
"So did you think you could just walk into the city and whatever you want, this is my city, demon, and for daring to intrude, you are going to pay with your life" The man said with a friend as he cracked his knuckles.

"My target isn't you old man, let me take that child and leave and nobody gets hurt" The demon said with a glance at Felix.

"What face will I have if I were to let a demon like you waltz in to my city and take away a child just like that, I'm sorry but I would have to refuse that offer, and I have been craving for someone on my level to fight with" The man answered with a shake of his head as he ignited his battle spirit.

"Well as you wish but don't expect me to go easy on you" The demon said with clenched fists as two swords condensed from demon flames appeared in his hands.

"The same" The man grinned as he condensed his own weapon which was a halberd.

"Hmm, pure mana condensation that's a sign of the B Rank" Felix said with a nod, he was right to not underestimate the man.


The demon swung his swords at the man as thick black flames covered the swords which released an intense heat.


Seeing the attack, the man also responded with his own attack as he threw his halberd towards the attack which became covered in a brownish light as it struck the demons attack.


In this first exchange they were evenly matched as both of their attacks dissipated and faded off.


After finishing the first attack, the demon immediately followed up with another without wasting time.


The man also released his own as if understanding, he slapped his two palms together which released a shock wave which rushed towards the demon's attack and as it slammed into it, it destroyed it and continued it's advance towards the demon who frowned in surprise before punching the attack which neutralized it.

In this second move, the man had the slight upper hand, at this moment the battle was like a judge, the winner would determine the next course of events, the people were paying special attention to this savior of theirs who was called 'Dad' by their city lord, they didn't know who he was exactly but they were thankful to him.

"You are stronger than I thought" The demon said with a chuckle.

"And you are weaker than I thought, you disappoint me demon" The man said with a grin but he felt uneasy because he had a feeling that the demon wasn't using it's full strength against him.

"Haha haha, well I guess it's time to get serious then" The demon said with a grin as it's eyes turned blood red.

"Demon chains" The demon muttered with a menacing grin as several blood red chains suddenly erupted from the ground and sealed the man to the ground as he was forced to his knees.

"Just because I went easy on you, you got arrogant and called me weak, I hate being called weak" The demon said with a smile as it condensed a large sword made of demon flames.

"Watch how I will finish your savior, you pathetic humans are all the same, weak and pathetic" The demon said with a loud voice as it pointed it's sword at the man.

'Damn it, why can't I move, is this where I die" The man thought to himself with terror as he stared at the demon.

"Yes that's the look that I love to see before death" The demon said as it swung it's sword at the man.

Even from afar he could feel that the power of this attack was more than any of the previous ones, did this mean that he had been going easy on me all this time, this was the thought going through his mind, it's over was the last thought going through his mind as he closed his eyes and waited for the attack to reach.


"Did you forget about me" A playful voice sounded as the dust cleared revealing Felix's figure, he stood bravely as his right arm held the sword, as he tightened his grip on the sword, it broke into pieces.

"Huh, I'm not dead" The man said with surprise.

"How, you blocked my attack with only one hand" The demon said with shock as it moved backwards.

"How are you this strong, what is your full strength?" The demon asked curiously because it couldn't understand how this was possible.

"That is for you to find out and for me to know, but now just shut up and tell me who sent you" Felix asked with a grin.

"Hmm humans, arrogant as always, just cause you blocked my attack, you think you can just talk shut to me, hahaha, I remember the look on the other city lord's face as he watched me massacre his whole city, hahaha" The demon laughed menacingly.

"What?..." Felix said as he felt his anger rising.

"Oh did you think you were the first city we visited, no we visited around two cities before coming here, this is the third one, the last two were destroyed, the children brutalized, the old torn apart, the youth..... " As the demon was recapping his adventure, he suddenly felt a strong hand grasp his mouth, as he looked up he saw Felix standing before him overflowing with killing intent.

"What did those people do to deserve that fate, why just why did they end up like that" Felix muttered with anger saying one word at a time.

"You don't deserve to live" Felix said as he jumped into the sky with the demon in his grasp.

As he flew into the sky, he raised the demon into the sky and then shot towards the ground with lightening speed, just before he reached the ground he then slammed the demon's body into the ground, the force and the anger that Felix used was so strong that the area around them immediately caved into the ground but that wasn't the end, after slamming the demon, he immediately responded with a succession of punches to the body of the demon, after giving around 100 punches in less than a minute, Felix then levitated into the sky, then stared at the demon's body.





As all these attacks were headed towards the demon, who was already too weak to respond, a black flaming shield suddenly appeared which blocked and stopped the advance of the attacks, after they slammed into the shield, the shield immediately got a crack which spread but the attacks also weakened in strength, within some seconds the cracks on the shield spread so much then.


The shield shattered as the attacks continued moving towards the demon who could only watch it approaching weakly, just before it hit, it all suddenly vanished into thin air as another demon appeared in front of the first demon.

"Senior Brother Goro" The weak demon muttered weakly.

"Shut it Draken, how could you let this puny human beat you so much" Goro said with contempt.

"Hey ugly, get out of my face unless you want to die" Felix said with rage as he stared at Goro who glanced at him with disdain.

"Just because you could defeat a weakling like my junior brother, you got arrogant, hahahaha all humans are the same" Goro laughed.

"Hey you racist piece of shit, shut the fuck up and get out of my way so I can kill that bitch" Felix said as he burst towards Goro.


He shot a humongous wind blade at Goro who smiled and squeezed his hand which caused the wind blade to crack and blow up.

"Do you now see what I was saying human?, huh" Goro asked but then frowned because Felix had disappeared.

"I now see what you're talking about idiot, I guess all demons are as foolish as you" Felix said as he appeared some distance away with the weak demon in his hand.

"Huh, when did you.." Goro asked with anger as he glanced behind him where his junior brother used to be.

"Now you get to watch him die In front of you and realize how pitiful it is to not be able to save the one you love" Felix said as he took out a dagger and placed it on the demon's neck.

"No don't..." Goro shouted as he burst towards them but before he could reach them.

"Senior brother save me" The demon said weakly then.


Black blood sprayed as a headless body dropped to the ground.

"Oops, guess my hand slipped" Felix said as he threw the head to Goro who caught it and paused, he then landed on the ground as he held his brother's head sadly, tears streamed from his eyes.

"You see how it feels to lose someone, that is what you made all those Innocent people feel, that was what excited you, how does it feel now" Felix said with a smile as he glanced at the demon.

"Hahahaha" Goro suddenly started laughing as he raised his head up and glanced at Felix who when he saw his expression, felt a silver run down his spine because he had recognized that expression.


"Oh dammit, we were told to minimize the casualties but I guess that's not possible now" The demon with the crescent shape on his head said with a sigh as he sensed something on the ground.

"What do you mean?" Griffin asked as he paused.

"The guy that just left, Goro, that guy is a psychopathic genius, at the age of 20, he reached the peak of the mortal realm, at the age of 22, he broke through and entered the next realm, this is a record that is obtained by few but the one scary thing about him was that at the age of 7, he witnessed his parents getting brutally murdered by humans, this trauma followed him throughout his life, he became a stone cold killer who killed without remorse, he had only one person with him, his junior brother and because of him, he changed his lifestyle and became a new person but now" The demon said then paused as he stared at the ice on his body.

"Griffin do it, he's just stalling" Shadow shouted as he felt something was wrong.

"The only person keeping him in check just died in from of him, what do you think is going to happen" The demon said as he grinned, the crescent mark on his head suddenly glowed as he ejected his mana through his body which caused the ice to explode all around him and strike the espers.

"Die" As the demon was about to kill Griffin who was nearest to him, a large flaming dragon appeared and struck him, in annoyance he grabbed Blake who was now on his reach.

"Wait no" Griffin exclaimed as he watched the demon rip out Blake's heart.


"What's so funny?" Felix asked with a frown.

"The thing is I don't know what method to use to kill you so I'm so excited" Goro answered as his eyes turned red, his face had a crazed look and at that moment Felix felt something bad was about to happen but before he could act, Goro appeared in front of him and delivered a palm strike on his chest.


Felix was instantly flung backwards as he struck the ground, he could feel that his kidney was shattered from that strike, and at this moment he felt extreme fear and dread that he had never felt before, as he stared at Goro who was approaching him, his senses were telling him that he was about to die.

"Ahh, finally found how I would kill you, I'll first break down your mind then your body, to break down your mind I will make you feel such pain that your mind will shut down, and I'm gonna start with this guy, I will kill him in front of you and you are gonna be defenceless to resist" Goro said as he picked up a man from the ground and held him to face Felix who tried to stand up but just ended up vomiting blood.

"No, please don't" Felix said as he stared at the demon.