Side Story #4 - The Promised Land

"Its finally time isn't it Theodore..?" Ashton lowered his hat on his head to cover his face.

"Indeed it is." Theodore did the same as he replied.

They both walked away from each other ten steps away from each other and then turned around. With their cowboy suits and hats, they stared directly at each other.

The strong breeze of the wind blew away some of the sand from the desert, creating a fog mist all around them.

A tumbleweed suddenly passed by.

As soon as they placed their hands on their weapons-



Theodore suddenly teleported behind Ashton and slashed his back.

Ashton's spell completely failed and missed, leaving a burnt trail all over the sand. "I lost!?" 

"Well, its your loss. I told you that it'll be over in a second." Theodore replied.

"But we were like, ten meters away!" 

"I used some buffs from the duel."