Damn Fairy Magic

It wasn't easy to send Miran to the temple, where she will be safe, but somehow I managed to reach our decided meeting spot before everyone else. Sadly, I didn't have time to catch my breath. It didn't take long to hear that someone was getting closer. The armored group's steps weren't exactly quiet.

Hermes was the first one to notice me from distance. His smile was no different from a ''come, eat me'' note on the table with the most mouthwatering dishes on display. My body wasn't happy that I didn't let my sweet pet help me relax.

Sighing, ''I can't say the rest of the group had the same effect on me,'' I said.

The fox image in my mind was rolling on imaginary grass. ''I don't agree. Some of them look tasty.''

''I am not saying he doesn't look tasty. Cleric Roen is a cleric. Off the table. I don't want to be burned alive.''

It was the fox's turn the sigh. ''It'd be a huge success if you can do him though. Hmm... I do remember the blacksmith is pretty nicely toned. Spread the cream on six-packs and lick kind of toned.''

I had to shake my head to get rid of the scene he was forging a sword before the fire and sweaty biceps. ''Right but Kall is grumpy. Plus, has an annoying daughter.''

''What about those two?''

''They weren't supposed to be here,'' I said and focused on the newcomers since they were close enough to greet.

''You're more crowded than the last time I saw you.'' I greeted Casey and Xander. They were still a couple and though we weren't close, there wasn't a problem between me and them.

Hermes sighed. Kall nodded as he frowned. The fox's ears perked up. ''This is not his usual frown. This is 'there is a problem' frown.''

''You don't know him this much.''

''Hey, he is hot. Of course I know him.''

Roen dropped his pack and started taking out the regular ritual tools. Candles, a fancy ritual knife, mysterious tiny glass bottles. ''Don't mind me, I'll seal the hexagon with this sixth point so we can leave as soon as possible. With this, no evil creature will be able to enter the town while I'm away.''

''Why don't you keep the barrier all the time?'' Casey asked.

Sighing, ''Our modest temple can't afford to keep it all the time. Energy crystals are not cheap.''

Hermes took my arm and lead the rest of the group to the outer of the town. ''Let's give the cleric some privacy to complete his prayer in peace.''

Casey narrowed her eyes focused on Hermes's grip. Kall and Xander probably weren't aware.

''Are you getting softer? Being guided is not your thing.'' The fox chuckled.

''He isn't forceful,'' I said. ''His touching is like an invite to follow.''

When we reached a distance we can see the cleric but can't hear him, we stopped. Hermes released my arm and made eye contact with everyone in the group before starting talking. ''Casey, can you explain again why are you here?''

Casey took a step forward nodding. ''We received a message after you left. 'The route is dangerous. Take another one. Take more warriors, but not too many people that will slow you down and make a clearer target. Dinner will take place as planned. Lieutenant En.' So we came.''

Hermes pressed his thumb to his lower lip as he was in deep thought. A nice, plump, suitable to bite lower lip. ''I'd rather have you in the guild while I am away... but it's not such a big loss. Kall, you have used to roam this area long before our guild exist. Can you lead us the way?''

''I will.''

I was a little surprised that he actually answered instead of nodding. The fox was also interested in the conversation. ''Hot manly voice for a hot manly man. I approve.''

I nearly choked trying not to laugh in such a serious situation. But the fox wasn't wrong. He was lucky at the voice department. Suddenly, a cold unnatural wind made me gasp, a wind coming from Cleric Roen's direction. I looked around but nobody else seemed affected so I didn't say anything.

Hermes was still in deep thoughts. ''I never heard of lieutenant En. Are you sure the message from the military?''

''Yes,'' said Xander. ''They contacted us as the military always do and we checked the seal.''

''They would use a name you are familiar with and pretend to be someone you trusted to deceive you, Hermes,'' said Roen as he walked towards us.

''True, I guess,'' he shook his head and took a breath. ''Is everyone ready to leave?''

Everyone agreed, nodding or murmuring. So we departed.

Hermes decided our array. ''Xander will be at the front. He will travel back and forth to explore the route Kall described and make sure there is no ambush. I'll be at the back, covering our traces, and won't let anyone catch us unguarded from behind. Everyone else will be the main group and carry our backup armory with potions. Okay?''

''Wait,'' said Casey. ''I should be in the back.''

I saw Hermes struggling under his calm expression to say her no without making her mad. Casey wasn't exactly the obedient type. ''I need you to keep eye on the healers and blacksmith. It doesn't matter where I am with my arrow and bow but the distance will make your skills useless if something happens.''

Casey wasn't glad but had no counter argument. The forest was quiet, there weren't many species because of the rough climate. After an hour of walking, it became really quiet. No birds, no curious squirrels making the branches hush, no flowing water noise.

''This is an unnatural silence,'' the fox said in my mind. I was just about to ask what is happening when an arrow pierced the outer layer of a tree before us and did that without any noise.

Casey opened her mouth but no words could be heard. I read her lips, ''arrow, belongs, Hermes'' I looked back for Hermes, but he was nowhere to see. The light curtain wavered and I caught a scene of three vs one. Fairy illusion, I thought, and they made the sounds disappear so our scouts can't alert us.

''The arrow wasn't a mistake,'' I said but nobody heard.

Casey's expression turned into a frightened one as she gazed forward. Kall opened his mouth, but he wasn't able to make a sound either. His lips moved to say ''Go.'' and she sprinted.

Roen tried to catch her but she was too fast. I saw his lips moved to say ''Idiots'' before following her. I looked at Kall and we moved to find Hermes at the same time. Our group was successfully divided.