
"This is too big,"

Ailen whined as he looked at his reflection through a full-body mirror that's standing near the dressing room. After hearing Meredith's answers two days ago, the white-haired boy decided to move onwards instead of panicking on his bed forever, knowing full well that it won't get him anywhere. Earlier, when he's contemplating during his lunch, Ailen made his first decision.

He was going to the main palace— the ruby palace, where the Emperor resided.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. This is the only attire that you could wear. Your old clothing would not fit anymore. The Emperor refused to tailor your suits since you fell asleep,"

Ailen rolled his eyes at Irma's explanation. But she's right.

He's wearing a slightly oversized white frilly shirt that completely swallowed his hands, neatly tucked on his black slacks. He also wore clean brown leather shoes that thankfully fit his tiny feet. Meredith was busy styling his messy white hair, combing hem neatly so his overgrown fringe won't cover his gray eyes.

Ailen had to admit; he looked cute.

Unrealistically cute.

He's not sure if he's actually a fairy or some sort of angel descendant.

"Your Highness," Meredith started after a beat of silence.

"For the last time, Meredith, call me Ailen,"

"I'm afraid I have to refuse," Meredith calmly responded, causing Ailen to huffed in annoyance. "Your Highness, are you sure about this? Don't you think this is too dangerous?"

"Dangerous?" Ailen asked.

"Well— The Emperor refused to check up on you for years. His Majesty already selected an heir, and the people of Vyre agreed with his decisions. What if— what if something bad happened to you? What if everyone rejected you?"

"I have to agree with Meredith," Irma, who finished adorning Ailen with rings and necklaces, chimed in. "Your Highness, you're completely aware that everyone detested you,"

"I'm aware, Irma. Thanks for reminding me," Ailen said sarcastically.

"Meredith and I couldn't protect you, Your Highness. We're mere maids, not sorcerers,"

"There are sorcerers?"

"Your Highness you knew about this," Meredith raised one of her eyebrows."Her Majesty The Empress told you everything about magic,"

"There's magic?" Ailen widened his eyes even more. Meredith and Irma looked at each other, then sighing simultaneously.

"Meredith, remind me to collect some books at the library,"

"Yes, Irma,"

Ailen started to feel anxious. If magic existed in this world, then the people who wanted him dead could effortlessly kill him. Now he understood why Meredith and Irma were worried. The Emperor possibly— no, he definitely possed magical power.

He could kill him on the spot. If he didn't, then others would.

Knowing how heartless the Emperor was, Ailen could tell that his life was in danger.

But there's a hope within him. If the Emperor wanted him dead, he could've just killed him discreetly, and everyone would think Ailen passed away from his illness. What's the point of keeping him alive?

He'll have his questions answered once he met the Emperor, his father.




The ruby palace wasn't that far from the emerald palace. Ailen only needed to walk through a marble path for ten minutes, crossing a small wooden bridge until he could see the magnificent palace through the trees.

Blue was the duvet of the sky, ornamented with clouds. As he walked through the forest, Ailen took a deep breath of the clear air. It felt like it's been ages since he let the cool gust touched his fair skin. Feeling the warmth of sunlight above him, hearing a chorus of birds echoing in the first— Ailen loved the serenity. His anxiety temporarily evaporated as he enjoyed the peaceful moment.

When Ailen looked up, his eyes blinked once and then twice to adjust to the rays that shone over the rich canopy, creating a relaxing kaleidoscope on the ground.

The pasture that interlaced with great magnificent roots poking through the forest's floor under the foliage above. Wildflowers decorating the floor, tiny twigs crunched underneath his shoes.

The little boy internally reminded himself to come back here once he's done dealing with the Emperor.

Although, he's not sure if he'll be able to return alive.