Lusophony and the beginning of the study of the nine types

With the mastery of the main languages, which are: English, Spanish, and finally, German, I can have the possibility to get to know new cultures. And that is what I aim for. One day, being able to travel to various places in the world and learn how each people on our planet behaves, acquiring knowledge, and leading a supportive and enthusiastic life.

Narration - Exploring outside culture

Douglas, a calm young man, embarks on one of his adventures around the world seeking knowledge and possibly new friendships. His first destination may be Germany, which is the country he develops and advances in several undergraduate courses. Right after the end of higher education, the time is to do an extension, or as can be conceptualized, a postgraduate degree and later, who knows, maybe a master's and doctorate abroad.

8th year of elementary school:

The Spanish teacher presents a different way of teaching. He advised everyone to take a dictionary and write ten words a week. I didn't start right away, but then I started this method. It lasted a short time. Then I left it aside. Clearly, the rest of the room didn't want to know about that. However, it was interesting because some still wondered about such a weekly activity.

Current days - The year 2020:

In November, I will start a new course that will be a combo, (English along with graphic design) at a technological school here in the city. It will be the first class of the year recently opened at the beginning of 2020. A little bit before, in 2017, when I was in the 1st year of high school, I was indicated to enter a design course. But it was only a week because I didn't enjoy it initially.

The language is consolidated into several groups which practice both oral and verbal language. However, there are linguistic differences between people from two social groups, as they speak in different ways. But what is common is the existence of groups in which they express themselves similarly. Therefore, it matches the characteristics of the concept of linguistic variation. As time went by, many inhabitants changed their ways of speaking because of the accumulation of many tribes' dialects. That is why there are a variety of sounds and letters around the world, both spoken and written. And now the writing is being "undone" to make room for a new techno-scientific revolution. The globalized and interrelated digital world is born. In Brazil, each region has its own dialects and characteristics that are manifested. For example: In Bahia, there is a way of speaking, and in Alagoas another way of expression. Thus, it constitutes the consolidation of linguistic variations throughout the national territory. Despite the techno-scientific advancement, many people still prefer to communicate orally on the street or close to other people in the same city or even from another state. Hence an intraregional difference in the varieties of the language.

Going back to the 9th grade, assuming that one day I will meet up with Bruna again, who knows, maybe it will be a day during a vacation? Or maybe it will be a period of travel and adventure around the world? Or rather, a day when I will be reunited with her at a university? I wonder where she would be today, doing what? Studying, reading books, watching series? But why didn't I get her number in 9th grade? The clearest answer was that I didn't have a good relationship with her and everyone around her didn't appreciate me anymore since I had changed my behavior. From normal behavior to abusive behavior. And the teacher? Will I be reunited with him in the future? In a university? In a lecture? Or was it just the past that is left behind and there is no turning back?

The answer related to the teacher is that he doesn't have a valid and finite answer, however, he left an innovative knowledge that I will point out here and now:

That of personality and the study of the enneagram of the nine types:

And what are the 9 types of enneagram? Simple: it is just the study of the personalities of each person. In this story, it is the study of each student. And I'm going to start this study with Bruna.

Bruna is type 1 of the enneagram of the personalities. She is a perfectionist and likes everything neat and well fragmented. She is that student who likes to read books and is sometimes very lively. But besides her, there was also another very relevant student. His name was Junior and he was very fearless and he liked to talk to everyone. There was a year when he disagreed with teacher Fábio because he thought differently. That year, the two were talking about politics. One talked about what he supported while the other talked about the other person he supported. So there was a divergence, different ideas, and thoughts from each other. Only there was a similarity behind:

Júnior also won the book just like the one I won and over time, he was reading and going deeper into the theories of that philosophical book. He and Bruna didn't have an approximation, they didn't talk much together, since he preferred to be with his colleagues. But he saw the turmoil we went through that year and had a very strong decision, which he had just ripped up the book he got from the professor. The day he tore the book, I ran after him to get his book and not let him tear the book. But in the end, he managed to rip and throw the sheets of paper in the trash. Then I went to stand up to the trash and see the torn leaves.

What Junior did was unacceptable. It is very ugly for you to take a book and tear it up in front of another colleague, whatever the book is. When he did that, I wasn't angry at him, I was just surprised. With that, Júnior can be classified in the enneagram of the 9 types as a very significant type, who likes to talk to everyone. So, it can be between types 3 and 6, of which they have loving and sentimental characteristics. But only those who should know their type, only the person knows. For example: only I know my type, and Bruna only knows her personality type. But I could already tell what her type was just by looking at her characteristics, mood, and personality.