"Have you taken care of it?" Randy was walking alongside Verza as they were trying to assess the situation. They were in the hospital that Theodore was taken in after the accident. "I hope that you had at least the brains to do this."
Verza then replied, "Y- yes. I've already sent multiple people to cancel out any device and internet in Isabelle's house."
"Good. She just got her life back on the best path possible. I don't want her to know about this incident."
"What's that quote again by Newton?"
"Ah... For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
"For a someone's life to be back, then somewhere in the world, someone's has to break."
"Hah, shut up with your stupid words."
"With all due respect, it is true."
"Hmph." Randy and Verza finally got to be in front of Theodore's hospital room.