Side Story #11 - After Story 2 - The Future Beyond

So... its finally time huh. I said my goodbyes to her outside of the place. It was the last time I could see her until she becomes a completely different person. 

I could only walk and stood by the stands and watch her there in the large basketball field. Exactly 91.86ft long and 49.21ft wide of battlefield.

The two teams finally entered, among the crowds below, I could see her there without a problem.

I know that I'm not the one playing, but I felt as if my whole body was shivering in fear and nervousness. 

It was something that I never thought I'd feel again.

I've seen her train, fight and did everything she could to get to this point. And all I could do is sit back and watch. The powerless ness that I feel can't be described by anything. 

I could hear the cheers and shouts from the crowds as the singers of each country's stepped up the stage to sing their national anthems.