5-i-is thatJungkook |UPDATED|


So Jin are you going to tell me what was going on there Jimin asked smirking at me.

N-nothing i said quickly still covering my red face.

Yeah right Jimin said in a teasing tone. Siriously Jimin nothing was going on he just asked me why i couldn't fall asleep and pulled me on his lap and thats about it i said.

But i dont think thats something a bully and the bullied one do Jimin said. Well yeah i know that but his lap was warm ok and i actually fell asleep wich is a good thing so i will not complain.

I mean yeah but still i tought namjoon hated you jimin mutteres while we were walking out of school.

As we were walking out we heard people talking behind the school gate. Hey jimin do you hear that i asked. Yeah why would someone be here at this time cause i sure would not. Jimin i don't think we should spy on them let's just go. NO jin this is an onetime opportunity to see who is there jimin said while dragging me with him.

Who are they i asked i could not  really see clearly  i only saw a little bit of light blue hair and a nother male with blck hair.

Is that Taehyung Jimin almost shouts. Shut up i said covering his mouth. M-mmhhm~ Jimin i said they are going to hear us keep it down. Ye yeahh sorry he said. But who is the other male i asked??

No way.... What i asked??

Its Jungkook....

Wait what so its Taehyung and Jungkook i asked shocked!!

Y-yeahhh Jimin said. What are they doing jimin asked?

Just as we were about to leave both confused we saw something we tought we would never see...

Taehyung kissing Jungkook and him kissing back.

WHAT... we both say at the same time!!

A-are they together as in boyfriends i ask Jimin and he was just watching them . I dont know but it sure looks like it. Jin lets go ask Taehyung when Jungkook leaves.

After a few minutes jungkook left and me and Jimin went to Taehyung.

TaeTae Jimin said.

O-oh J-jimin and Jin its great to see you i tought your school ended already he said nervous.

Taehyung are you and Jungkook together i asked.

W-what are you talking about....

Cut the crap we saw you spill the tea Jimin said while smirking. I just nod my head.

I- i yes we are ok... Taehyung said.

But since when i asked. Since few months ago he said. And you didnt tell me jimin asked fake crying I thought i was your soulmate. I am sorry ok but i tought you guys were going to leave me after hearing i was together with Jungkook Taehyung aswered.

Nahh no men can come between us Jimin said smiling:) But still why didnt you tell mee jimin whined!!

Ok i think thats enough i said patting Jimins back. Jin listen i am so sorry they bullied you i didnt know after hearing what you said about Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook  i had to go and aks him why!! Taehyung said. Its fine Taehyung if your happy with him then i am happy for you guys i said :)

Taehyung hugged Jin. Cmon guys you can't leave me alone Jimin whined!!

Come here i said pulling jimin into the hug too

After hugging for a while we let go.

So Jin are you going to tell TaeTea over here what happened in detention. After hearing the word detentioni i got all red. I-its n-nothing i said. I dont think its nothing if your blushing jimin said with a teasing tone.

W-wait Jin are you blushing right now Taehyung asked!!

W-well no i-i mean mayby....

Ohh spill the tea please Taehyung asked me. Its nothing important i said. Well Jin if you are not going to say anything i guess i have to Jimin said.

Jimin took he's phone out and showed Taehyung the picture of Jin sleeping on Namjoons Lap.

WHAT IS THIS Taehyung asked while grabbing the phone!! "YOUR GOING TO DROP MY PHONE" Jimin yelled. Jin why are you sitting on Namjoon's lap Taehyung asked confused.

Y-yeah and what about it i ask?

Both Jimin and Taehyung look at me in shock so it doesn't bother you that you were sitting on his lap they asked??

W-well not really i mean i know its weird but its was comftable.. i said shyly.

Jin do you have a crush on Namjoon they both ask the same time??

"Ofc not i said sounding a little unsure.."

You don't sound very confident to me Jimin said while smirking. You definitely do like him.

N-no i dont. So you are saying that you wouldent mind sitting and Namjoons lap and holding his hand everyday jimin asked me.


I knew it they shout at the same time.

Lets just change the topic. So Jimin do you think the Teacher send our parents a text that we got detention i asked worried.

Well yeah probably jimin aswered.

I an going to get a big beating today i said to myself...
