

Alpha King Alic's POV

I go back to the cells as soon as I wake up. Taking care of this boy is really making doing my Alpha work difficult.

I need to see remorse. I need him to know he was wrong. I need him to know he is a wolf. I need him to want to help us. If I can get that I can use him in my pack... I can help him.

I enter the cell and the boy jumps up and runs over to me.

"Shhhh!" He puts a finger to his lips. That's when I notice his darkened eyes.

"Titan is still asleep. He's already getting better at controlling me I'm not sure I'll be able to do this again." He rambles... I like his wolf. It will be a shame when I can't talk to him. He is easier to deal with than his human counterpart.

"So that's how you're doing this. He didn't know how to control you... like a newly shifted pup but because you are more mature instead of shifting you could take over this form... fascinating!" I am amazed by this wolf. He's smart.

"Yea yea cool... I mean no disrespect Alpha King but my time is short! Titan may look like a grown wolf but inside he's still a pup... now that he knows what he is he is a depressed, guilt stricken, suicidal pup... he wants you to kill him for what he's done... he says he can't live with himself. He says if you don't do it he will! I don't want to die Alpha! I don't want to lose my mate! I just woke up after ten years! I want to live!" I can hear the panic in the wolfs voice.

Well I guess the boy is remorseful, he knows he was wrong, and he's accepted he is a wolf. That was easy... now can I talk him off the ledge? Will he want to help us?

"I understand... thank you for telling me." I say.

"Human never would... he will probably try and provoke you into killing him. Its easier than doing it himself... I'm sorry for all we've done. I know it doesn't fix it but if you can make him agree to live we will do all we can to make amends." It's like he is reading my mind.

"I appreciate that young wolf... but I need to hear it from Titan. He is the one in control most of the time. I need him to want to be here." I tell him.

"I'm dead then... crap! He's waking up! Good bye my king!" With that he dives onto the bed.

Titan's POV

"Morning sunshine." I hear just as I start to wake up. I sit up in my bed.

"Morning Alpha... how long have you been there?" I ask. Dude is creeping me out but oh well as long as he ends this today he can be as voyeuristic as he wants.

"Let's go for a walk." He says opening my cell and tossing me a shirt. Wonder how he knew I'd need one? I slip it on. I keep my eyes on the floor in front of me as I walk out and he follows.

We walk down a sidewalk. I count the lines as we move from one square to the next. One two just a bullet to shoot. Three four I will rise no more. Five six burn me with some sticks. Seven eight I deserve this fate. Nine ten never breath again.

"Look at me Titan." The king pulls me from my thoughts and I look at him. "How are you?"

Seriously? I'm good Alpha King! I attempted mass genocide on my own people why wouldn't I be fine!

"Peachy as soon as you Dogs let me go!" I need him mad enough to kill. The sympathy in his eyes won't do me any good. He just sighs.

"I know what you are trying to do Titan... I'm not going to kill you." He tells me.

"Sure you are! I'm a traitor to my people that's what my wolf told me when I asked about the consequences you mentioned yesterday. You're the king you can't let that go! So come on kingey boy! Kill me! You could do it with your bare hands! Come on! I give you my life now take it!" I yell placing his hand on my neck. He still just looks sad for me. What will it take for me to get to this guy?

"Fine!" I yell and take off running. In a matter of seconds I am on the ground.

"Titan!" The king yells pulling me to my feet. I struggle against him but his grip is tight and I can barely move my arms... not to mention I don't want to hurt him. "CALM DOWN!" He commands and my body stills. He releases me and I stand in front of him.

"Your death will not repay what you have taken. Killing you won't bring them back." He says softly.

"I'm sure others would disagree. I'm sure many want me dead. Why couldn't one of them have taken me?" I am defeated. I can't keep fighting. I just want this over with.

"You want to leave your mate? Leave what's left of your people to die when you could help them? Are you that selfish? You would let thousands more die to relieve your own guilt?" He asks.

"She's better off without me... and I can't help anyone." I say.

"She is smitten with you boy much to my dismay... I'm losing my little girl. But I can't even imagine her pain if I were to kill her mate." He smiles at me and it only makes me feel worse.

"The guy that was with her when we met... he's an Alpha right? Is he a good man?" I ask.

"Soon to be Alpha Bane... his family is crap but yes I believe he is a good man." The king sighs.

"Would he treat her well?"

"I believe he would... but you are her..." I cut him off.

"Then she should be with him. It would be better for her." I say.

"No it wouldn't... you are not in a position to be who she needs now, but if you die... if you leave her! She will be broken. Once you meet your mate the bond starts and only grows... she would be devastated." He explains putting a hand on my shoulder.

"She would move on." I say simply.

"What about everyone else? You could help train us! It is obvious our methods don't hold a candle to your training... 4 pups taking out thousands of grown wariors! We need you! Come on Titan you can do more good alive than dead." He is trying to make me feel better... it's not working.

"I gave you my life... if you won't take it than tell me what to do... decide on a punishment you see fit if you truly won't end this. I am yours Alpha King." I just want this to stop... maybe after I serve some kind of penance he will let it end.

"That's not what I want son. I don't intend to punish you... you're doing a bang up job of that yourself. I want to offer you a job." He says. At that I look up from the ground at him. What the crap!?

"A job?" I ask.

"Yes... you see my Gamma was killed a few months ago while visiting another pack... I need a new Gamma." He states.

"Gamma?" I ask.

"Third in command. In charge of military efforts and training." He says.

"You want me to join your pack?" Talk about a curve ball! Why would he want me?

"Yes." He replies.

"No one would listen to me... I am the enemy." I tell him.

"If you become my Gamma they will submit to you. Respect you will have to earn but they will listen." He explains.

"If that's what you want I will do it." I'm done thinking for myself. I'm too stupid to see when I'm being lied to for ten years. I trust the wrong people. I can't be trusted to make my own decisions.

"Don't take it so lightly... ranking wolves are devoted to the pack. Fiercely loyal. Every fiber of your being would want to help and serve me and the pack. Plus since you are an Alpha you would have to surrender that to me submitting to my authority. You would no longer be able to command other wolves. It will change you." His explanation makes me want to do it. It will change me. Give me something to live for. Take away the authority I never thought I deserved. It sounds... good!

"Yes Alpha yes! I will be your Gamma." I smile. Its not fake either. I still feel like scum. I still think I deserve to die. But maybe I can help first. Maybe this change will be good.

"One more thing... the royal pack is immortal... you can be killed but you will not age or get sick or die of old age. Immortal not invincible." He tells me. Well I plan to get killed once everyone else is safe anyway so old age or lack there of isn't a problem.

"Do it." I state.

"We need one thing first." He says and begins walking quickly. I run after him.

"What is it?" I ask as wa approach a large mansion.

"Your name."

We walk into an office and he tells me to sit down. He then takes a seat opposite me at the desk.

"Ten years ago six packs were attacked. Three destroyed three had the Alpha's son kidnapped. I put them together because in the case of the first three the Alpha Heir was never found." He lays six photos of boys in front of me. "Each child was between the age of 9 and 11... do you recognize these boys?" I look at the photos.

"This is Aries... this boy died soon after I woke up... this is Odin... I don't know him... this is Anhur... and this is me." It's weird to see pictures of us... fathe... the commander never let us have pictures. I continue to look at he faces of my friends disgarding the other two boys. This is my family.

"Well. It's nice to meet you Asher Brian Frasier... of course that's who you are!" He laughs.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I knew your father... we were friends. I'm glad you're alive Asher." He smiles at me.

Asher... my name is Asher... Ash...

Flashback  (age 10)

"Ash run!" Tina yells.

"Come on sis we need to get out of here!" I say trying to lift the book shelf off of my sister's legs.

"Bubby go! They will hurt you!" She is so little I can't leave her behind.

"Ahhh! You had us looking everywhere little Alpha!" A man says entering the room.

"Leave now!" I growl at him.

"I don't think so." He says pointing a gun at Tina. "Come here now or baby sis gets a bullet."

I lower my head and walk over to him ignoring my sister's pleas for me to run. The man grabs me holding my arms to my sides with his one large arm wrapped around me. "Good dog!" He says and fires the gun.


"What's wrong Asher... Asher!... Titan!" The kings voice pulls me from the memory.

"I had a sister... she was little... they killed her... I didn't fight... I didn't stop him... it's my fault." I whisper more to myself than him.

"You did... Tina... she was a little angel... it wasn't your fault Titan." He says.

"Asher... that's my name... my father named me and that's what I'll go by." I tell him.

"I'm glad to hear it Asher... are you ready to become Gamma?" He asks.

"Yes sir." I answer.

"Just a second I need to link Beta Malak to bring the supplies." I nod to him. "Oh sorry by link I mean..." I cut him off.

"Mind link between you and a pack member... I remember everything now you don't need to explain. Call your Beta." I tell him. He nods and I see his eyes get foggy for a few seconds. A little later a man walks in with a knife and a paper.

"This is a variation of the words used by the first True Beta to give his Alpha power to his brother. We have modified it for you to take the position of Gamma." The king explains handing me the paper. "Please read it aloud."

"I... Alpha Asher Brian Frasier hereby relinquish the abilities and authority as Alpha from me and my progeny to you Alpha King Alaric Steven Grayson. I pledge myself to you and your pack submitting to you alone and taking the position of your Gamma for as long as I draw breath. " I read. Alpha Alaric cuts his palm and hands me the knife to do the same.

"I Alpha King Alaric Steven Grayson accept you Asher Brian Frasier as my Gamma." He shakes my bloodied hand. I can feel the power  flowing out of me and into him. It is soon replaced with a different kind of power. I know I still have authority but it's not the same. Once the power shift is over the King drops my hand.

"Pretty cool hu pup?" I look at the king but realize he spoke in the link.

"I kinda forgot that I'd enter the pack mind link... haven't heard this in a long time." I link back.

"Well Malak here is going to show you to your new room... eventually you will have the Gamma's house but for now I'd like you to stay in the pack house." The king says aloud.

"You trust me? Just like that?" I ask utterly confused. He literally pulled me from a cell this morning.

"You just devoted your life to me and this pack... you couldn't betray me if you wanted to. I told you ranking wolvs are fiercely loyal... now I have some calls to make." He says and Malak turns to leave so I follow.

"So... you're the Beta... nice to meet you." I say trying to break the tension he hasn't spoken to me at all. We stop in front of a door and he opens it. "Are you going to talk to me at any point?"

"You are Gamma. I am Beta. I don't answer to you. I don't agree with Alic appointing you. I don't like you." He says glaring at me.

"Sorry I asked." I respond.

"Wariors train at 5am in the clearing between the pack houses." He turns to leave.

"Did I kill someone you love?" I ask assuming that is why he hates me.

"No... If you hurt my niece I will kill you. If she sheds one tear because of you I will gut you like a pig. I don't care what Alic says she deserves better." He says.

"I couldn't agree more... she deserves everything and I am nothing. I don't want to hurt her." I tell him.

"Glad we're on the same page... 5am dont be late. Dinner is out at 6 if you want to eat with the pack... we put some clothes in there for you. Please shower first. You stink." On that he turns and leaves.

Well that was fun.

I go into the room shower and get dressed... I am part of a pack again... I'm not sure what to think of that. As I leave the bathroom I hear a knock at the door.

When I open it her scent hits me before I even see her.

"Hello Emily." I say with a smile.

"Hello Titan." She pushes past me. "I heard you were moved in here. Had to see it for myself. How'd you get Dad to let you go?" She sits on my bed.

"Please call me Asher... and when you become Gamma they pull you out of the cells." I tell her.

"Gamma?! Cool! Congratulations... so why am I calling you Asher all of the sudden?" She asks.

"That's my name. Titan was the name given to me by a man who took me as a child." I explain with as little detail as possible. I see she wants more information but she closes her mouth and nods.

"Well it's nice to meet you Asher." She smiles at me. "You've got to be hungry... let's go!"she grabs my hand pulling me out of the room. The feeling of her hand in mine is just... perfect. I didn't want to come down here but I'd do anything for this girl.