Victoria's Lost Page IX

It was a bright sunny morning and Theodore and Conrad were standing there in the middle of the green open field, filled with hundreds of tombstones all around them. As they stood there, Theodore couldn't help but get distracted as Conrad stayed by his side for about an hour.

He just looked down on the thing in front of him and closed his eyes as he began to reminisce about that dark, rainy day.



A gush of blood flow through slowly as she fell to the ground. Theodore suddenly lost his strength as he stopped moving.

Conrad was in a state of shock not knowing what to do.

Randy made everyone behind him to stand down and lower their weapons as they watched the scene unfold.

Theodore slowly walked over and dropped down.

The silence in the air was somehow louder than the pouring of the rain.

That moment was surreal, but the feeling of dread and anger slowly climbed behind on Theodore's back. He held her in his arms.