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"Do you accept his apologies, Yoon Shik?" Do Yeong asked him.

"Yes. I hope you will never say such words about any women. You should change your thinking," Yoon Shik proclaimed.

"If anyone of you want to report this incident then you are free to do that. If you all can show the might of your status then I can do the same. The difference will only be that your fathers will be thrown away from their posts. This is the last time, I am hearing such a thing from you, Chan Sul. Kisaeng are also humans but because of you men they are not respected," Do Yeong shouted at all of them.

Everyone had lower their eyes because they felt they were wrong. Park Sunwo stepped forward and patted Do Yeong's shoulder. "Calm down," He said. Do Yeong turned to look at Yoon Shik who was thankful to him.

"Don't worry. I am always standing beside you. If anyone ever try harming you or your family, I will make sure to end their families," Do Yeong pronounced, looking at Yoon Shik. Yoon Shik gave a smile to him and thanked him.

"The class for Accountancy has been suspended. Instead, their will be class of archery and Swordsmanship." A servant who came there, announced that.

"Again this archery?" Sunwo muttered. The students started packing up their things and left for the ground. Yoon Shik too went to his ground desk and packed his things. The servants of respective students came there to take those things away.

"Yoon Shik, will you be able to practice today with that hand?" Sunwo queried him as they were walking towards the ground.

"I do not know but the doctor has told me to give it a rest," Yoon Shik replied. Yeong agreed with that. "You should not overuse it else you will not be able to use it," stated Yeong. They reached the ground and saw Cheung Shin was doing sword fight with a fellow instructor.

"Master Shin is so skilled," asserted Yoon Shik.

"Indeed he is but his petite figure is not digestible to me at all. A bureaucrat having such skills is suspicious to me," Sunwo stated. Yeong and Yoon Shik looked at him. "You are thinking too much," Yeong told Sunwo when they heard a sharp clanking sound of swords.

They saw that Cheung Shin had defeated the fellow instructor. Not only that Cheung Shin had taken away the sword of Hun Gyeol. "Master Shin, everyone knows your sword skills are finest among the bureaucrats," stated Hun Gyeol. "I accepted my defeat," he then said.

Cheung Shin then threw the sword towards him which Hun Gyeol caught easily. Both Cheung Shin and Hun Gyeol then came towards the podium. Hun Gyeol addressed all those students there and started lecturing them before starting the sword practicing and shooting.

"Forty students will do sword practicing in the first half and forty students will do shooting practice. In the other half, interchange it," pronounced Hun Gyeol from the grand podium.

The students were divided into two groups when Cheung Shin called out Yoon Shik's name. Yoon Shik stepped forward and greeted Master Shin.

"Your hands do not seem to be in right state. You should not do practice. Sit over there," Cheung Shin told Yoon Shik, pointing towards a wooden bench which was made to the left side of the podium. Yoon Shik looked at his hands which had bandages on them and went to the bench.

He saw that most of the students had better warfare skills than him. Although he had learnt a little bit of Swordsmanship but that was not better in front of those students. But he was observing their moves so that he could implement it later. Among all of them, Lee Eunshi had the best sword skills. The way he was defeating every student was clearly indicating how hard he had practiced for that.

"Master Shin, I won't be easy on you," Lee Eunshi stated with a smirk.

"Even I do not want you to be easy on me," Cheung Shin replied. Lee Eunshi moved ahead and attacked fiercely at Cheung Shin but he easily dodged his attack. Lee Eunshi swiftly turned back as he had to defend the attack from Cheung Shin which he did.

"Whoa! Master Shin has incredible skills despite he is of same age as us," murmured Yoon. Yoon was copying Cheung Shin moves by moving his hands in the air. The fight kept going on but at last Cheung Shin defeated Lee Eunshi. "Disciple, you need to work hard," Cheung Shin said with a smile to Eunshi who gave a nod.


Later in the noon, students had the class of Medicine where they were being taught the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. The class was being held in the second lecture hall which is used only for medical class.

The students were seating on the learning stairs while at the center an arrangement was made where different kinds of herbs were put in China dishes. Apart from that on a big white cotton cloth, a human body was drawn which was in laying position.

The instructor of Medicine, Seo Chan Shin arrived the lecture hall when all the students bowed their heads to greet him. Seo Chan was followed by two other junior instructors namely Man- Seok and Kyung- Mo.

They got seated on the seats made for them with straight backs. Seo Chan moved his eyes in the entire lecture hall. "Knowledge of medicine is extremely important. Some situations arise where one must have the knowledge to treat himself.

For example, after you will be sent for the government services there might be a chance you have to travel outside the Kingdom capital where you can get injured or sick. So, knowledge about them is important.

This class will tell you basics of Herbalism and Acupuncture. First of all I would like you to tell about the medicinal herbs – how to identify those herbs in a forest, how to extract it and how to apply it."

Assistant instructor Kyung-Mo picked the first China dish in which a brown dry powder could be seen. "Can anyone of you tell me what is this herb called?" Kyung-Mo asked, looking at all the students.

No one stepped ahead. "Ssanghwacha is a herbal medicine which is made of various herbal roots- white woodland Peony, dried roots of rehmannia. This is mostly taken as tea and cures not only fever but also calms you down. It freshens you up in brief," stated Seo Chan.

The instructors continued telling them about the basic medicines, giving them the samples to memorize them easily. "Ginseng is most commonly used herb not only in Joseon but China as well. Ginseng not only benefits the body in oxygen levels but also improves the brain functions. It has anti- oxidant properties which makes your immune stronger," Seo Chan asserted.

Yoon Shik recalled his father being a physician always used to tell this to Hani when she started learning Herbalism from him. The class continued till late evening. Before it ended, Seo Chan gave them an essay on Herbalism and basic medicines which it covered.

As soon as the class got over, students left the lecture hall. Some went to the cafeteria while some to their rooms to rest up. Yoon Shik went to the infirmary as he had to change the bandages. The physician checked his hands. He cleaned them and again applied the herbal paste on them. "You are the first student who is punished this way. You do not seem to be from upper class. An upper class man will never bear such kind of punishment," the physician proclaimed.

"Yes. I am not an upper-class men," stated Yoon Shik.

"But the 'Kim' surname is mostly used by upper-class men. The other classes are not allowed to use this name," the physician stated as he wrapped the cotton bandage around the right hand.

"But no one raised a point on this ever," Yoon Shik pronounced. The physician gave a smile as he tied a knot on the bandage.

"Which class are you from? Chungin?" the physician asked.

"No. I am from Sangmin section," Yoon Shik replied.

"Then, you might not have come into picture. Yangbans have such kinds of surnames mostly. Kim family is one of the strongest family of Joseon," asserted the physician as he applied a white paste on Yoon Shik's left hand.

"I think so," Yoon Shik replied.

"After a week, your hands will be fine. Here, take this pill after the meals," the physician told Yoon Shik, handing him a black colored pill. Yoon Shik took the pill from him and thanked him.