Page XLVII - Wounds

It was a long and tedious process as they were all organizing all the thousands of books that were all around them.

They didn't notice it, but it turned into night as soon as they looked at the clock. Only the third floor are fully furnished and filled with books and organizing them all within a single day is impossible and took them a long time just for these.

"I'd help but its already night and I still have to join with the others for the finale of the anniversary." Theodore stated.

He waved goodbye at Celaine and went on his way, leaving her there in the library with the promise of coming back the next time he's around.

"Hey." A woman's voice greeted Theodore as he was walking to the gym.

Under the bright moonlight of the full moon, the light radiated throughout the entire area. The subtle light illuminated the darkness that was surrounding everything.

And under the moonlight, Anastasia was there.