Four thousand years ago a little girl named Freya created a spark that changed the universe forever. That spark became a dragon of flames but it was no ordinary dragon. The dragon had the power of every mythological creature in the universe past present and future. The dragon made a planet for each part of herself five thousand light-years away from earth. The dragon named every planet and decided to live on the main planet Antar(the planet for witches).
After a while the dragon started to get lonely, so she took her human form. She went to earth and choose people to make like her. Each species had five or six people, but one had twelve people. She called them the originals and they decided to call her Dragon Flame. She took each of them to their planets and made each of them a portal in their castle that can go anywhere. She crowned one of the originals as king or queen of their planet. Dragon Flame decided to stay on Antar and be queen.
Dragon Flame began to feel less lonely until she realized everyone didn't get along. She knew something had to change. Over the next few weeks, the originals started to turn people. While the originals were turning people, Dragon Flame was coming up with a plan. She asked all the originals for some of their blood. They didn't know what she was planning but they gave her their blood none the less. Her plan was officially in motion. She started looking for someone kind, honest, trusting, and would risk their lives to save someone they didn't know. Dragon Flame started looking for this person but she got pregnant. So Dragon flame put the search on hold. When she had her son Valkar he grew very quickly and had the same powers as her. He could also become a dragon-like his mother. She thought he would bring everyone together but he didn't. So she went back to her original plan.
She started looking for someone who had all the qualities she was seeking for. She was hopeful but after 2 months she lost all hope. She had met with everyone and used her powers to see if they were the one, but no one was. So she went to talk to her friend kali. When Dragon Flame got to Ester's house she told her everything. Ester said '' I hate to say this but no one is like that.'' Dragon Flame '' I know that, what am I going to do?'' Ester said ''it's up to you I can't tell you what to do.'' Dragon Flame said ''your right I'm gonna go take a walk'' and left.
Dragon Flame went for a walk down main-street when she ran into her friend Eva Balcoin Hale. (The Hales are the most powerful family of kanays because they have dark magic. Eva's husband Percy is a wizard. Percy is a Balcoin and his family also is the most powerful family of witches and wizards and has dark magic too. Percy's mother is one of the original witches Rose and his father is one of the original wizards James. Eva's mother is Charity and her father's name is Federico. They are both originals too. Kanays and witches hate each other which is why I love these two.) Dragon Flame said, "wow nice baby bump." Eva said '' thanks it turns out I'm pregnant with twins.'' Dragon Flame said, "wow twins do you know the sex?" "We decided to be surprised." "That's amazing can I?" "Sure."
Dragon Flame put her hand on Eva's belly and had a vision. She saw everything she was looking for in Eva's unborn children. Dragon Flame took her hand off of Eva's stomach. Dragon Flame also saw that Eva's daughter had a hole in her heart. Dragon Flame told Eva and said she could heal her daughter. Eva agreed. Dragon Flame met with Percy and Eva. She injected the originals blood near the baby's and began a spell to make the blood go in their system. Dragon Flame said, "tu pre eso inverine et occidere eso sde mutantur rumeo vivant, the spell is complete." Dragon flame then used magic to kill them so they would turn. Everything was going according to plan and now the real story begins.