who...are...you?.." Felix muttered as his vision went black.


"Is this heaven or hell?" Felix asked as he appeared in a void, he was surrounded by darkness.

"This can't be heaven, it's too dark, but it can't also be hell, where is the fire, if it isn't heaven nor is it hell then maybe it's purgatory" Felix said with deep thought as he observed his surroundings.

"You have both light and darkness within you, it's been a long time I last saw a hybrid" The deep and ancient voice sounded within the void.

"Who is that?, come out?" Felix shouted as he tried to sense where the sound was coming from.

"Who am I?, after all this time even I am starting to forget who I am?" The voice sounded again.

"Why are you hiding?, come out and let me see you" Felix said with annoyance because the voice seemed to be coming from all directions.

"My kind is too noble for the likes of a weak human like you to see" The voice sounded once again.

"Who are you calling weak, a coward like you doesn't deserve to call me a coward" Felix said with anger at the insult.

"Hmm, I sense the scent of reincarnation on you, I must have underestimated you" The voice said with slight shock but that couldn't compare to the tremendous amount of shock that he was feeling right now.

'How did he know that I reincarnated, who is he, he must be really powerful' Felix said with fear and shock, at this moment his whole mind was in a mess.

"I am sorry for my previous arrogance, I failed to recognize your might, forgive me" Felix said with a light bow.

"Hahaha, fear not young one, this old sage will not punish you, infact I think you have earned the right to see me" The voice echoed across the void as darkness from all sides started to gather as they coagulated into a huge towering figure which Felix recognized instantly.

"Hello young one, I am the ..." The figure said with a smile.

"Ddd....dddrragon" Felix stammered in shock, his mind felt like it had been fried.

"Yes young one, I am the Dragon Sage" The figure said with a laugh.