Last Test

"Dad I missed you" A kid ran up to Felix and took his hand in his as tears condensed at the edges of his eye.

"Cole, how" Felix said with shock as he stared at his son from earth.

"My deepest desire huh, how gullible, all this time I've been so involved in the affairs of this world, almost getting killed several times, that I haven't even sat down to think of my previous life, my son and wife, I tried so hard to forget all about earth, I tried to forget the fact that I missed them but it seems like all I did was push those feelings deep down, it's funny how fate works, I know all of this isn't real, I could pass now by shattering this illusion but…" Felix said to himself as he then glanced at his child and then continued.

"I'll savor this moment while I can" Felix smiled sweetly as he sat up from the hospital bed and picked up his child.

"Hey captain, how's the tide today?" Felix asked the little kid who grinned as his white teeth glowed.

"The sea was bad today as usual, we lost a lot of men to Davy's Jones, I thought I would lose you too" The kid said as a tear drifted down his eyes.

"Hey kiddo don't worry, I'm here, I won't go anywhere else, I will always be by your side" Felix lied as he hugged the kid.

"Always remember that kiddo" Felix said as his heart ached, he couldn't control himself as a tear also fell, he closed his eyes as he planted a kiss on the kid's head, his heart aching even when he knew that it wasn't real.

"Goodbye daddy" The kid's voice sounded which caused Felix to freeze in shock.

"I'll miss you dad" The kid said again with tears in his eye.

"I'll miss you too kid, just know that you will always be in my heart, sigh" Felix said with a sigh.

"Now go on kid, remember to take care of your mama for me, okay" Felix whispered into the kid's ears before releasing him, even if it wasn't real at least he got a chance to say goodbye.

"Bye, dad" The kid smiled as the surrounding became filled with a bright light, following which Felix walked out of the monolith with a smile, he could feel his state of mind was at its optimum, and his mana absorption speed had also increased.

"Wow, one of the fastest yet" Cai Xiong smiled after seeing the changes in Felix.

"Thanks, Senior" Felix said respectfully as he glanced around to find the place empty.

"You're the first, the rest are still inside" Cai Xiong said with a grin after seeing Felix's confused expression.

"Huh" Felix gawked as he stared at the entrance to the monolith which glowed as a figure walked out.

"Ha, Zhang He, I predicted you would be next, oh" No sooner had Cai Xiong finished talking before the entrance lit up and another figure walked out.

"Oh Li Qin, congratulations" Cai Xiong said to the ice princess who bowed and then glanced towards Zhang He and then Felix with shock which soon dissolved.

"Hmm, you are a more worthy opponent than I thought" Zhang He said with a thoughtful expression before walking away to meditate, the ice princess also stared at me deeply before walking away.

After some minutes, the entrance lighted up as we all looked towards it to see who the next person would be, when the figure walked out, we were all shocked.

"Brother you're done already" Li Bai's cheerful voice rang out as he saw Felix.

"That's unexpected but congratulations, nonetheless" Cai Xiong said to Li Bai as he gazed at him deeply as if trying to discern all his secrets.

"Hahaha thank you Senior" Li Bai chuckled as he walked towards Felix.

Several minutes later, most of the contestants were out, with the first 5 being the first five on the leaderboard where one name could be seen shining more brightly more than the others, the overwhelming difference in points between the first and the second on display for all to see.

"Okay congratulation to all of you for passing the second test successfully" Cai Xiong said with a grin after noticing that their original number had been slashed in half.

"The rest will be said to have failed and will each be given a Soul Cleansing Elixir, those of you here will now proceed onto the next and final test, be careful for the death rate of the last test shoots through the roof every time" Cai Xiong said with a mysterious smile as a flash of silver lightning appeared before them, a Figure appearing with a cold expression.

"Cai Xiong, the rest of you, follow me" The new arrival, another handsome youth with blue eyes clothed in golden robes indicating his position as a core disciple nodded to Cai Xiong then turned to the rest with a cold expression before walking away.

"Don't worry, Senior Zhu Wuheng may seem cold at first but is quite nice when you get to know him" Cai Xiong smiled before leaving as the contestants followed the one referred to as Zhu Wuheng to an altar-like structure which had a strange orb on it.

"The last test is a test to check your true intentions of coming here, if you are a spy then you will be immediately killed, if not then you will pass, as your previous supervisor said to you, the death rate of this last test is always high because the other sects due to greed and jealousy all try to find out our secrets by sending in spies, I am quite sad to say that 35% of you guys are spies" Zhu Wuheng said coldly as some certain figures within the crowd started fidgeting.

"But we aren't monsters, are we, so we always try to give these characters a way out, come forward if you are part of the such said character" Zhu Wuheng continued with a cold expression still on his face.

'Dude how can you say that with such a scary expression, your words say peace but your face says death if you speak up' Felix thought as he stared at the expression on his face.

"Sigh, and every year nobody ever steps up because of their confidence in their abilities or fear, sigh, I guess this year's the same" Zhu Wuheng sighed as his eyes glowed with a menacing light, his demeanor changing immediately.

"Felix Clearwater step up and place your hand on the orb" Zhu Wuheng said as Felix glanced towards him in shock before calming himself, he knew that he was definitely not a spy so why should he be afraid.

"Okay," Felix said as he calmly walked forward and placed his hands on the orb, as soon as he did, he felt a presence invade his mind, at first it seemed violent but soon turned docile as the orb turned blue.

"Clear, congratulations to Felix Clearwater for passing all tests successfully as the first position, please stand to the side, you will soon be given your rewards" Zhu Wuheng said with a smile before his face adopted the same cold expression and he called for the next person who was Zhang He, he passed successfully as the second then came the turn of the ice princess who also passed successfully then Li Bai who passed then the next person and the next and the next until.

"Bai Feng step up" Zhu Wuheng said coldly as they all watched a pale-faced youth walk up to the orb trembling slightly, as soon as he placed his hand's on the orb, it lighted red.


A head fell to the ground and the headless body also followed with blood flowing from it, Zhu Wuheng only glanced at it slightly like It was totally normal before he stared at the frightened contestants remaining and coldly spoke.

"Next person Feng Shui" Zhu Wuheng said as Felix saw one of the people he came with step up to the pillar trembling, he placed his hand on the orb which glowed blue, seeing this he breathed out in relief as he glanced towards Felix and smiled, after him several other people followed with no spies and surprisingly all the people that Felix had come with all passed successfully but after them, all that followed next was something that could only be described as a scene of bloodshed.


"Okay, congratulations to the remaining of you for successfully passing the test, so now you guys will all be moved to the outer disciple court where you will all be staying" Zhu Wuheng said with a smile, his previous cold demeanor immediately disappearing as it was replaced by this cool one, he wiped the blood off his sword which disappeared into whatever means of storage he had, he then led away from the site of bloodshed where hundreds of bodies lay.

"Hang On, I'm still not that great but I think it might work" Zhu Wuheng said with a smirk as he raised pointed his hands toward them.


A strong blast of lightning shot out from his hands and wrapped around all of them, they suddenly felt that there was a disturbance in the space around them and the next moment, the lightning disappeared as they realized that their environment had changed.

'Did he just teleport all of us, so this is the might of a core disciple' Felix thought in shock as he remembered the might of the skill, he tried to guess what level of power was required to do this as he thought of when he would also be able to pull off such a marvelous act.

"Welcome to your new home, as of this moment you are all outer disciples" Zhu Wuheng smiled as he pointed to a wide set of exquisitely built houses which all had their own wide courtyard and training field, around the houses, the trees were all rich and bore beautiful flowers as butterflies and birds flew around happily, the qi in the air was also several tiers better than Felix's old continent.