Page LIV - Plans

It was a cold morning, every students were wearing their jackets and additions to their uniform. As long as they were wearing it, they'd be fine to wear anything.

It was just June yet the cold breeze of the winter was still coming and going. And today, it seems that it has reached its coldest point. Enough to bother most of the students in the academy to change the way they dress.

"For other countries, it might be hell on their side right now. Good thing that here its bearable even though its freezing cold." Ashton was fully dressed in a long coat and a scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Next time, if you don't wake up, I'll just leave you here." Theodore was pretty pissed off as he took over ten minutes trying to wake up Ashton. The solution to wake him up was just Theodore grabbing his hand and throwing him off his bed.

"Sorry, sorry, I had a good night's sleep. I stayed up pretty late because I was too excited. You get what I mean?"
