It Has Begun

"Good morning, kiddos! This is your Morning Announcement! Time to seize the day!"

"Too bad 'seizing the day' means commit murder to you, Monokuma." I groaned. I got out of the bed and checked my bandages. Luckily, the wound stopped bleeding. I then left the room and headed to the dining area. Once I arrived, I saw Ishimaru, Asahina, Kirigiri, and Chihiro. I waved at them and went to make breakfast. I decided to make omelets for everyone, so I grabbed the eggs, cheese, salt and pepper, peppers, various meats, and cooking spray. While I was cooking, people started to flood into the room. I felt someone tug on my tux and I looked to see Chi staring at me.

"U-um, J-Jeremiah? Is it alright if I h-help you w-with breakfast?" He asked.

I smiled. "Sure! I'm not one to turn down a helping hand." Chi smiled and he chimed in to help. He would flip the omelets while I broke the eggs and mixed them. Soon, we had various omelets ready to eat.

"Wow! This looks amazing, Jeremiah!" Chi exclaimed. I smiled at his astonishment. We then handed the food out to everyone, but noticed two people were missing.

"Hey...Where's Togami and Maizono?" I asked.

"Hmm, it is unlike someone like Maizono to be late." Hifumi pondered.

Suddenly, Togami walked in and sat away from everyone. Melody stood up, "Excuse me Togami, is Maizono with you?"

Togami scoffed, "Do I look like her keeper?"

Mondo looked at Naegi, "Hey Naegi, you okay bro?" We looked at Naegi and his face had pure horror etched onto it.

"I need to go check on her!" Naegi ran out of the dining room. I followed after him, so I can make sure nobody got hurt. I lost him when I reached the hallway, but then heard Naegi scream, which made me run faster. Once I reached Maizono's room, I was shocked to see the state of it. The walls and floor were cut, the bed was a mess, and Naegi was unconscious again. I walked over to him and smelled blood coming from the bathroom.

When I looked inside, I immediately regretted my decision to leave her alone.

There laid Maizono along the wall, her blood splattered on it with the numbers '11307' painted behind her. Blood leaked from her mouth and a knife was lodged into her stomach. I tapped my fingers on my forehead, heart, left and right lung. I walked out of the bathroom and carried Naegi out of the room. An announcement rang from the speakers.

"Bum bum buuuum! We got our very first murder, folks! Now, everybody report to the gym and wait for further instructions!"

I entered the gym and laid Naegi on the bleachers. So somebody took Monokuma's motive and killed Maizono. The question is who?

While I was thinking, I felt someone wrap their arms around me and the person started sobbing. It was Chihiro, so I hugged him. The rest of the group arrived and Naegi woke up. Everything was just muffled noise. Except for a voice in my head saying, "You failed her. You failed Maizono."

Suddenly, there was an argument between Monokuma and...Junko?

"This whole thing can get benched!"

"Be reasonable!"

"You're one to talk! Saying it's 'kill or be killed'! I'm not being a part of this!"

Suddenly, Monokuma started blushing and sweating, "Oooh! All of this anger in front of me! Whatever shall I do? I must resist!" He then grew threatening, "No ma'am, I'm a bear that fights till his last breath! I will tear down any opposition before me! I will be victorious-"

Junko slammed her foot onto his face, "I'm sorry, you were trying to say something?"

"Big mistake~ School rules specifically state, 'No harm shall be done to the principal'! Activating Summoning Spell! Save me Spear of Gungnir!!"

I quickly rushed over to try and save Junko, but I was too late. She had been impaled by several spears and she looked painfully confused. "Okay...Not gonna lie, but...Why?" She choked out. The spears were soon removed and her body fell to the ground. Toko fainted from the bloodshed and I was frozen to my spot. That's two now that I had failed.

"N-no...Not...Again." I was hearing the voice again, drowning out the noise of everything around me. It was driving me crazy, until Togami spoke up.

"Well, it appears that you have failed once again, Jeremiah. How can you promise to get us all out if you can't even save one person?" He smirked, but continued. "You should do us all a favor and rid us of yourself. We do not need people like you giving us false hope."

"...." I didn't want to say anything, nor could I. He was right. My promise was pointless if I can't even help one person. I regretted making that promise.

"Togami, leave him alone!" Melody marched up to him, "In case you haven't noticed, Jeremiah is the only person who has been trying to do something whereas we've been sitting around and watching everything from the sidelines! He's only human, and you expect him to have an escape plan in five seconds! So please, do us a favor and start appreciating what he has done!"

It grew quiet, until I spoke up, "'s fine. I'm okay, I promise." I faked a small smile, even though his words hurt. "Besides, we need to find out who killed Maizono."

"Well, we can rule out Enoshima as a suspect." Togami stated.

I felt my e-handbook vibrate and took a gander at the notification. It was called the "Monokuma Files" and it held every exact detail about the murder and gave us a location...Naegi's room. Soon, people started accusing Naegi of killing Maizono. I don't think it was Naegi. I need to find out who did this or else we'll never get out of here!