Chapter Seven.


Won's family house was a posh, three story building, with a spacious driveway and big windows. In a way, the house resembled Go's mansion. Doyun and Sungwoon were best friends, and their taste was almost identical, hence the resemblance part.

When three cars drove through the gates, despite it being almost five in the morning, the whole place was bustling with people. Daechul assumed Doyun hired more maids to keep the house presentable for his guests. It was such a Won thing.

Daechul killed the engine, stepped outside and helped Jihyun carry the sleeping girls inside. Doyun's men proceeded to collect the family's baggage.

When the door, leading inside, opened, Daechul was expecting one of the maids to let the guests inside. Half asleep Minsoo was surely a surprise. He seemed a bit frustrated, but plastered on a smile and greeted Daechul.

"Hello, welcome in", Daechul nodded.

His usually bubbly mother briefly complimented the boy's bubble pink hair and left to find Doyun with Siwon in tow.

"Hyun, go upstairs and get the girls into beds, okay? Kimoon said that our guest rooms will have the doors open, so you will find everything easily. And afterwards, get some sleep too, okay?"

"Sure, Chulie. See you in a few hours".

After he left, Daechul and Minsoo stood alone in the spacious foyer, only low voices of the maids were heard occasionally.

"Kim told me everything. How are you?"

Minsoo's question surprised Daechul. He met his eyes and sighed.

"Like shit, honestly. I feel like it's my fault that my family is so shaken up. And now you too are annoyed, we just breached into your safe place", Daechul didn't quite know why he told all of this to practically a stranger, but something about Minsoo made him trust the boy.

Minsoo sadly smiled.

"It's truly not your fault, Daechul. Don't burden yourself with thoughts like this."

Daechul was surprised how much comfort that boy's words brought for him.

"And... I'm sorry for crashing into your car. I'm trying to get my license, but I can see that I'm not a good driver yet..." Minsoo's smile changed into a sheepish one.

Daechul chuckled.

"It's okay, it was one small bump, I didn't even bring it to my mechanic."

"Oh, well, Kim was really angry with me, like seething."

They both laughed.

Calm and laid back atmosphere was gone as soon as Daechul's phone rang.

"Um, it was nice talking to you. I will leave you to it", Minsoo gestured into Daechul's leather jacket pocket where the ringing sound was coming from, briefly nodded and disappeared into the house.

Daechul was left slightly disappointed, and it was unnerving for him.


"Hello, this is Shin Jongil speaking".

Daechul widened his eyes and stepped outside. He didn't expect the man to reach out for him so soon.

"Yes, Hyun listening".

"I apologise for the sudden call, but my men encountered some problems. I was forced to reach out to you, and would like to meet up as soon as possible".

The boy frowned. One problem after another. This stay won't be as enjoyable as he wanted it to be.

"We can meet up in about an hour. I will text you the address".

"See you then".


Daechul pulled over the gang building and killed the engine. His mind was going haywire, trying to make sense of everything that is happening in his life. First the robbery, then his brother's mysterious date, Minsoo, the shooting and finally the news about the reappeared killer. He still didn't know how to feel about that. He couldn't help but think that everything was related. And that certainly did not help with his resurfacing headache.

Daechul stepped outside and headed towards his office. He arrived earlier to peacefully wait for Jongil and calm his nerves.

Daechul was greeted by his men and made his way into his cabinet. The whole building was eerily calm, but that did not faze the man at all. If anything, he poured himself a glass of Scottish whiskey and sat down, intended to relax a little.

He wanted to push his thoughts away from a certain pink-haired man but simply couldn't. His gentle yet playful aura was intriguing. But Daechul mentally shook his head. He didn't do relationships, he didn't fall in love. In a world like his, to have such a weakness was almost deadly. Unnecessary deaths and injuries were not something he wanted on his hands. Minsoo was attractive, that much he could admit. But he hardly knew him through two very brief interactions. Daechul was keen on keeping it all this way. He was already protective over his family and friends. He didn't wish to bring yet another person into this equation and risk more lives.

Just as he finished his glass, Daechul heard a knock on his wooden door. After his firm 'come in', his mate Beomseok opened the door and with a nod to Daechul, let in Shin Jongil.

Daechul stood up to shake hands and looked over the man.

Shin Jongil was a tall, dark haired man with cat-like eyes and fair skin. His facial expression was so serious, Daechul thought it was almost stony.

Both men shook their hands.

"Shin Jongil".

"Hyun Daechul. Nice to meet you, please sit down".

Jongil nodded and both men made themselves comfortable on the plush leather chairs.

"Can I offer you a glass of whiskey or something else?", Daechul politely asked.

"Yes, a glass of whiskey would be nice".

Daechul stood up, found two crystal glasses, filled them with alcohol and, after bringing one to his guest, returned to his seat.

"I believe the matter is serious?"

"Yes. I was planning on meeting you a few days after tomorrow, but unfortunately, something happened, and it needs to be discussed immediately".

Daechul frowned, urging Jongil to continue.

"A few hours earlier the house I was staying in was ambushed. My sister and two men are injured, one is dead."

Daechul cursed under his breath. Jongil's furious look was intimidating. He took a sip of his whiskey.

Daechul cleared his throat.

"I believe we have the same enemy. The same thing happened in my family home too. The security, that was patrolling the house was badly injured."

Jongil met Daechul's eyes.

"Do you have any idea who the shooters were?"

Daechul pondered for a moment. He wondered if he should say the truth. But he figured that Jongil was a potential ally, so he needed to be honest.

"My detective informed me that it was my father's killer."

Jongil looked visually surprised. He surely did not expect that.

"Sungwoon's killer is in town?"

Daechul sighed.

"It appears to be true."

"What are you planning on doing?", Jongil asked, honestly curious.

"I will find that bastard and make him pay for this shit he's putting us through", he muttered through clenched teeth. The whiskey was kicking in.

"Sungwoon was a good man. I wish you luck. Also, I offer you my help as well. Clearly, it is just as serious for me, as it is for you", Jongil was hinting at his injured people and sister.

Daechul nodded, showing his gratitude.

"Thank you."
