Ends Are New Beginnings

Sorry to interrupt your reading, and sorry for no updates my dear and precious readers. There is something important to me that I'd like to share with you. I know you don't know him and probably will find that annoying but I have a boyfriend.

The person I have dreamed to share a future and build a home with puppies and kitties with. The person who supported me to write naughty stories and supported my dream to tell the world my ideas through my books one day. The first and only person who I opened up to, shared the abused twelve years old girl in me, the person who supported me instead of the family who was not there when I need it, the lover I loved with my heart and soul, not just said ''I love you'' because I need to be loved back. The only person who makes me feel safe and at home.

He has passed away. He is no longer here. I'm alone. Alone. I still can't accept it. Why him? Why, of all worthless scumbags who are still alive, wealthy, healthy, why it has to be my only love and support? The kind hearted person who loved to be alone with nature more than anything, helped others knowing they wouldn't do the same for him, my shield and the source of my will to move forward, why him? I've been a wreck. Just cried and hated everything. I don't know how to survive anymore.

Still, I have no other choice. He'd be terrified if he knew how much I want to join him. The only thing he left behind is our dreams. So I shall work to make them real. I don't know how, how will I do that without him. I'll try. I know my writing sucks. Worse when in English. I don't even know how to pronounce most of the words I write. I'll try. I'm broke. I don't know how will I build a home for doggos and adopt children from the war area close to my home country. Maybe we just fantasized too much. But I have to try. I have nothing else.

Sorry, again, for using you without your consent for my need to share. I'm just... missing him so bad. It makes me crazy. I'd kill to take him back even for a minute.


Okay, the crying session is over. I had to take a break. The story will continue now. I suggest everyone to read the last chapters again if you don't remember what happened.


I received the circlet from the guild and spent the rest of the day charging it, meditating. ''It can be used three times without recharging and has an hour cooldown,'' I murmured, opening my eyes and stretching.

''What exactly it does?'' the fox asked.

''Hmm...'' bending my neck from side to side, ''As you always say, you'll learn when the time comes, but I have to say that it's really, really cool,'' I said.

The fox grimaced and disappeared from my sight. ''You ungrateful child. And I was thinking of teaching you a way to provide life energy in troublesome conditions, like this. Forget it.''

''You can't fool me. I'm sure that you don't even blink watching me starving. You'll teach it when you have to. Not a second early,'' I said and sighed. ''It should be okay. Hermes will be there, and Ender, I guess.''

Hermes opened the door as if his name helped me summon him. ''If you are ready, we can leave.''

Frowning, ''Isn't it a little early?'' I asked.

Hermes leaned against the door. We were in one of the rooms whose purpose has not yet been decided and the construction of which has just been finished. ''It is. Cleric Roen wants to cast some kind of protection spell before leaving the town.''

''Roen? Wait, are we leaving the town? And Roen comes too?''

''Sure. He is the darkness element. Did you forget?'' said Hermes. I didn't answer, I really had forgotten about him.

Seeing I wasn't answering, Hermes continued. ''The dinner will be served at the army base inside the forest. I don't know what Roen plans to do, but I'm sure it will take a long time. Since the trip to the forest will take a little while, we have to go now if we don't want to be late. ''

So we set out with the sickening feeling in my stomach that grows as I get closer to the temple. Mr. Blacksmith joined us as we left the guild with a short nod as a greeting and nothing else.

I wanted to ask if he is going to represent an element but I was feeling sick and he really wasn't a fan of chatting, so my unasked question remained unanswered. Luckily, other than feeling sick, nothing bad happened and Roen greeted us before we entered the temple.

''Hermes, I'm glad you came early. I'll take a tour around town and plant a few things, against something trying to get in in my absence. Could you accompany me in case anything ill will appear? You too, dear Kall.''

Kall must be Mr. blacksmith, I thought. Then Roen turned to me. I kept my face as expressionless as possible.

''If you don't mind, please meet us in two hours at the north gate. The spell is not difficult, but the road will be tiring.''

I gladly accepted. Luckily, Roen was a sexist and I was a fragile little woman. Otherwise, we'd have to learn how protection spells react to having a demon there while they are being cast. The spell was to keep something from getting in, and my aim was to get out, ''So it shouldn't be a problem, right?'' I said.

''How are you going to return to town when there is a protection spell?'' I heard the fox's voice in my mind.

"Umm... there is nothing I can do right now. I'll worry about this later and if I'm unable to return, well, I was planning to leave this town eventually anyway."

But since the previous attempts didn't work because my evolving is still continue, I wasn't afraid of the spell. For now, at least.

After they're gone, I leaned against a wall and tried to find the bond between my mind and Miran's mind. I couldn't get any closer to the temple than I already was and Roen was gone. It seemed like a good chance to me.

I took a deep breath and ignored the smoke that burned my throat. The temple's defense wasn't weak, it could easily stop an attack that stronger than I could have done. However, I wasn't trying to attack. A pinpoint size gap, it was there and it was all I needed. I called Miran, she heard me.