Celaine's Lost Page III

"Theodore!" Celaine suddenly barged in Theodore and Ashton's dorm room as the rain was continually falling for the past day. 

Ashton turned off all of their consoles and tapped Theodore's shoulder, "Good luck man." Before leaving the room on their own.

"What's going on?" Theodore then asked as she let her in to sit on one of the chairs.

"I just... I just need someone to come with me." 


Celaine then gave Theodore her phone which contained a single message with the email attached from the hospital.

[Celaine Edelstein, your presence is required at the hospital. Your father's condition has been fluctuating lately. I hope that you can be here during hospital hours.]

Then followed the schedule of the hospital and a bunch of information on the email below. 

"I... I don't know what to do." Celaine began to break down and she wiped the tears off her face. She tried to stop but it just won't come down.