Page XIV - Cinderella


She stood upon there in the late afternoon at the highest peak in the whole academy. Everything was small and the view stretched into infinity. The strong breeze of the winds caused her hair to hover behind her.

The atmosphere was silent. The longer she stood there, her sight and hearing began to disappear as she sinks down into the deep bottomless hole of the abyss.

Cold sweat came running down her face and the trembling sensation in her lips and legs seemed like it'll never stop.

"I'll do it." Words came out of her mouth as she tried to strengthen her resolve. "I'll do it." She said again to herself. "I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it..." She began to tell herself again and again.

Everything was in place for her to commit what she was about to do. She already wrote a note in her shoes. And her resolve was absolute.

She finally took a step forward to jump off the building.

Today, marks the death of Anastasia Veilyn...

Is what was supposed to happen but someone grabbed her from behind. "Eh?" She was dragged down to the ground. "What..?" She was confused and she couldn't let out any words. Her sight was slowly going back and so is her hearing. Her nervousness suddenly disappeared. "Why is he here? No one goes up here and it's nearing night..."

"The hell are you trying to do!?" The man who dragged her down asked her.

"...What do you mean?" She was trying to play it off so that he doesn't ask any questions.

The man asked her a lot of question but she replied with dead replies that doesn't have any meaning which drove him away. "The longer I talk to you, my personality changes for the worst." He looked at her one last time and let out another sigh. "Anyway, I'll be going now. Don't... do that again."

Her eyes widened and the strong breeze headed their way and then the man left. Her heart began to beat rapidly. Was it due to the words said by the man? Or was it due to the relief that she got out of that situation? She doesn't know. "Have I... been saved?"

Her eyes went suddenly blurry until a single tear went out. "Huh? Why am I crying? Huh?" She began to wipe her tears from her eyes but the tear just kept flowing. "Huh? Why? Why am I feeling like this? I... I resolved myself so why do I-" She stopped wiping her tears and just let it all fall out.

She looked at the sunset as the world slowly dims. "Ah... AHHH!" She opened her mouth and tried to shout all her thoughts but nothing came out. "I don't want to do it... I DON'T WANT TO DO IT... I DON'T WANT TO..." It was a silent cry that echoed throughout the night sky.


A few days later went by and her attempts... stopped. Her eyes opened and all she could think about was the man who saved her from that situation.

In the cafeteria in a thursday afternoon, the man who saved her was there, eating alone as he read the book on the table.

She immediately didn't go near him. She just observed since she didn't know what to do.

A man then came up to him, "Theodore!"

"So his name is Theodore huh?" She thought to herself. "Someday... I'll repay you back for saving me. And you'll have to take responsibility for letting me live."