It was there that I met Harvey. He was hot. Hahaha. Hot was an understatement. From the first time I laid eyes on his picture next to the Welcome Address on the Campus newsletter, I started having the biggest crush ever on the college student president. It was so humongous a crush that I couldn't hide it from anyone.

I also met Christa. She sat next to me at the intro to economics lecture that Mona decided to skip. Christa was the kindest girl I had ever met. And probably the only other girl beside myself who could put up with Mona's catty ways.

In the first year, Christa married and mated Alpha Henry of the Silver Moon Pack. My best friend became a Luna over a single winter break. Of course I said yes when she asked me to be her bridesmaid.

That was how I really met Harvey. He was the groomsman paired with me to walk down the aisle. I kind of joked that this would be the closest I'd ever get to really walking down the aisle on the arm of a hot werewolf.

But ouch. I know Christa is my best friend, and the sweetest girl I know, but ouch.

Still after the wedding, Harvey and the other two betas from Moon Bell Pack invited us bridesmaids out for drinks. Sam and her mate James came too. I think Fred would have been jealous he couldn't come. James was Rebel the former fightdog... Fred's second favourite after Keys.

I drank a little too much. I was drunk enough to ask Ki if he used to be a fightdog too.

"S***. I forgot humans have a pretty low tolerance to alcohol." Harvey said, "Maybe I should send you back to the hotel."

He asked if the other ladies would like to return with us but Mona and Sam said they wanted to watch the midnight magic show at the club. Actually Sam wanted to watch the magic show. Mona said loudly enough for all the guys to hear, "I don't want to get in the way of your chance to get close to you crush."

Sam laughed. Sam was the third girl I've ever met who could smile and laugh off Mona's sharp tongue.

Mona said that talking to Sam didn't feel like talking to a girl, "Feels like talking to a really clueless guy."

But I think Mona secretly liked that someone thought she was funny.

So it was just my crush Harvey and a very drunk me.

He drove me back and walked me to my hotel room. I was so drunk, he even had to help me find my card key and open the door for me. I mean, I was so drunk that I didn't even remember my purse. Harvey was the one who remembered and brought it back with us.

"You not coming in?" I asked.

"Ask me again when you're sober." Harvey winked, and then he shut himself out and left.

But of course I would never ask a guy in when I was sober.

When school restarted for the new term, Harvey was the usual hot student president again, but he would offer a wry smile or a polite nod if I our eyes met or if I waved at him.

I finally worked up the courage to ask him out at the end of the school term when I realised he was graduating. We went out for coffee, just coffee, and talked a bit.

I asked him why he wasn't mated yet. He said he was mated to his work. All his relationships took second place and had to be discreet due to his position as the Beta of Moon Bell Pack.

He was also seeing two other ladies on and off. Their relationship was based on a written and signed contract.

They were strictly not to call him. One or two texts was okay but not repeatedly and he was not expected to reply until he got off work. They also should not call out to him in public, and especially not in front of anyone he worked with especially his Alpha, fellow betas, and pack members.

He did provide a monthly allowance that would be transferred directly into ladies' account. The contract can be ended at anytime. If it ended because of a breech on the ladies' side. It simply ends. If it was ended because he decided not to continue, there would be a final transfer of allowance for the next two months so they have enough to tide them through till they find another boyfriend or a job.

"They don't sound like girlfriends, more like your mistresses." I said with a bitter sounding laugh.

Harvey gave me a wry smile, "My work is my mate. So I guess you are right."

And then he changed the subject, "What about you?"

"I'm just waiting for the right guy." I said.

Specifically, I was waiting for my predestined werewolf mate, but it sounded silly for a human girl to say.

After that, Harvey paid and then politely sent me home. When I was with Harvey, I didn't ever have to take out my wallet, or open any doors, or pull out any chairs. It felt very strange to me.

"All the best after graduation, and keep in touch." I told him before he left.

Harvey looked surprised, and then he nodded, "Right, you too."

I kept wondering why he had looked surprised. I thought through my first date with my crush and then I wondered why he was so detailed about how his relationships worked. He had been vague talking about everything else thoughout the date.

And then I realised it - and this was why Harvey was really my crush. He was subtly asking if I would be interested in being one of his mistresses.

I cried then. Secretly in the bathroom. I locked myself in for nearly an hour crying. Was I only as good as one of his mistresses?

I think my heart was broken by Shilem, but it was crushed by Harvey.

It was my own fault though. I was the one who invited Harvey into my room when I was drunk. And then asked him out for a date. What else was he supposed to think?

And that was how I learned the cold hard truth that the romances in webnovel didn't always say. Hot werewolves were loyal and true to their mates... All the other girls who love them will be left crushed.

Once I figured that out, I realised that if I ever wanted my happily ever after it had to be with the wolf made just for me. Yes, I remember I was a human. I can't explain it but deep inside, I knew I had a soulmate.

After that I washed my face and stepped out of the bathroom as if nothing happened. I continued to ogle at Harvey and any hot Lycan that passed me on campus. My friends would tease me and I would laugh as if I didn't have a care in the world.

I still smiled and waved at Harvey who continued to return my greeting with a small smile and a polite nod. No matter what, I wouldn't let him know how he had affected me.

Harvey even helped me out a couple of times. Once when I was waiting for Mona to finish her extra class, a couple of persistent guys tried to pick me up and Harvey came over and we ended up going out for lunch. Mona was of course furious that I ditched her. I had to buy her juice everyday for a week before she forgave me.

Another time, I was reading at a bookstore while waiting for Fred and Marco to finish browsing at the fight dog magazine section when I accidentally met Shelly and Shilem. They were here at Gate City on a "lover's holiday".

Shelly made some really snide and embaressing remarks about my past and how funny to see me all alone and Harvey appeared from nowhere like the male lead in any romance story, he apologized for being late, put an arm around me, and excused us.

"Thanks?" I said.

Harvey immediately removed his arm, "I apologize if I overstepped the line."

"Ah no." I grinned, "Shelly's expression was priceless."

After that, he took me out for coffee. I remembered to text Marco and Fred to go home without me.

I actually still really liked Harvey. His manners were always polite, his tone was always measured, his breath was always minty, and he always made me feel safe.

"Thanks. It seems like you're always helping me out." I said.

"Don't mention it." Harvey said with a wry smile. And I couldn't help but remember that his personal relationships were discretely never mentioned.

"I don't like you anymore." I blurted out, "I won't be anyone's mistress."

Harvey looked surprised and then he looked apologetic, "I understand. I knew it from the first time we had coffee together."

"So where does that leave us? Are we friends?" I asked.

Harvey paused, "Yes. Friends should be fine."

"Just to be clear," I worded myself very carefully, "We're just friends as in friends without benefits, okay?"

"Yes. Just friends would be comfortable for me too." Harvey said.

And once it was properly established that we were just friends without benefits, Harvey felt it was safe to sometimes asked me out as his date for official events. Even after graduation, he would still pose as my boyfriend whenever he dropped by campus.

"I don't know why those guys are so persistent." I grumbled.

"It's because you're beautiful and cute." He said.

"Make up your mind, am I beautiful or am I cute?" I demanded.

"Both." Harvey told me with his usual wry smile.

Again, he was like the leading male of my webnovel fantasies. But I knew he was a wolf, and for a wolf, the only leading female in his life would be his mate. I was just a friend.

As if to prove my point, he would add, "Please hurry and get a boyfriend already."

And I would say, "You're the one who should be looking for your mate!"

And I would laugh...even though my heart would hurt.

It hurt less each time I laughed it off and by the time I graduated and started work, my heart stopped hurting whenever I was with him. I guess that was that. My heart had finally died. RIP.