
''What qualifications did you say does she possess to become a candidate, again?'' I asked as my surroundings return to normal. The gray and dull street was turning into reality. I took the red gem from the hand of the woman lying unconscious.

Apparently, Rosa's treasure could borrow some of the space when activated, but the borrowed time had to run out to be free. Rosa had lied when she said she can free us. Because if she could, she would have broken the space-time prison much earlier.

''She's cruel, beautiful, rich, and a liar,'' the fox said. These were probably the qualities that made Rosa a candidate.

''...and you say I couldn't kill her because?''

''For your own good,'' the fox said and appeared in the fake street about the vanish and give its place to the real one. I predicted that within a few minutes the red gem would run out of energy completely.

''Killing someone of your own kind doesn't build a good reputation among demons. This redhead, for example, will lose credibility for threatening you to expose to humans. The guide she carries won't reveal valuable secrets to her,'' the fox said and paused to lick its paw.

''It cannot be said that you gave me precious secrets either. Did I do something wrong?'' I asked and used the healing skill one last time before we go back to reality.

''Nah,'' the fox said and disappeared from the ground seconds before colors came back to the world. ''You aren't bad. Maybe a little too cautious and conservative, but these are not traits that are harmful in your current situation. We can fix you later, when the environment is safe.''

I opened my mouth to say I don't need to be fixed, but the first breath I took was a cloud of smoke that entered my lungs and makes me cough, preventing me from talking. ''What... what is that?''

''Faith,'' the fox said and when I looked around I understood what it was talking about. A convoy of humans with candles in their hands was walking with slow steps and praying quietly. Their silent prayers hurt my ears like the screams of a monster.

''Get out here,'' the fox said and I didn't object. I could see the convoy on the main road from where I was, but where I was wasn't on their route. I heard the fox's voice as I headed to the other end of the street, ''Get the redhead with you.''

Frowning, I did as it said. Rosa wasn't on my favorite people list, but I was pretty sure the first thing she would do was to expose me when she gets captured. Supporting her with my shoulder, I tried to think of a way that we wouldn't encounter the convoy of believers.

Furthermore, it wouldn't be too bad to gain points myself on the fox's 'the ones that would help the breed' list. Maybe it'd even give me some of the so called precious secrets.

While the smoke, I mean the faith, was burning my eyes and hurting my throat, I entered the path I chose. If I was alone it wouldn't be too hard to get away from the convoy, but with every helpful believer approaching to offer to help Rosa, my situation was getting worse.

''Let me tell you already, I don't have a plan to babysit the girl. She'll have to deal with this shit alone,'' I said.

''You don't have a responsibility to do such a thing,'' the fox said. I took a breath of relief when the last believer carrying a candle disappeared. I rushed to reach the hotel room I was staying in. I had no idea where else I could go.

''Still,'' the fox added. Even if it was affected by prayers, it didn't seem like it did. ''You need to find a shell for the soul of the redhead. Not just because she'll suffer, but because you cannot trade a damaged soul.''

Frowning, ''Can you describe the shell?'' I asked.

''To be able to exist in the physical world without erosion, souls need some kind of shell. Anything that has a physical presence. A statue, a jewel, a seashell, a flower. Bodies of demonic creatures for some reason cannot hold a soul. The temple of light says it's because we're cursed, maybe they're right maybe not.''

When we entered the street leading to the hotel, I pondered how to explain about Rosa if Ender is there. She was still unconscious and it was dark already. She clearly lied about time stopping when we were in the space prison.

''At least I practiced my skill to heal. In the legendary dungeon, whatever that means, I prefer to have a stronger healing skill over a weak one,'' I thought. I was grateful for the chocolate cake I eat. I could feel the hunger rising but it was bearable.

I heard the noisy kitchen maid try to get permission to join the convoy, but her grandma wouldn't let her go. The fox laughed, ''This old lady is not a believer, I guess.''

Sighing, ''I hope that holiness passes quickly,'' I said. We were at the hotel already.

''I hate to break it down to you, but it won't,'' the fox said. ''That cleric is pretty talented. This is a ritual that will protect the town from the evil all season. I recommend that you end your business here and move elsewhere as quickly as possible.''

Frowning I considered all my possible choices. I really didn't have many options to go. I put Rosa on the bed in the hotel room. Ender wasn't here. ''I will deal with the problems one by one. You said jewels can be shells, what about that?''

The fox looked at the red gem I took from Rosa and nodded. ''Show me how,'' I said and it did. The ritual was not too complicated. A drop of blood, a few words.

''It's because the soul belongs to someone else. If it were yours, it would be much harder for it to leave you,'' the fox said. The only difficulty of the ritual was that it was tiring. I wondered when Ender would come back.

The fox was sitting on Rosa's chest. ''Did you miss the tattoo guy?''

Shaking my head, ''No,'' I said. ''I hope he's not in the town. I prefer for him not to wonder why there was a demon attack on the street he took me to.''