Time To Think Of A Plan

When the big doors were opened, Ailen saw a group of people already seated on large sofas in the grand living room specifically made for guests in the Sapphire Palace. They all stood up and bowed their heads when Ailen sauntered inside, followed by his maids. The maids bowed their heads before looming over the walls, letting Ailen walking by himself to the large sofa chair.

"Please, have a seat," Ailen said as he took a seat on the chair. The others did as he told.

All eyes were on him. Ailen remembered Irma's information about the Duke's family.

Duke Alphonse Thomlin. He's six-foot, and he's not afraid to display his blatant irritation toward the Crown Prince. His brown eyes were similar to his son's, Nicolas. Unlike his father, Nicolas looked reversed and calm. He gave a small, sincere smile when his eyes met with Ailen's. Nicolas looked a year younger than El. Then his mother, Yadira, who's sitting beside Nicolas—she's beautiful. But her entire being was screaming "Fake." Her smile, eyes, makeup, and everything about her were fake, and it's quite scary.

The atmosphere plummeted in a matter of seconds.

Ailen was prepared for it, nonetheless.

"Good afternoon, Duke, Sir Nicolas, and Duchess,"

"Good afternoon, Your Highness," Alphonse gave a tight-lipped smile, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "It's a great honor of mine and my family to be able to meet you at last. After seeing you directly, I can confirm the rumors about your well-being. And I apologized for not attending Your Highness' celebration party yesterday,"

Ailen nodded his head, already knowing this information.

The Duke family only attended the chapel's magic assessment, seated far on the galleries where it would be difficult to spot them. Then the Duke informed The Emperor, and Ailen received the information from him that he couldn't attend yesterday's party because of "family's matters."

It's a lame excuse, but Ailen only smiled.

"That's alright, Duke. There'll be plenties of gatherings in the near future,"

"Yes," Alphonse nodded. "Your Highness, I believe you haven't met my son,"

Nicolas lowered his head in courtesy. "Greetings, Your Highness. It's nice to finally meet you,"

"Likewise, Sir Nicolas," Ailen replied.

He tried to find any hint of insincerity in his eyes or voice, but there's none. This made Ailen slightly frowned in confusion. Wasn't Nicolas supposed to hate him because the elder couldn't be the heir anymore?

"I am indebted by your help for temporarily fulfilling my duties during my absence. My father told me I needed to learn from you, and I have to agree. I don't want to be a bother, but are you willing to teach me how to carry out a crown prince's duties?"

Nicolas nodded his head. "You don't need my permission, Your Highness. But yes, I would gladly assist you,"

Was it a façade? Maybe Nicolas could hide his intentions better than his parents?

Ailen couldn't figure it out.

"Your Highness,"

Alphonse's words made Ailen refocused. He averted his eyes to the Duke's.

"Yes, Duke?"

"May I ask you about the bond?"

"Of course. What do you wish to know?"

"Have you figure out how to use it?"

Same words as The Emperor. Ailen gave a bitter smile. "Not yet, unfortunately. His Majesty The Emperor forbid me to practice. Instead, he wanted me to focus on my recovery for a whole month while carrying out my duties,"

"I see," He sounded too relieved, and Ailen's smile twitched because of it. "His Majesty is considerate,"

"That he is," Ailen replied quietly.

The maids arrived with trays of tea and snacks to fill up the heavy silence.

It seemed like the Duke was thinking of something as he sipped his tea. Was he contemplating a plan? Ailen looked at his cup of tea, also thinking of how he could meet El again so he could gain information.