Page LXXXI - Her Smile

Everyone were already cleaning up their places and folding up their picnic blankets. The allotted time that was given to the picnic was ending and everyone was to go inside the bus within thirty minutes.

Theodore's group was cleaning up their places neatly and was throwing their trashes in the trash cans that were nearby. 

As Victoria was cleaning her own share of trash, she felt unsatisfactory and the feeling of jealiusy that was welling up inside of her.

Something felt incomplete and unfinished.

She tries to ignore it, yet the thought lingered on her mind.

And yes, the cause of this was none other than Theodore.

As he saw his smile earlier as they were taking a group photo, she knew everyone's view of Theodore changed as it was the first time he opened about something to them.

A feeling of yearning for that smile to come again and see it again.