Victoria's Lost Page III

Victoria looked around all eyes were on her. She looked back on Adamo, "I'll be honored." She reached out her hand to place it on his.

Adamo stood up and grabbed her other hand and the music behind began to play loudly.

Hampshire signaled one of the members of the music crew to go ahead and record the scene and turn up the volume. 

Adamo dance with Victoria, leading her up into the middle of the ballroom. Everyone paving ways for the both of them as all eyes were all around them. "Sorry I'm late."

"Huh?" Victoria's eyes shined through the spotlight that was placed above them, but her face and her expression showed curiosity.

"Its me Theodore." 

"..!" Victoria's eyes widened at the sudden revelation. 

"I didn't know how to get in without raising suspicion. I use Isabelle's invitation to get in and this old persona of mine to get in without being asked why."

"You're... Adamo?"