In the mundane world, everyone knows the DeLuca's, the wife, world renowned fashion designer Blaise DeLuca and her husband Luciano DeLuca CEO and founder of an a-class resort and spa, but like any family, they have their secrets, starting with their daughter Aida DeLuca.
Draco Rivers is a ruthless hybrid; half demon, half lycan. An abomination in his supernatural world. Why? Because he was thought to not have a mate. But how can a King rule without his Queen? With hidden secrets of his own, the King will need his Queen by his more than anything else in the world.
What happens when Aida finds herself thrown into Draco's world, causing the wolves inside theirs heads to become drunk on love? How will she react when she learns her mate isn't just a King but also a God? Will the new world and new revelations drive her away? Or will her golden heart get the best of her?