A blue sky in any other World

"Damn it and the weather forecaster said it wasn't going to raining today." charles cursed to himself silently as he quickly made his way through the streets.

Thinking about the package that was to be delivered to him today, and not wanting it to be wet.

His feet began to sprint, lightly jumping over the puddles that begin to form the side walk.

Charles gazed both direction before he crossedwalk the road it was quite difficult to see anything with the heavy rain, seing no cars he began to crossed.


the bright headlight of the car for a moment took all his vision,by the time he could focused again he was seeing the back of the car as it speed of into the distance.

his gazed move down he blinked once... twice.

'why was his body in such a shape'

his mind finally connected to what had happened to his body, he was in a hit an run accident and that twisted bloody mangled body was his, and layed dying on the street.

pain it was indescribable to the point he wished he was dead. So painful that he could make no sound, though he doubted he could've made any noise, with the condition of his chest.

Darkness lay claimed to his consciousness. he had no clue as to how long he had been in that darkness before something took a hold of him.

at first he tried to resist before he realized the futility of it. letting himself be pulled, there was sounds everywhere, and bright light that almost blinded his vision.

everything was extremely disorienting, the giants that surrounded him seemed to be joyful.

"Wah" the sound that came out of his vocal cord definitely wasn't his.

squinting to protect his eyes from the bright light and to better see his surroundings,the shape of the figure which was holding him began to take form.

the blurriness began to recede, a pale skin women with dark orbs, and hair.

she was covered in sweat and seemed to be extremely tired though it didn't diminish her bright smile, she opened her mouth and spoke,

'Yeah gibberish' Charles though, finally the women closed her eyes still smiling brightly, another hand appeared grasping a hold and lifting him up.

green flack jacket, with what seemed to be three scroll pouches on each side of, 'are you shitting me' he though as he observed the mans clothe.

and watching even closer he notice the arm band with the red and white uchiha fan symbol, the dark spiky haired man with scarlet eyes.

that Charles had seen so often in his world though it had been on a tv screen not face to face, Charles simply blackout out his tired mind simply unable to deal with the shock.

Time skip [5 Years] [Location: Shinobi Academy]

'A clear blue sky with no clouds in sight' he though Standing in front of the throngs of parents and children in the academy gates.

He couldn't help but being moved for a second at this opportunity he had chanced upon.

And knowing how precious it was he had no intention of dying ever again. Even if he had to become a...monster.