WebNovelS I N19.05%

Capitolo Terzo

Sebastiano P.O.V

"Dannazione, fuckers can't get anything right!" I hiss to myself, turning to glare at the 2 pathetic excuses of men in front of me. frustration and anger runs through my veins. [translation: damn]

"Dov'è?" I question, running my hand through my hair. When I don't get an answer right away, I pull my gun out and shoot the man closest to me in the foot. [translation: Where is it?]

Yelling out, he crumbles to the floor, cowering against the wall, sobs leave his mouth. I turn toward the other man who's shaking in his boots and cock my brow up.

"We're sorry, but we don't know" I hear him whimper, his response only angers me further and he could tell because he tried to step back, but I quickly grab the front on his shirt and drag him to me.

"You have 5 hours to find it and return it back to me or there will be consequences" I tell him before letting him go. I watch as he quickly nods, picking up his buddy and runs out the back door.

Shaking my head at how my men managed to misplace a new shipment of guns that just came in, but not dwelling on it because it wasn't much of a big deal, the shipment could easily be replaced but they didn't need to know that. *wink*

Running my hand through my hair again and fixing the collar of my shirt, I make my way up from the basement to the second floor of my club.

The smile on my face is automatic when I see my love, who doesn't even notice when I enter because he's so deep in thought. My eyes glide down his muscular frame and I could feel my body responding to how fucking good he looks and he's all mine.

I don't even know what I would do if he were to leave me, we've been apart of each other's lives since forever and overcame so many obstacles to be where we are today and damn, I couldn't ask for anyone one to have done it with.

"What's on your mind neonato?" I whisper into his ear as my hands wrap around his neck from behind, I tilt his head backwards so I'm staring into his gorgeous hazel-green eyes.

"You're late" he replies with an eye roll knowing it would get on my nerves and there's nothing that I would want to do more than take him into one of the rooms in the back and have my way with him.

My hold on him tightens "Behave" I growl softly while glancing down at his pink kissable lips.

My eyes continue their trail downwards to see his cock was was starting to awaken. Merda

"Or what" he whispers, snapping away whatever resolve I had left.

Smirking, I slam my lips against his, causing me to gasp, but before I can slip my tongue into his mouth, I hear someone clear their throat from behind us.

Biting Nazaires lip, drawing a moan from him, I slowly pull away, to see who was interrupting our moment, I'm met with the brown eyes of Izaiah Marvos, our closest business partner, and friend.

Rolling my eyes, I turn away and slide into the booth next to Nazaire, who places his hand on my lap, I quickly grab it and interlace them with mine, knowing what he would do if I didn't.

"Where is she?" Nazaire questions as I watch Izaiah take a seat adjacent to us.

"I asked her to go get us a drink while I came to find you animals" he sends us a knowing look and I can't help but roll my eyes again, glancing at my love, who was already looking at me with a raised eyebrow and smirk on his face.

As both of them converses, I start to look around, my breath catches as my eyes wander to the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. She has on a tight, white off-the-shoulder dress that hugs her figure perfectly, outlining her breast, hips and ass. She finishes off the look with blush heels that complimented her milk chocolate complexion and a matching blush purse.

My eyes trail up from her curves to her heart shaped face, she had plump, pink kissable lips that were covered in gloss, a round button nose, high cheekbones, dark brown eyes surrounded by natural thick black lashes and black shoulder length, kinky curly hair that was parted to the side.

I would be lying, if I said, my cock wasn't aching to be buried deep inside her.

Yes I'm bisexual but I have never needed both man and women to be satisfied, and I have never thought of a women while I was with a man and vice versa.

I quickly avert my eyes back to Nazaire and Izaiah only to find Izaiah was gone and Nazaire seemed to be looking at something, rather someone. He looked memorized.

Following his line of sight, I'm not the least surprised to see that the person that had my fiancé's attention was no other than the same woman I was eye-fucking, but now instead of being down by the bar, she was walking toward our booth with Izaiah's arm wrapped around her waist.



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Until next time lovelies💋